Mexico is taking a step further in its continuous fight against obesity by restricting television advertisements for high-calorie foods and soft drinks.
BBC News reported the ads will be banned between 2:30-7:30 P.M. on weekdays and between 7:30 A.M. -7:30 P.M. on weekends.
Similar restrictions will be imposed on ads shown at movie theaters.
With these new advertising constraints and its soda tax, Mexico is going further than other country in the war against obesity.
The United Kingdom, Norway and Quebec province in Canada all have bans on advertising junk food during children television broadcasts.
However, advertisements still appear in more popular family programming, the BBC reported.
Manufacturers in Mexico will also have to label the sugar, fat and saturated fat content on their food and drink products starting in 2015.
According to the Overseas Development Institute, in Mexico at least 70 percent of adults and 30 percent of children are obese or overweight.
This is a great idea. Obesity in this country is an epidemic.
It was all fine until they beat the US for obesity rates... then it's like OH SNAP! That's bad.
It's good to know the US is still a good measuring stick for some things
It's good to know the US is still a good measuring stick for some things
ha ha ha ..
But it is definitely important.
The times they are a changin'. It used to be legal to air ads like this on TV (but then those "meanies" banned them):
It's kind of a twist, now days, they show ads that NEVER would have been allowed back then.
I'm sorry, but this strikes me as funny...
They have people being gunned down on the street for drug violence, and they're worried about SODA???
I guess they decided to change the things they can and accept the things they cannot change...
hmmm....That shamefully didn't occur to me. Nona hangs head
Darling friend, YOU have nothing to be ashamed of!!!
I love you, don't worry! I just found it 'funny'!!! (Funny peculiar, not as Funny Haha.)
I love you too sweet Dowser!! I knew what you meant, it just made me think outside of the box.
A fizzionary decision.
It'll fizzle out.
It's bad for the teeth also....
....groan.... lol