"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing." ~ Babylonian Proverb
Two weeks ago I caught (and released) at least a dozen good fish.
I feel so much younger, tomorrow, I'm going (fly) fishing again!
The Brook Trout (actually a Char), is one of God's most beautiful creatures.
Oh, and I will be once again, tying my own flies (old hands willing). And any fish worth photographing, you will be among the first to see the pix.
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To each his own, RL.
I don't have the heart to kill the the fish, but, I certainly understand the inevitability and the inherent necessity of the so-called "food chain/pyramid" of which man is a part.
And catch with no release kills 'em all!
I use barbless hooks and all artificials -- no bait.
Great photo Mac. I'll be out fishing for smallies tomorrow morning.