Drinker of the Wry


Drinker of the Wry
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 46
Posted a new Comment on MAGA preacher says "witchcraft" caused Trump's debate disaster - LGBTQ Nation:
"I know when it doesn’t, which is so often that the obvious conclusion to me is that it never does. How do you know when it doesn’t?"
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 137
Posted a new Comment on Vance magnifies false claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio - ABC News:
"Funny how the Trump admin closed ranks to protect Anne Sacoolas, the white wife of an American diplomat, when she apparently killed a young 19 year old..."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 89
Posted a new Comment on The accidental e-mail:
"High school diplomas aren't much of an issue as so many schools hand them out as attendance awards.  The biggest challenge (pun)is obesity.  31% of otherwise..."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 38
Posted a new Comment on "We did not do well": MAGA admits Kamala Harris broke Donald Trump | Salon.com:
"Maybe I should join the crowd and offer favorite cat and dog recipes.  That is certainly isn't taunting and is value added.    It would be similar to you..."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 38
Posted a new Comment on "We did not do well": MAGA admits Kamala Harris broke Donald Trump | Salon.com:
"1.) I answered you No, you didn't. 2.)  This is what you do 24/7 on this site.  You don't care much for conversation. 3) If you want to comment on..."
Drinker of the Wry
Drinker of the Wry
Drinker of the Wry
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 46
Posted a new Comment on MAGA preacher says "witchcraft" caused Trump's debate disaster - LGBTQ Nation:
"If your god is so ineffectual that it doesn’t stop a single bad thing from happening ever. I'm agnostic, but how would you know if devine intervention..."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 137
Posted a new Comment on Vance magnifies false claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio - ABC News:
"The problem seems to be getting them all to get valid drivers licenses and stop driving as if they were in Hati, ie on the wrong side of the road. Sounds..."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 33
Posted a new Comment on Where were you on 9/11?:
"Morning Drinker..glad you survived and managed to get out.. Thanks shona, my experience was more surreal than dramatic.  My organization did lose two that..."
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