Biden's astonishing vacation total revealed — prez took 48 years worth of leave in 4

Rich Calder, Steven NelsonSeptember 7, 2024 at 2:03 PMBiden on the beach
President Biden spends almost as much time on R&R as he does running the country.
The 81-year-old commander-in-chief has racked up 532 vacation days in less than four years — about 40% of the 1, 326 days he's been in office.
It would take the average American — who gets 11 days a year of vacation — approximately 48 years to accumulate that number of days off, according to shocking data compiled by the Republican National Committee.
"The image of Biden fast asleep and lying flat on his back in his chair at the beach while America and the world is on fire will define the Biden presidency," said Mark Paoletta, the general counsel of the White House budget office under former President Donald Trump.
President Joe Biden has racked up a total of 532 vacation days in less than four years in office which equates to 48 years of vacations, according to data compiled by the Republican National Committee. Shutterstock
"Inflation has been out of control; prices still way too high; our border overrun with millions of illegal aliens committing violent crimes on our citizens; the world in a perilous state; and all Biden wants to do is go on vacation and check out — for more than 530 days," he said.
The RNC noted that last Saturday's fun in the sun for Biden in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware was his "16th straight day on vacation."
Speculation has swirled that Biden has been keeping an even lower public profile since late July because he's annoyed with fellow Democrats, such as former House Speake Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who turned against him and strong-armed him into not seeking re-election.
The Post's front-page report last year noted that Biden spent all or part of 382 of the first 957 days of his presidency - or 40% — on personal overnight trips away from the White House, putting him on pace to become America's most idle commander-in-chief.
President Biden seen on the beach in Rehoboth, Delaware in August 2024. AFP via Getty Images
Biden's 40% out-of-office ratio far surpasses that of former President Donald Trump, who spent 26% of his presidency on personal trips out of Washington — 381 of his 1,461 days in office.
By contrast, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama vacationed for just 11% of their two-term presidencies — and workhorse Jimmy Carter took only 79 days' worth of breaks, accounting for 5% of his single term in office.
On Saturday, Biden had lunch at Fieldstone Golf Club in New Castle County, Delaware with former Pennsylvania Sen.Ted Kaufman.
Presidential aides repeatedly claim Biden, like past presidents, works remotely and remains on call when on break - even though he's been snapped on more than one occasion snoozing on Rehoboth Beach.
Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-Staten Island/Brooklyn) quipped that Biden should do Americans a favor — by taking more time off.
Biden's time being out of office on vacation surpasses former President Donald Trump as he's been out of office 40% of the time compared to Trump being out of the office only 26% of his time as President. AP
"We probably would have been better off if he did even less and went on vacation more," she said.
"Sadly, he repealed President Trump's border policies, lifted sanctions on Iran that enriched them, and implemented anti-energy policies that drove up the cost gas, food and utility bills. If he just left things alone, things would be better."
White House spokesman Andrew Bates said: "It's not a surprise that the same geniuses who attack President Biden for petting hero dogs and liking ice cream can't count, but he has taken fewer vacation days than the modern average for presidents and works hard every day, wherever he is."
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Remember when the little bitches on the left were whining about trumps golfing? where are the hypocrites now? Covid, Ukraine, High inflation and grampa is asleep on the beach.
Reality is out of 1461 days in office, he's been out 1461 days.
Though i would update your comment. seems more accurate this way.
Radio silence from Biden acolytes here.
Typical …..
If the number of days Biden was on vacation is the only reason for stress in your life as a new year starts, you are very lucky.
I don't care how many days the president is on vacation or how many rounds of golf the president plays - POTUS is POTUS 24/7 365 no matter where he or she is.
Carter did it right. Those that followed not so much. With Biden leading the pack by a large margin. Not something that helps the Biden legacy that’s for sure.
Not sure of your point
Do you agree that the POTUS is always on duty and thus being "on vacation" is moot?
I agree that POTUS is suppose to always be on duty. I disagree that being on a golf course overseas or on a beach in the Virgin Islands is the same as being on duty in DC.
Why do you suppose Carter took so few days off?
His background as a farmer, "every day is a work day"
His lack of hobbies
Who knows he certainly was not more effective because he didn't vacations.
This is a non-issue
Spoken like a true Biden acolyte.
If you only could comprehend how astonishingly wrong you are, but you can't so you keep worrying about vacation totals while concerned citizens worry about real problems the country is facing
Yeah right. While your boy blue continues to mumble, stumble, fumble and sunbath his way through his failed presidency.
If it wasn’t so messed up it would be funny.
President's never really go on vacation.
So we won't hear a damn thing about Trump taking a "vacation" then.
