On Katrina’s 10th Anniversary, Help Keep FEMA Dollars Where They’re Needed
http://cqrcengage.com/secular/app/write-a-letter?0&engagementId=128113 "Tomorrow marks the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina devastating New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. While the affected areas have been recovering, recent legislation introduced in Congress would divert limited federal dollars for future disasters to rebuilding houses of worship.HR 3066, introduced by Rep. Christopher Smith (R-NJ) would create a new carve-out for houses of worship to receive money from FEMA to rebuild. This bill would continue to deny rebuilding funds to secular non-profits, such as libraries, museums, and community centers, all organizations that play vital roles in the community. It would also leave less money for the government to rebuild critical services like water treatment facilities, power plants, schools, and other services that benefit the entire community, not just a select few. The federal government, if this bill becomes law, will literally be paying for the bricks and mortar for religious buildings, in clear violation of the First Amendment.Federal funds should never be used to fund construction of houses of worship. Write to your Representative now and let them know this is unacceptable."
This bill is pure bullshit. Let the churches rebuilt themselves without tax dollars.