What Kind of Cookies do Nerds Eat?
More than once I have been asked the question, "How does your mind work?"
The question has justification in that I tend to view reality as an on-going-tragic-comedy one in which I'm either seething with rage at the stupidity of (so-called) "humanity," or, mocking it with scathing sarcasm and/or humor.
And regularly, from, as it is said, "out-of-the-blue," some "thought" will hit me and I will run with it. And when one comes, I will sometimes share it. Rage-rousingshared-thoughts that come under the heading of "The Stupidity (Meanness, Hatefulness, etc.) of (so-called) 'humanity'," I will often verbally foot note with the acknowledgement, "And that's why I don't own firearms." Many still walk among us for that very reason -- I am, a pacifist.
This morning, one such thought came to me as I was taking out the trash -- one I found so ridiculous that it made me laugh out loud spontaneously (not always the smartest thing to do on a Philadelphia street BTW).
So, here it is -- no apologies -- no explanation other than, "When the Cosmos Speaks to Me, I Never Argue with it!"
NERD a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious
NEBBISH a person, who is regarded as pitifully ineffectual, timid, or submissive
NABISCO (no definition provided)
Nebbish-Co. Love It!
Good one Mac.
How funny!
Thanks for sharing!!
I could be wrong, but I believe in recent years the term "nerd" has taken on a less pejorative connotation, and hence, definition.
The definition I posted is directly from a dictionary however, I think the sit-com "The Big Bang Theory," has provided a more loser-friendly connotation. (Pun intended)
Otherwise, Jonathan, I was merely making a pun-of-a-joke.
The correct [not humorous] answer to the question these days is "very expensive" cookies . That's because a lot of the really big bucks are being earned these days by nerds starting their own companies . Do you actually want a list ?!
Good one.
Please tell us how you feel about the new N abisco O reo T hins, NOT for short.