BREAKING NEWS - Kim K. is Frustated That Her Butt is too Big
In a major breaking story Kim K. is frustrated with the size of her butt.
It's been reported by your erstwhile reporter that she said, ''my ass is two ax handles wide''.
This shocking news, has set all news junkies on their ass.
Finally, a story that is of national importance, not the run of the mill stuff, like ME, immigration, legal or illegal.
I report, you comment.
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Wait, wait...who's on top, who's on the bottom and who wears the Berka RL.
But, but, we wouldn't have the earth shattering news that we have today. I mean, come on 2blue, they are, ''The Kardashians'' after all.
Well flame, it is ''two ax handles wide''.
The whole Cowdashian clan moves one to have a much more favorable attitude toward Soylent Green....
LMAO, yes it does Swamijim.
Those butt cheeks are so big that she could name them. Probably East and West.
OMGosh. There's enough there for all of us.
I have only one thing to say.. but I'll let Bri Bri say it for me!
OK, that was just funny.
LOL, that is true Grump.
Good one Perrie.
Baby gotlotsa back...
She's got nothin'
OMG Steve. That's a whole lotta back.
I've heard that before Gunny...
Correct. So Kim has no worries, yet.
Now that errrr thinggot back.
LOL, or BOL......
Girlfriend is proud of it, too! Good for her!
That HAS to be photo-shopped!!
OMG that's a big one. How could
I'm having some logistics problems with that.
first successful transplant with watermelons. The seeded variety
It's not that it is soooo big, it's that you see so much of it, and so often...
The whole lot of 'em, including Bruce, are a buncha boring cows.
''logistics problems''...ROTFL... I'm not gonna ask.
''first successful transplant with watermelons''....LOLOLOL
That is true Dowser, way to often.
Careful Larry, don't be insulting cows.....
Kavika checks his camera....Nope, it the original Nona....
OMG..when she goes swimming in the ocean ,people mistake her for a hump-back whale, with al of that junk she has in the trunk!! Did youuse a special lens on your camera?? lol