4 years ago
The song Strawberry fields came into my head and wouldn't leave. So I listened to it on YouTube. Ended up listening to song after song.
So many good songs.
Then I remembered there was someone else that liked the Beatles, so Perrie, this is for you.
Beatles day !
For Perrie !
Some great music.
More great music.
Ok, you got me. Love the Beatles.
Paul solo
Man you are showing our age, lol.
Hey, I'm feeling our age, too...
You want age? When I was a little kid and at my grandmother's home I used to play this record on her Victrola...
You probably never heard of them.
I have now ! It's too bad you can't watch Youtube because I just listened to it on there. Apparently it was very big in it's day, it even has it's own wikipedia page and says it was " one of the most famous songs to come from vaudeville".
No, lol, 1920 was bit before my time, even the hand me down 45's & 78's I inherited were all from the 40's and 50's
ABSOLUTELY, Mr. zuksam.
POSITIVELY, Mr. Split Personality.
Evening...My favourite Beatles song is the Long and Winding Road...because at times that is what my journey feels like with Multiple Myeloma and probably Mrs Mac as well...
Our thoughts are with you Shona
May the Force be with you and yours...
Always Split..🐨🐨🐨
I don't know how I missed this. Thank you so much for posting this. It made me smile.
Interesting story... I was listening to the radio when I heard John Lennon had been shot. Right after they announced his passing, they played "Across the Universe". I still think it was such a perfect choice for the moment.
try using a screen bigger than your cat.
Does such a screen exist? Wally's a big ol' sweetheart. Emphasis on "big".
Hey, don't be talking smack about my kitty!
Get'em, Wally !! (grin)
Taken at the Strawberry Fields Memorial in Central Park across from the Dakota on November 9, 2021.
Nice. Thanks for the pic.
One of my favorite covers.