Dean Moriarty

Pissing in the shower Yes or No

By:  Dean Moriarty  •  It's all pipes  •  9 years ago  •  3 comments

Pissing in the shower  Yes or No

While I've been guilty of doing it on occasion I'm generally against the practice. What's your opinion?


jrBlog - desc
Masters Quiet
link   PJ    9 years ago

Being a woman I'm gonna vote no but I don't have the ability to aim.  If I did, I would probably say it would also depend on the length of the hose.  I mean if it's a small hose the likely hood of it missing the drainage increases whilst a longer hose will have a better chance of zeroing in on the target.  Also, there can't be anything obstructing the target.  If there’s a beer belly involved then the probability of being able to see the target decreases.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   author  Dean Moriarty  replied to  PJ   9 years ago

No dickey do disease where the belly sticks out farther than the dickey do but I'm a bit of a germaphobe. Oddly enough I'm still guilty once in a while. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    9 years ago

Absolutely. Nearly every time I shower. The sound and feel of the running water make you feel like you have to go and it all ends up in the same sewage treatment plant anyway, so let it flow. Just be sure to rinse the shower stall down good when done.