
Backlighting for Spirituality


Category:  Photography & Art

Via:  a-macarthur  •  11 years ago  •  9 comments

Backlighting for Spirituality

Stained glass windows in houses of worship take advantage of "transmitted light," that is, light that passes through the translucent, colored (stained) glass rather than being reflected off of its surface.

The inherent spirituality of such perceived light is a phenomenon of interaction/reaction between the human nervous system and God/Nature/The Cosmos

so, why not exemplify the phenomenon capturing transmitted sunlight and a Cosmos flower?

Well, that's exactly what I've done.

All Rights Reserved/A. Mac



jrDiscussion - desc
A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur    11 years ago

Enjoy the spirituality.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    11 years ago

Beautiful photo to be the last thing I see before I get on with other things. Thanks.

Freshman Silent
link   LynneA    11 years ago

You have done it exceedingly well, breathtakingly beautiful.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur    11 years ago

The kind comments are most flattering and greatly appreciated.

Freshman Silent
link   Neetu2    11 years ago

Very spiritual, yes. Beautifully captured, Mac.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     11 years ago

Quite beautiful Mac. Smile.gif

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    11 years ago


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur    11 years ago

Most flower shots are taken frontally, often from above and with the light source over the photographer's shoulder -- the light is reflected off of the flower's surface and to the eye of the viewer.

I took this shot exactly the opposite way -- the underside of the flower, taken from behind and with light transmitted through rather than reflected from the flower.

I'm a contrarian in that respect.

Freshman Silent
link   LynneA    11 years ago

Which is why you're the photographer and I'm the spectator!! Yes to that whole light thingyGrin.gif


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