Plaid People Demand Equal Time!
Category: The Lighter Side/ Humor
Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty • 11 years ago • 4 commentsAs a member of the group Plaid Persons Anonymous , I have an admission to make... I am proud to be plaid. Not just proud, damn proud.
I know some of you are thinking Why is this plaid person being so vocal? Usually they just come in and buy their coffee and leave without saying much at all. But I have been invigorated and inspired by the freedom loving people here at News Talkers to throw my normal quiet and reserved demeanor to the wind! Caution be Damned ! I am what I am and I love Plaid!
Sometimes it is funny how some people can make just about anything look good....
And then there are those who are not quite as lucky...