Drinker of the Wry


Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 110
Posted a new Comment on Woman Who Made Career Singing About Her Bad Choices Endorses Kamala:
"A fraudster got to fraud. . . or, get sued. Better that Taylor Swift gets even with Kamala where than a law suit. (She doe not need the money.) Huh? So..."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 33
Posted a new Comment on Where were you on 9/11?:
"I never believed those bizarre conspiracy theories. Me neither.  I was at work in the Pentagon on 9-11.  I evacuated and went towards the scene and help..."
Drinker of the Wry
Drinker of the Wry
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 137
Posted a new Comment on Vance magnifies false claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio - ABC News:
"Ever since Fox came into existence right wingers have just been making up lies based on fear of the other. Exactly, no one had heard of political lies..."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 39
Posted a new Comment on Generals come to Harris' defense over U.S. troop withdrawal Afghanistan:
"They start wars for profit, not necessity. Vietnam was a useless war that never should have happened. Did they trick JFK?"
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 7
Posted a new Comment on What we know about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio:
"If the Haitians were white it would not be a problem for the loony right.  Exactly, same as NYC, Chicago or now in little Norfolk Massachusetts."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 46
Posted a new Comment on When Your Little Ohio Town Becomes Port Au Prince and No One Cares:
"Thank god for the childless cat ladies sake."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 39
Posted a new Comment on Generals come to Harris' defense over U.S. troop withdrawal Afghanistan:
"Patton wore what he wanted to and didn't think that uniform regs applied to him.  the 2nd GEN is Mark Millay, retired from Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff and..."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 228
Posted a new Comment on Sabotage!:
"Perhaps an additional paid vacation for me after the end of the month."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 83
Posted a new Comment on Kroger Executive Admits Company Gouged Prices Above Inflation - Newsweek:
"Thanks JBB for filling my blank spots, I had failed to see that perspective."
Drinker of the Wry
@drinker-of-the-wry • one week ago • comments: 46
Posted a new Comment on When Your Little Ohio Town Becomes Port Au Prince and No One Cares:
"I am writing about general immigration policy that affects good people coming from countries where violence, murders, and crime is destroying the fabric of..."
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