Super Smoothie for Health, Weight Loss, & Beauty
Category: Health, Science & Technology
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner • 11 years ago • 12 commentsI just discovered Kimberly Snyder. She's a very clever entrepreneur, but her healthy eating advice is quite sound .
There are basically 3 ways to market healthy eating plans and products: for health, for weight loss, and for "beauty". In her marketing she has focused on how superb health creates glowing beauty. However, looking at her stuff its clear to me that her approach is excellent (although its definitely not for everyone).
I am not interested in "beauty" & no longer have any problems with my weight, but I've been interested in health (particularly diet & nutrition as well as exercise) for many years. So I just ordered her most recent book.
Here's her GGS ("Glowing Green Smoothie") recipe. She recommends having 16 oz first thing in the morning daily (and then increasing to 24 oz or so). I've been drinking 30 oz each morning.
My experience is that is elicits a de-tox reaction for a while (the degree & duration depends upon how poor your eating habits have been), and then feels great. I addition to ongoing de-tox & alkalinity, it has very powerful naturally occurring phytochemical (Plant based) nutrients. (Consistent with her overall approach, she emphasizes the benefits for "beauty"-- but it goes far beyond that).
Following her complete program is definitely not for everyone-- I would only recommend it for people who are serious about their health. However, IMHO, even for people who aren't willing to commit to vibrant health, just about everyone could benefit from adding this smoothie to their daily eating-- or even drinking it several days/week.
Whatever she says to eat, I'm gonna eat!
I just bought one a few months ago-- amazing!
(I never met a person whose Vitamix they didn't like!)
The recipe on her website makes 60 0z, which she says is 6 servings. (She claims it stays good in the frig for 21/2-3 days). Of curse you could also cut down on the amt of Apple and Pear.
Also, it has a really high amount of fiber which lowers the glycemic index considerably.
I've been doing smoothies for quite a while. The main thing that struck me about this one was the tremendous amt of green leafies she put it in (Romaine & Spinach).
Sounds like some really healthy mixes!
I've been doing 30 ozs of hers every morning, and with dinner I have a smaller one which is basically a liquid salad. (I also add a tsp. of Chlorella or Spirulina, 1/2 raw onion, etc. I sometimes use Rolled Oats, Berries. I aim for 3 Tablespoons of seeds each day-- 1 each of Pumpkin, Flax or Chia, & Hemp-- with meals or in smoothies. Sometimes as a special treat I eat Walnuts (expensive as I only use Organic ingredients). At home I am strictly vegan. (Exception-- I eat 4 oz portions of Wild Caught Salmon 2-3X/wk.
Hal are you vegan or vegetarian?
Professional make-up artists can do amazing things, and then of course there's Photoshop. But I have a feeling she really does look that vibrant:
And its not just the food, she regularly practices Yoga as well:
(She goes into a full Adho Mukha Vrksasana {Handstand} at 3:30-- a fairly advanced pose)