To be fair, trump did that to himself complaining about how much Obama golfed, then golfed 4x as much is only 4 years.
And I should care because.....
yet another seed about something no one really gives a fuck about.
Biden is haunting Trump so I guess thats a good thing.
One of the funniest things I’ve read this year ….
Trump whines about Biden almost every day on his social media. He's not a well man.
‘Trump whines about Biden almost every day on his social media’
Most sane Americans agree with Trump’s assessment of Biden. Even the left wing media decided to come around, albeit late’ that Biden is pretty much gone cognitively.
It is almost as pathetic as someone whining about Trump every day on a news commentary site
No comment.
Yeah it was funny how fast they moved from “he’s just fine” to “he’s not okay to run for president.”
Trump owns Biden and most of his followers.
It’s pretty to watch ….
All it took was a DEI hire to get them to do it.
Hanging on anyone's every word can not be healthy.
Even faster than moving from Kamala is a terrible candidate for president to Kamala is bringing us joy and is presidential.
Especially a person they claim lies all the time.
Results of November 5, 2024 election.
Check the popular vote of a certain recent presidential election.
Trump whines about Biden almost every day on his social media. He's not a well man.
I am not sure that is an accurate barometer of mental health.
You whine about Trump every day on social media and we all know that you are as sane as can be
Cite the percentage of American citizens that voted for Trump. That's all that's needed to rebut your claim.
Not all American citizens voted. Matter of fact, about 12 million less democrats voted for the DEI hire than did Biden.
Trump won the popular vote, something you (collective you) leftists claimed Harris would win by 10 million.
Your request in 6.1.10 has been fulfilled.
4 sentences and yet you never answered the question. You seem afraid to answer it, but I will try again.
Cite the percentage of American citizens that voted for Trump.
Well let’s see. You seem to be infatuated by total American population, but it is an easy question to answer. To wit…..
There are approximately 330 million people counted in this country. From the election, Trump won 77.3 million of those that voted.
The democrat DEI hire that lost got 75 million votes. Total of 154 million or so votes. Third party of about 1.5 million votes.
So if there are approximately 330 million people in this country, and about 155.5 million of those voted, then it seems Trump won about 49 percent of the American vote, just slightly below the 49.9 percent he won of those that voted this past election.
BTW………he still won more of both populations, total Americans and total actual voted, than the DEI hire.
Now, keep in mind that the 330 million are probably not all citizens so that would put Trump’s percentage of votes higher.
As of January 1, 2025, the population of the United States is 346,361,362. You only missed by about 16 million, but go ahead.
You can do it, almost there...
And you veer off into other shit that has nothing to do with the question asked.
And here's where MAGA math fails.
Using your own numbers:
49% of 330 million = 161,700,000.
Yet you claim he go 77.3 , million votes.
Now you are calling into question your own statement, and deviating even further from the question.
Once again I will repeat the question to see if you can provide an honest answer on the 3rd try. You have the numbers but either refuse to do the math, are unable to do the math, or are afraid to do the math.
Cite the percentage of American citizens that voted for Trump.
Notice I said "approximate " in my answer.
But go ahead
"You can do it, almost there..."
Pretty sure I did, but keep on entertaining
"And you veer off into other shit that has nothing to do with the question asked"
Are those that voted third party not American? Plus, your question was pretty stupid
"And here's where MAGA math fails.
Using your own numbers:
49% of 330 million = 161,700,000.
Yet you claim he go 77.3 , million votes."
Um....because he did.
"Now you are calling into question your own statement, and deviating even further from the question."
No, you just realized you fucked up asking such a stupid question.
"Now you are calling into question your own statement, and deviating even further from the question."
Your stupid ass question is unanswerable because even you don't know how many of your figure above are citizens.
Fact remains.......
Trump won 49.9 percent of THOSE THAT VOTED.
Sucky thing for you far leftists.....
The DEI hire that is VP got even less.
Now, your attempt at a gotcha was a horrid failure for you.
Do better.
Perhaps true, but at least he was there cognitively at some point.....trump? Not so much.
Like I said, you only missed by about16 million. You can call that "close enough" if you want to. I already said it was.
You made 2 claims.
Yet your own numbers show that your 2 claims are directly opposed to each other.
Yes I do, because that is all I queried. You do understand that all Americans are counted every 10 years?
That's a very dishonest thing you are trying to do. You are completely changing your statement now because you have finally realized how utterly ridiculous and ignorant your initial statement was.
Yup, it was so horrid a failure that you were forced to change your initial statement to a truthful one.
OK, so out of the total number of people in this country you cited, how many of them are American citizens.
Show your source with whatever bs you come up with.
