

@drakkonis • 6 hours ago • comments: 19
Posted a new Comment on Trump's Demonization of Haitian Immigrants is Reminiscent of How Native Americans Were Treated :
"I believe you were banned for bigoted and racist comments I was also banned from commenting to you but the ban has expired.  I don't know. You'd have to ask..."
@drakkonis • yesterday • comments: 19
Posted a new Comment on Trump's Demonization of Haitian Immigrants is Reminiscent of How Native Americans Were Treated :
"History has kept repeating itself over the centuries. Yes, it has. I wonder, though, if we see what you've stated here the same way? I was banned from being..."
@drakkonis • 2 days ago • comments: 122
Posted a new Comment on Exploding pagers belonging to Hezbollah kill at least 8 and injure more than 2,700 in Lebanon:
"I wish you guys would get this right. it's only one virgin and she's 72 years old. Now that's funny. The mental image of the not-soon-enough departed..."
@drakkonis • 2 weeks ago • comments: 6
Posted a new Comment on Reporter: What I Learned When Trump Let Me Inspect His Ear:
"And the three people who got shot, one of them fatally, were in on it? Or maybe it was an Alex Jones/Sandy Hook sort of thing and nobody really got shot? Or..."
@drakkonis • 2 weeks ago • comments: 4
Posted a new Comment on Elon Musk Retweets Call For "A Republic Of High Status Males":
"I generally agree with what Musk said here, however, I think it's wrong that women and what he calls "low T men" cannot also do what he thinks is the..."
@drakkonis • 4 weeks ago • comments: 12
Posted a new Comment on AOC harassed in restaurant by pro-Palestinian protester:
"While I don't agree with AOC's vision or politics, no one who considers themselves part of a democratic process should do this sort of thing. If that is..."
@drakkonis • one month ago • comments: 255
Posted a new Comment on Kamala Harris to propose ban on ‘price gouging’ for food, groceries:
"It reeks of capitalism bashing, and only reinforces the democrats are socialists mantra. That it does. Makes one think of the words "central planning"..."
@drakkonis • one month ago • comments: 43
Posted a new Comment on Harris and Walz Announced Assault Weapons Ban, Not Gun Ban, During Rally:
"In this context, “common” is being defined in whatever way suits the narrative. Does 24 million make it common? Maybe.  I suspect exact figures are..."
@drakkonis • one month ago • comments: 43
Posted a new Comment on Harris and Walz Announced Assault Weapons Ban, Not Gun Ban, During Rally:
"As I said above, the NRA left out the “assault weapons” part. They declared the ban would be against “commonly owned weapons.” Now “commonly owned” is..."
@drakkonis • one month ago • comments: 400
Posted a new Comment on Tim Walz Falsely Accused of 'Stolen Valor' by J.D. Vance:
"I think you need to think this through a little more.  Or, actually, I did. I see what you were doing here. My apologies.  Still, at least it was usually..."
@drakkonis • one month ago • comments: 400
Posted a new Comment on Tim Walz Falsely Accused of 'Stolen Valor' by J.D. Vance:
"If only three to six mortar shells are lobbed at you daily, you are never in any real danger of being killed-- or even just being seriously injured. I think..."
@drakkonis • one month ago • comments: 400
Posted a new Comment on Tim Walz Falsely Accused of 'Stolen Valor' by J.D. Vance:
"What, politicians have policies...? Right?!!"
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