
Hitting Your Kids is Legal in All 50 States


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  4 comments

Hitting Your Kids is Legal in All 50 States
Hitting Your Kids is Legal in All 50 States
Adrian Peterson was arrested on child abuse charges because he hit his child too hard not because he hit his child.

Most Americans can agree that Adrian Peterson crossed the line when he whipped his four-year-old son with a switch and left cuts and welts on the boys legs. But the line for what constitutes illegal behavior when it comes to parents striking their children is subject to different rules throughout the country.

Peterson seems to have genuinely believed at the time that he was not abusing his son. After all, it is legal to hit a child in all fifty U.S. states and the District of Columbia . States differ widely about what precisely is allowed.

In Delaware, for example, state law forbids a parent from hitting a child with a closed fist. But in Oklahoma, no such explicit prohibition exists. There, the law permits a parent to hit a child with a switch provided that the parent only uses ordinary force.

Much depends on the discretion of prosecutors. Both Arizona and Alabama allow the use of reasonable and appropriate physical force, but what is reasonable and appropriate in each state depends on existing case law and the interpretation of judges. The fact that Louisiana makes no mention of spanking but allows reasonable discipline that doesnt seriously endanger the health of a child.

Its a very complex subject, Director of the American Bar Associations Center on Children and the Law Howard Davidson told TIME. I personally favor parents knowing what the law says in terms of what they can and cant do and just saying reasonable doesnt provide a lot of guidance, he said.

In Texas, corporal punishment becomes child abuse when it results in substantial harm to a child. As a practical matter in Texas, that means a physical injury that leaves a mark, like bleeding and bruising, as Peterson apparently did.

The law in that state is clearer than some others about when a spanking becomes child abuse. That standardwhen a swat leaves a markis common among many states but what exactly a mark is doesnt always mean the same thing. In Maine, for instance, corporal punishment is lawful if it results in no more than transient discomfort or minor temporary marks. Georgia simply forbids any physical injury, but here again, what that means is largely at the discretion of judges and prosecutors.

Some, like Deb Sandek, program director with the Center for Effective Discipline, argue, not without evidence , that corporal punishment of any kind causes psychological trauma in children and should be banned entirely. There are effective discipline strategies that teach children right from wrong, she said. Why not go in a more proactive strategy and help children learn to problem solve and handle conflict without aggression?

Around the world 39 countries, including Malta, Bolivia, and Brazil this year, have banned corporal punishment of children.

But any such national ban would go against the grain of public opinion today: four out of five Americans believe spanking children is sometimes appropriate, according to a 2013 poll from the Nielsen -owned market research firm Harris Interactive. Barring a major shift in public opinion or judicial interpretation, on corporal punishment of children well be grappling with the devil in the details for some time yet.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Around the world 39 countries, including Malta, Bolivia, and Brazil this year, have banned corporal punishment of children.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Enough of this PC crap already, or get real used to this disrespectful and out of control youth syndrome AMEN !!

Freshman Silent
link   jennilee    10 years ago
Legal, shew, bet that's a relief to my mother. I would hate to see her be arrested for all the whacks I got with the orange hot wheel track. Thst stung as much as a switch.
Freshman Silent
link   Aeonpax    10 years ago

All 50 states also have "Child Abuse" laws and if such punishment crosses the line, you will be prosecuted for it.

The old canard, "my daddy and mommy punished me this way" is NOT a valid legal defense.



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