Via: dowser • 11 years ago • 27 comments
I find this instrument fascinating... Watch the intricacies while it plays a very beautiful song... I must admit, some of those arm things are a bit creepy!
I couldn't open the photo or video posted by you, but I want to say that I loved stringed instruments. I owned 2 fabulous guitars - a vintage Martin D 28 and a Gibson B-45-12 also vintage, a banjo, a mandolin, an autoharp and a dulcimer. I loved the music of Ravi Shankar, and I thought that my dulcimer had a similar sound because it was double-stringed. When I came to China I gave all my instruments to my son, because they were too difficult to carry and expensive to ship.
I can see this as being either computer generated or a wonderful invention that I wish I had!!!
Music played by crab legs ? I must be getting hungry ...
It look like the creature in ALIEN!
Funny! I love this, though!
That is exactly what I thought, the first time I saw it. I'm wondering just what kind of mechanism could drive it...
I couldn't open the photo or video posted by you, but I want to say that I loved stringed instruments. I owned 2 fabulous guitars - a vintage Martin D 28 and a Gibson B-45-12 also vintage, a banjo, a mandolin, an autoharp and a dulcimer. I loved the music of Ravi Shankar, and I thought that my dulcimer had a similar sound because it was double-stringed. When I came to China I gave all my instruments to my son, because they were too difficult to carry and expensive to ship.
Dowser - this is anime - and it is awesomely done.
Let me see if I can find the actual site and post a link, ok? It's a real shame you can't open YouTube videos!
It looks so REAL!
I want one.
Did you like it?
Well, I hope this works, Buzz!
I played one in the 60's. I was somewhere in San Francisco, North Beach, or the Haight, can't really remember it all that well. It's all kind of hazy.
It looks like it has a life of its own. How very cool!
Marsha this one is real
Really cool!
I found their website: Animusic . Some interesting stuff there.
Was that the night we shared the bong powered by the aquarium pump? Those were the days...
It really does!
Oh my gosh! That's neat! Thanks, Larry!
Lots of interesting things on that site! Thanks!
Yes, I got to see it. What did you do to make it accessible by me?
I went to the site, and just gave you the link to the site.
I love this stuff! I wish I could write music like this!
Why must everyone use YouTube when the original sites are more accessible and credible?
Where's the Border Patrol when you need it
Oh, not that kind of alien.
FUNNY!!!! In all honesty, I thought the same. It was kind of creepy!
Because, for me, it is easier to find...