The group believes men—especially white men—and Western culture are under siege ; their views have elements of the white genocide conspiracy theory . [20] [21] [22] Officially, the group rejects white supremacy, although it has significant ties with white supremacist groups. [1] [2] [9] Members have participated in multiple racist events and events centered around anti- left violence, with a former member organizing the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. [23] The organization glorifies violence [24] [25] [26] [27] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has called it an "alt-right fight club." [23] [28] [29]
Soros was 13 years old in March 1944 when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary. [42] The Nazis barred Jewish children from attending school, and Soros and the other schoolchildren were made to report to the Judenrat ("Jewish Council"), which had been established during the occupation . Soros later described this time to writer Michael Lewis : "The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, 'You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported'." [43] [44]
Soros did not return to that job; his family survived the war by purchasing documents to say that they were Christians. Later that year at age 14, Soros posed as the Christian godson of an official of the collaborationist Hungarian government's Ministry of Agriculture, who himself had a Jewish wife in hiding. On one occasion, rather than leave the 14-year-old alone, the official took Soros with him while completing an inventory of a Jewish family's confiscated estate. Tivadar saved not only his immediate family but also many other Hungarian Jews, and Soros later wrote that 1944 had been "the happiest [year] of his life," for it had given him the opportunity to witness his father's heroism. [45] [46] In 1945, Soros survived the Siege of Budapest , in which Soviet and German forces fought house-to-house through the city.
Talk about an image problem! These are strange days indeed. More information is needed. Because this (article) helps but it calls for more information also. Why are they wearing, "body armor"?
"Hot chocolate 'whipped cream' on top"? Nah. These matters do have their complexities, nevertheless. Even the Boogaloo Boys activists say they are not "white nationalists":
The Boogaloo and You: What You Should Know About the Boogaloo Movement
The question of the 'moment' is this: Are any of these groups (Proud Boys, White Nationalists, Boogaloo Boys, or ANTIFA) intent on starting a war in our country?
I wasn't aware they had minority members and a black-cuban as the head of the organization. I think it is good to see Enrique denounce white supremacy and listen to the opinions of other black Proud Boys like the one in the video. It's nice to get unfiltered news straight from the horses mouth without the network bias.
Pointing out that Tarrio is black, and that this mitigates the evil of the Proud Boys is like, as conservatives have done on this site, pointing out that there were black slave owners. That black slave owners existed does not in any way mitigate the evil of slavery. What it shows is that, as in Tarrio’s case, there will always be sellouts.
Tarrio provides weak cover for the Proud Boys, and in return, the group offers him a path to powerful people, and therefore power of his own — note the slew of pictures with various close associates of our obviously racist president.
I will give you this though, at least he's able to say he denounces white supremacy, which is better than our president.
Well I've seen a lot of Hate here and it doesn't seem to be coming from the Proud Boys. I guess when the Left Wing Media's false propaganda is exposed and proven to be nothing more than partisan lies their disciples just can't handle the truth. The Left Wing Media really knows how to brainwash their sheeple, tell a lie enough times and the sheeple will never believe the truth even when it's staring them in the face.
These groups espouse a variety of rather unique hateful doctrines and beliefs that are not easily categorized. Many of the groups are vendors that sell a miscellany of hate materials from several different sectors of the white supremacist movement.
Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the " Unite the Right " rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.
I think highly of the truth. Are they telling the truth is the issue. I mean come on, we have all heard of counter-narrative creation just for the same of opposition. That is why we have to take manners with a grain of salt and continue to dig. The SPLC is the premier authority on these types of groups, so they deserve the benefit of the doubt.
I finished up reading the article you linked. It is a distraction and an opinion. Of course, I can understand why one side would have the perspective that is it a "do-gooder" as opposed to those who see it as an "evil doer." And vice-versa.
It is not the issue here. Because all things considered, the information about The Proud Boys is wholly separate and apart from the aforementioned!
We are discussing The Proud Boys. It has a black co-founder. There is another white co-founder. We have to look at the group; its message, it's messaging, its activities and make a clear and definitive statement about who they are.
Whatever others can properly offer to that judicial reading of the group will be helpful and encouraged.
Your insults are irrelevant. You can do better if you try. The Family Research Council has a problem with the Southern Poverty Law Center and vice-versa. It is a distraction. If you were unbiased you would be open to a discussion about The Proud Boys, its messaging, and its activities. But, you dd not even mention The Proud Boys! I surmise you are interjecting to be annoying. In your "reply" if you choose to, I will expect substantial discussion about the group under discussion or I will ignore it.
