Sarah Palin Knocks Self Unconscious Taking Ice Bucket Challenge
Earlier today, Sarah Palin knocked herself unconscious while participating in the Ice Bucket Challenge. Sponsoredby the ALS Association, the Ice Bucket Challenge has participants film themselves pouring a bucket of water and ice over their heads. According to aides, Palin was unaware that the ice bucket was supposed to contain water and instead froze the entire bucket before dumping the large block of ice directly onto her own head. Unconscious, she was rushed to the hospital where doctors confirmed that she suffered from a mild concussion but no permanent damage. According to the attending physician, Mrs. Palin, was lucky to have a thicker than normal skull and a slightly smaller than average brain. This physical abnormality likely protected her from more severe injuries. Palins representatives are using the injury to explain away a viral video of an incoherent Palin . People assumed she was intoxicated, but that was not the case. This was the result of the accident, but Sarah is perfectly fine now and just as smart as she ever was. The video was filmed more than a week ago, but her representatives are adamant that todays injury caused the odd occurrence.
Many notable people have participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge including Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg. Interestingly, of the tens of thousands of participants, no one else has attempted to dump a large block of ice on their head. For those interested in supporting the ALS Association and taking the Ice Bucket Challenge, heres how it is supposed to work. Take a video of yourself pouring a bucket of ice AND water over your head and post it on your favorite social network. When you post, challenge three friends or colleagues to do the same within 24 hours. They can opt out of being drenched by making a small donation towards ALS research. So, grab a bucket and get soaked for a great cause and remember whenever you are uncertain about something ask yourself, What would Sarah Palin do? and then do the opposite.
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Ouch. That had to hurt.
Funny! Thanks for the chuckle!
I know you are a Palin fan. I hope I haven't hurt your feelings. Sorry, dude. *Grump wanders off snickering.*
I went to the sporting good store a while back and I was shopping for a scope for my rifle. We target practice, but don't hunt. The clerk brings me a scope and says, "You will be interested in this scope. This is the same scope that Sarah Palin uses."
My brain sorta had a spin and I wondered what that had to do with me buying a scope for my .22 target rifle. I told him, "I'm not a fan of Palin." He got a disgusted look on his face and he started trembling. Yup, he was shaking, red faced and glaring at me. He was shaking so hard he could barely get the scope back in it's box. He wouldn't help me after that and I left the store. I did stop off and tell the manager what had happened.
Now that Palin has her own online 'network', does that mean the rest of the media can stop reporting her dumbo remarks? Please?
Different sides of the same coin, I think.
I think the real story is that she ran headfirst into an iceberg that came from Russia. It's right outside her front door you know.
Knocked herself unconscious?
It seems to me that she's been pretty unconscious all along!
gggrrrr..I can't get the video to work....
lol....Good one!!
Oh, so true, Gunny.
Gunny, has already taken a look at this .
Ah, there you go, AH-- promulgating 'inconvenient truth' again...