Hello? Is this thing on....?
Category: The Lighter Side/ Humor
Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty • 11 years ago • 10 commentsHello? Does anyone on here have one little bit of empathy for their fellow man? It does not have to be that much, really. Just a little, tiny, miniscule concept of anyones' existence other than their own? Or, are we all really so perfect that we can sit in judgement, exercising our minescule power, posting to eviscerate, to tear down, to piss on some other, making the discussions on the site sink ever lower, bringing the personal into where it does not belong?
Dateline: News Talkers, somewhere in cyberspace, right now...
It has been reported that the news social website commonly known to it's members as NT has imploded upon itself, taking out several Ning servers and a technician at the complex where the servers were housed. Currently, the owner, Resident Assistant, chief cook and bottle washer Perrie "WTF are the children doing now!" Halpern could not be reached for comment, though she was reported to be holed up with her cat and repeating, over and over, "Wally. You are the only sane thing I know. Please take me away!"
Apparently, the level of vitriol, spurious postings and and people striking their keyboards in fits of pique was enough to start a chain reaction data cascade that overloaded the system and circumvented the Bullshit filter, causing the servers to burst into flames.
Services for the technician will be announced at a later date.
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Wally isn't taking any calls now. He's having a cat nap
There are periods of fits a sparks and then it settles down.
But if it doesn't Wally can reached Mon-Fri 9am-9:15, 11:33-11:52, 3:33-3:47, and 11:38-11:44
That is good information to have...
The rest of the time he is either sleeping, eating, or preening...
''Apparently, the level of vitriol, spurious postings and people striking their keyboards in fits of pique was enough to start a chain reaction data cascade that overloaded the system and circumvented the Bullshit filter, causing the servers to burst into flames''
I love it...LOLOLOLOL
Run Wally, run.
Poor servers - poor Wally - who the heck is Perrie???
She used to be the RA of this joint before someone bought her a little white coat.
The end of "happe"
You know, of course, that you're outta this world.