Category: The Lighter Side/ Humor
I cannot help but laugh!
Wow!!!! I love children, but wow!!!!
I've seen this one before! Love it!! How can you not laugh, smile and get a warm fuzzy feeling from that!
And good golly, she has 4 children? And she laughs?!!!!
hahahahaha hahaha hahahahaha ha ha. hahahahaha hahaha haha haha.
Thanks ambi, wonderful little video. It's nice to see some happiness in this increasingly miserable world.
This is precious! In the future, they will be so glad they got this special moment on video. the children will LOVE it when they get older and watch it. Thanks for posting this , it's like a breath of fresh air!!
Not to worry amb, I will. things like this don't come around often enough, so I will "savor" this.
71 visitors
Wow!!!! I love children, but wow!!!!
I've seen this one before! Love it!! How can you not laugh, smile and get a warm fuzzy feeling from that!
And good golly, she has 4 children? And she laughs?!!!!
hahahahaha hahaha hahahahaha ha ha. hahahahaha hahaha haha haha.
Thanks ambi, wonderful little video. It's nice to see some happiness in this increasingly miserable world.
This is precious! In the future, they will be so glad they got this special moment on video. the children will LOVE it when they get older and watch it. Thanks for posting this , it's like a breath of fresh air!!
Not to worry amb, I will. things like this don't come around often enough, so I will "savor" this.