For example: Does having a black co-founder in and of itself indicate non-violence, a lack of hatred, for other ethnic groups, or women, or certain classifications of the LGBTQ community? And what are the attitudes and views of the group's white co-founder?
I think it is shameful for thirty percent of the country to sit on its damn hands and let this country catch all this unnecessary hell and BS! The Proud Boys are rumored, it's black co-founder and white co-founder, both, to associate themselves with white nationalist figures. And it makes a lot of sense. If the Democratic Party is filled with diversity/liberals, and the republicans/conservatives are filled with a lack of diversity where else would the nationalists bigots 'squat'?
BTW, just being black does not mean you can't have racists friends. I know, because one of my best friends was "good" with me; but my "kindred" not so much. Just need to ratchet up this languishing discussion a bit with a fact!
It's ok to doubt the lame stream media.
In case you were wondering yes he really is a Proud boys leader.
I don't think this is earth shattering news, Dean. It's fairly well known that Enrique is the leader of the Proud Boys.
Even Roger Stone and Donnie JR know who he is.
Butt....em.....I need some eye bleach now.
Who cares what a bunch of thug weirdos think?
well that explains it right there. the first rule of fight club , you dont talk about fight im told.
You just failed rule one...
Fascinating. I had no idea - although I didn't know much about them other than the stuff you hear. Thanks for posting this.
A black fascist. Oh my. Trump is vindicated. lol
MEMO TO THE PROUD BOYS - Eat sh*t [Deleted]
So? I don't get the significance...
If Nazi recruit a Jew then are the Nazis vindicated?
ask soros...
Care to explain that since Soros is not a Nazi?
soros, is a jew that got recruited by the nazi's
im thinkin soros can answer that question.
You should research your facts better:
Soros was 13 years old in March 1944 when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary. [42] The Nazis barred Jewish children from attending school, and Soros and the other schoolchildren were made to report to the Judenrat ("Jewish Council"), which had been established during the occupation . Soros later described this time to writer Michael Lewis : "The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, 'You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported'." [43] [44]
Soros did not return to that job; his family survived the war by purchasing documents to say that they were Christians. Later that year at age 14, Soros posed as the Christian godson of an official of the collaborationist Hungarian government's Ministry of Agriculture, who himself had a Jewish wife in hiding. On one occasion, rather than leave the 14-year-old alone, the official took Soros with him while completing an inventory of a Jewish family's confiscated estate. Tivadar saved not only his immediate family but also many other Hungarian Jews, and Soros later wrote that 1944 had been "the happiest [year] of his life," for it had given him the opportunity to witness his father's heroism. [45] [46] In 1945, Soros survived the Siege of Budapest , in which Soviet and German forces fought house-to-house through the city.
In 1947, Soros moved to England and became a student at the London School of Economics .
That is not just wrong. It is fucked up. Krazy!
No wonder people roll their eyes at that BS...
They did and George Soros served them well. Sent many of his neighbors to the camps
Talk about an image problem! These are strange days indeed. More information is needed. Because this (article) helps but it calls for more information also. Why are they wearing, "body armor"?
It isn't body armor. It is their exoskeleton.
I believe that is probably just body glitter...
Well, this didn't go well.
Have to say though, I always thought of this group as more .. misogynistic incels.
Gotta say though, your avatar looks like the guy in the vid....
"Hot chocolate 'whipped cream' on top"? Nah. These matters do have their complexities, nevertheless. Even the Boogaloo Boys activists say they are not "white nationalists":
The Boogaloo and You: What You Should Know About the Boogaloo Movement
The question of the 'moment' is this: Are any of these groups (Proud Boys, White Nationalists, Boogaloo Boys, or ANTIFA) intent on starting a war in our country?
I must admit I do see the resemblance.
Weird right?
Another damn Uncle Tom eh?
The nerve of him!
Ask Herman Cain. Oh, that's right. He died of Covid.
I know.
Damn Chinese flu
That said, pretty sure this guy doesn't give a shit what you or Cain would have thought about it so ...... next.
I don't give a damn what any Proud Boy thinks!
Perfect, then you're even ... ain't America great!
Defending the Proud Boys and giving them legitimacy because of the "stand down and stand by" comment from POUTUS?
I wasn't aware they had minority members and a black-cuban as the head of the organization. I think it is good to see Enrique denounce white supremacy and listen to the opinions of other black Proud Boys like the one in the video. It's nice to get unfiltered news straight from the horses mouth without the network bias.
