More than Just a Pretty Face … Butterflies are Important to the Planet!
Dont Forget Butterflies! Our Pollination Crisis Is About More Than Honeybees
Early this summer, after a month or so of not seeing the numbers and varieties of butterfly species I'm used to seeing, I started to wonder whether their absence was a local phenomenon, or, something more extensive and therefore troublesome.
"Therefore troublesome" may be the answer or at least the basis of a question.
Ordinarily I'd get dozens of good butterfly photos in a given summer; but in the summer of 2014, only a precious few and these, many, many miles from home.
Gulf Fritillary Butterfly (Agraulis vanillae)
"Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?" _ Joni Mitchell
I noticed a significant reduction in the number of butterflies and bees in my garden this year and was wondering why
The butterflies here in Colorado showed up late are were gone within seven days. Don't know if their brief appearance is the harbinger of a bad winter but I hope not.
Beautiful photo's AMac as usual. Keep up the good work.
My favorites...butterflies! They're beautiful Mac! Thanks for sharing the precious few photos you were able to get.
I heard, not too long ago, that the Monarch"s numbers, at least here in Michigan, are way down...I think I've seen one this year. I remember as a kid it seemed like they were everywhere. I also heard recently that honey bees are endangered.