Both are true. Prove them wrong. Trump received 49.9 percent of the Americans that voted. Not all Americans voted, nor are all Americans eligible to vote, ie, under 18, felons, etc.
"You do understand that all Americans are counted every 10 years?"
True, but also are those in this country, no matter the citizenship. Show how many of those 346 million are actual citizens.
"Yup, it was so horrid a failure that you were forced to change your initial statement to a truthful one."
Show where I did that. I already proved that what I stated above is true in both instances.
‘yet another seed about something no one really gives a fuck about. ’
We will remember this comment when you start posting bs seeds about Trump playing golf.
Everyone immediately understands how stupid that is, I hope.
The “average American” is not on-call 24/7/365. No president is ever truly “on vacation.”
Also, the average American farts around so much at work or unnecessarily calls in sick that it probably works out to a lot more than 11 days a year.
Obviously, you don't work in management at this time in your life. Things have changed........a lot with cell phones and remotely working on a laptop. No one I know is immune to business calls on vacation.
I'm not even in management but when my wife and I went to the Philippines for three months earlier in the year, I still got texts asking about things because I have been with the company for so long.
During my 20 years of Naval service, there were many times I was on call 24/7/365 due to units I was assigned to where I had to be prepared to deploy on one hours notice and keep a sea bag (duffle bag to land lubbers) packed and ready to go at all times. I had to tell her that I could not tell her where I was going or when I'd be back. She did not like it but she accepted it as part of the package she signed on for when she married me. So the statement above that ordinary people are not on call 24/7/365 is a largely erroneous statement.
Same here over my 20 years, mostly during the Gulf Wars. Back then trying to make a phone call from a port visit was expensive and email did not come along on ships until the early 2000s, so keeping a secret was fairly easy.
Luckily I never had to deploy on a moment’s notice but did have a change of training on 9/11 when we went from going to the Caribbean to sitting off the coast of the Carolinas.
The ease with which some people assume things in others as obvious is pretty hilarious.
Yeah, I know what a cell phone and a laptop are. How old do you imagine I am?
Maybe meet more people. Your experience and opinion is not necessarily the reality for the average person.
Do you equate that to life as president?
Was it non-stop for four years? Do you think that's the working experience for the average American? I never said no one else ever experiences being on-call. You're totally missing the point.
The point was that the president doesn't really have vacation, ever - because he must always be on-call. And he is on-call at a level of responsibility no one else has. The seed compares the president to people who have actual vacations, presenting it as an average.
IMHO, Biden probably has not been president for over 3 years...
On vacation or not.
My thoughts on this apply to all presidents. It’s not partisan. For years, we have had seeds about this or that president taking a vacation or going golfing or whatever. On every single one of those seeds, where I have commented, I have come out in support of a president’s off time or vacations, and one of the reasons is that he is never really “off.”
I agree with your answer, however, Biden is simply one of those "special" cases.
Actually, because of my job field and qualifications, it equalled out to about 14 years out of my 20 year career. Four years at a stretch each time. Depended on what was known own as my sea/shore duty rotations which were four years each. It can be confusing to those without a Naval background.
So, at moments when you were asleep or on leave, or just chilling out, you wouldn’t consider yourself to be totally “on vacation” and not responsible for any duties, right? Same goes for every president.
Being in the military means you are on call at all times. Sitting on the beach does not excuse you to report if your ship/unit recalls you. It could happen any time/any day. Just like how something in the nation/world that the president has to react to could happen anytime/anywhere. If everything is chill, the president probably not be bothered and be able to enjoy their time off.
So, why then, do people act like the president isn’t doing his job if he goes golfing or spends a few days “vacationing?”
The “average American” is not President. The comparison is a non sequitur to begin with. One does not necessarily expect the same presence from the “average American” that they do from their president. Not even close.
The main point of this article is well made though and one should not let themselves get caught up in sophomoric partisan bickering and miss it.
The fact remains, Biden was “off” significantly more than his predecessors. The take away for that here will be the usual polar opposite, along party lines. Bottom line is he needed more time off and took it. To me that is simply indicative of what I said about him all along. He was too frail physically and mentally to be President for four years.
Anyone viewing this with a truly unbiased eye can see that.
We all know what you say is true, but I can assure you, if Trump plays golf within his first week in office, someone (pretty sure we know who) will seed an article that Trump has already played golf twenty percent of his presidency.
You can bank on it.
Agreed. But I’m not the one equating the two. The author of the article is.
Listen, I think that man is “off” even when he’s talking into a microphone. But I think that assessing a president based on how many “days off” he takes is stupid.
Never said you did.
No argument there. My comments were less for fair minded folks like yourself and more for all the folks here who bitched endlessly about Trumps golfing. Their silence on Biden’s new time off record is deafening.