Pointing out that Tarrio is black, and that this mitigates the evil of the Proud Boys is like, as conservatives have done on this site, pointing out that there were black slave owners. That black slave owners existed does not in any way mitigate the evil of slavery. What it shows is that, as in Tarrio’s case, there will always be sellouts.
Tarrio provides weak cover for the Proud Boys, and in return, the group offers him a path to powerful people, and therefore power of his own — note the slew of pictures with various close associates of our obviously racist president.
I will give you this though, at least he's able to say he denounces white supremacy, which is better than our president.
According to most liberals on here, the word thug is racist.
Why do you use racist terms?
Well I've seen a lot of Hate here and it doesn't seem to be coming from the Proud Boys. I guess when the Left Wing Media's false propaganda is exposed and proven to be nothing more than partisan lies their disciples just can't handle the truth. The Left Wing Media really knows how to brainwash their sheeple, tell a lie enough times and the sheeple will never believe the truth even when it's staring them in the face.
The Southern Poverty Law Center:
Proud Boys - General Hate Group
These groups espouse a variety of rather unique hateful doctrines and beliefs that are not easily categorized. Many of the groups are vendors that sell a miscellany of hate materials from several different sectors of the white supremacist movement.
Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the " Unite the Right " rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.
I don't think very highly of the SPLC.
I think highly of the truth. Are they telling the truth is the issue. I mean come on, we have all heard of counter-narrative creation just for the same of opposition. That is why we have to take manners with a grain of salt and continue to dig. The SPLC is the premier authority on these types of groups, so they deserve the benefit of the doubt.
I finished up reading the article you linked. It is a distraction and an opinion. Of course, I can understand why one side would have the perspective that is it a "do-gooder" as opposed to those who see it as an "evil doer." And vice-versa.
It is not the issue here. Because all things considered, the information about The Proud Boys is wholly separate and apart from the aforementioned!
We are discussing The Proud Boys. It has a black co-founder. There is another white co-founder. We have to look at the group; its message, it's messaging, its activities and make a clear and definitive statement about who they are.
Whatever others can properly offer to that judicial reading of the group will be helpful and encouraged.
I just finished reading your post.
It's only a distraction and opinion after all but it is very understandable considering the source.
The article itself is actually very clear and concise if only one can be unbiased while reading it.
So there you go .....
Your insults are irrelevant. You can do better if you try. The Family Research Council has a problem with the Southern Poverty Law Center and vice-versa. It is a distraction. If you were unbiased you would be open to a discussion about The Proud Boys, its messaging, and its activities. But, you dd not even mention The Proud Boys! I surmise you are interjecting to be annoying. In your "reply" if you choose to, I will expect substantial discussion about the group under discussion or I will ignore it.
For example: Does having a black co-founder in and of itself indicate non-violence, a lack of hatred, for other ethnic groups, or women, or certain classifications of the LGBTQ community? And what are the attitudes and views of the group's white co-founder?
A good place to begin, in my opinion.
Moving on for now.
Opinions are not insults. Neither are simple observations.
While you're moving on, try taking the world less seriously.
Gross wastes of time, it appears as there still remains no mention of 'Proud Boys.' So I return where I started @19.1.2.
Perfect ... then you can "move on" to 19.1.3 right below it and read it again while your are "moving on."
In endless Do Loop are you ....
STILL no mention of The Proud Boys in there. Stop "CB-gazing" and deal with the substance of the article.
...... 19.1.3 ..... keep applying, rinsing and repeating ......
I would like to like to take a trump supporter seriously, but looks like that is not ever going to happen. Moving on!
Dean, can we talk about The Proud Boys and its co-founders, plural?
I think it is shameful for thirty percent of the country to sit on its damn hands and let this country catch all this unnecessary hell and BS! The Proud Boys are rumored, it's black co-founder and white co-founder, both, to associate themselves with white nationalist figures. And it makes a lot of sense. If the Democratic Party is filled with diversity/liberals, and the republicans/conservatives are filled with a lack of diversity where else would the nationalists bigots 'squat'?
BTW, just being black does not mean you can't have racists friends. I know, because one of my best friends was "good" with me; but my "kindred" not so much. Just need to ratchet up this languishing discussion a bit with a fact!
I always know i'm on the right track when you are disagreeing with me.
Keep on rockin it there CB ....
You are on a 'track' alright. Keep it 'rollin' there, Sparty On!