Live - Engoron Watch - Disgorgement Day - Feb 16, 2024
A judgement against Donald Trump and Company in his and his children's civil fraud trial in New York is expected to be rendered today. Judge Engoron's decision could include fines of up to a half billion dollars, a permanent ban on doing any business in New York and the disgorgement of all of Trump's business assets in the state of New York. Updates will be available throughout the day as additional information becomes available. So, stay tuned...
no wonder the orange menace is going after the RNC bank accounts...
"I will gladly pay you next year for a half billion dollars today".
An IOU, From Hell...
Bidenomics in a nutshell
No, that is Trump to Putin's banks after this JUDGEMENT!
Leftist judges proving again they don't care about the rule of law.
This is the same idiot that thinks Mar-a-Lago is only a fraction of what it is.
But when the goal is to get a predetermined guilty verdict against Trump- laws, ethics, and morality don't matter in leftist land.
Because realtors believe in location, location, location and the highest bidder.
The highest bidder isn't always playing with a full deck either.
A property my company just had to have 10 years ago, they won a bidding war and paid 10 plus million.
Today it sits empty with an asking price of $400K.
Most Realtors are gamblers not accountants.
But Mar o Lardo has a gold toilet.
Probably more than one
ceramic isn't sturdy enough for what he's used to dropping into it...
trump can't find a lender to appeal the $88 million e jean carroll judgement now, where's he going to find another $355 million to appeal this judgement? looks like his gullible sycophants will be digging real deep into their pockets.... suckers!!!
It will be interesting to see what the FMV of some of these assets are compared to what Trump Org claimed they were worth as collateral or their tax basis if TO is forced to sell them.
we'll soon find out when trumpco is forced to liquidate...
does TO stand for Torn Orafice ..?
it just came down. I believe the figure was around $364 million total, $355 million all on trump.
Happy Disgorgement Day!
TO is ordered to pay New York $364 million
Order to rescind business licenses is withdrawn.
Businesses will continue to operate but under the oversight of a Federal Judge
who will work with the Compliance officers TO will be forced to hire.
Eric and Don Jr banned from doing business in NY for 2 years.
I'm hearing now that the amount is $355 million. Trump is banned from operating a business in NY for 3 years and he is banned from taking out a loan.
he's in over half a billion in fines cumulative now. looks like there's going to be a yard sale on 5th avenue soon...
trump's 2 mentally defective sons got hit at $4 million each and weisselberg at $1 million if I heard it right...
the one under his nose? about $1.38...
Oh, the $364 million was against Trump and sons with the award against Trump alone at $355 million. Those are nice numbers.
heh, like either have ever been allowed to make an actual trumpco business decision...
... and the commercial real estate business is in the shitter now. LOL!!!
$355,000,000 + $83,000,000 + $5,000,000 =
ummm no it isn't
Okay, who gets the money? Think about that shit for a surely isn't the banks or insurance companies as they didn't file charges and got paid back. They had no qualms with DJT
This was a fucking witch hunt pure and simple designed to discredit Trump period.
yeah, despite all the documented evidence of him to the contrary. so far...
... 4 criminal trials to go.
91 federal charges, and the least of them is 3-5 years at club fed...
Trump discredited himself. It's entirely his own fault despite what the Trump apologists want to pretend.
Point is, not a fucking person or business or bank or anything was hurt. Except feelings of the jealous. It's bullshit. Glad you are all giddy.
There isnt a MAGA alive who cares about Trump discrediting himself. That is what makes them MAGA.
If Trump hadn't used fraudulent financial statements the banks would have charged higher interest rates, thus they were defrauded. Futhermore, the NY statute doesn't require a victim that suffered a loss. The act of committing fraud is what the statute was designed to punish and deter.
And they didn't give a fuck cuz they got paid. Period.
The State of New York was defrauded of tax revenues.
How the fuck do you figure that? They, like the banks, didn't exercise due diligence and a valuation of the properties. I buy a house or refi, they demand an appraisal. If they didn't do it, it is on them. Here in NC, I don't get to tell the state what I think my property is worth for tax OR mortgage consideration. If anything, the citizens of NY should sue the government..
Obviously you still rent
If you can deny what I said in 6.2.6, you don't know shit about what I am referring to
it's the lenders fault that trump is a fraud...
Sure they're happy that the deadbeat paid them, but you seem convinced that they wouldn't prefer to have been paid commensurate with the risk they actually assumed. Maybe that's how you run your business...
Then why in hell didn't they jump on the bandwagon in this frivolous bullshit? They didn't. They obviously didn't feel as though they were defrauded. So the treasury of NY gets all the money. I am sure they need it. Times 1000
they shouldn't hesitate loaning him more money for his appeals then, will they?
They can't. Part of the ruling is that Trump can't take out a loan. Too bad.
the appointed business monitor is still missing trump's $48 million loan to himself and his IRS audit may now be coming to an end soon...
Paying for illegals is not cheap.
It's going to be a great day for justice in America when the appeals court affirms this verdict. The pharmacies are going to run out of butt cream for all the butt hurt right wingers, though.
Of course not. His cultists will pay for him. They always do.
more suckers and losers...
It's still ILLEGAL, JIM!
the very definition of "white collar crime"...
"victimless" crime is still illegal.
The funds that Trump tied up were not available to others.
The favorable interest rates that Trump negotiated lowered the profits to the banks
which in turn caused them to raise rates on other unsuspecting borrowers.
Borrowing money to purchase a property is the definition of a mortgage;
including clauses that prevented the banks from reporting the loan ( Mar a Lago )
is illegal, but the greedy bank went along with it. Again, illegal.
Exactly, but Trump did. Maybe it was the celebrity, maybe it was the commissions and bonuses.
I don't believe this is over for Deutsche Bank yet either.
No white collar crime has a victim.
e funds that Trump tied up were not available to others.
How did he "tie up" funds? The bank did their research, judge Trump qualified based on their own due diligence and gave him a loan that he paid back. T
avorable interest rates that Trump negotiated lowered the profits to the banks which in turn caused them to raise rates on other unsuspecting borrowers
You are literally making shit up. The banks testified to nothing that remotely that supports your flights of fancy. . They "lowered" the interest rate because of THEIR OWN assessment of the value of the collateral.
The problem with everything you've said is the banks testified and said nothing of the sort. But by all means provide any actual evidence from the banks supporting your silliness.
s illegal, but the greedy bank went along with it. Again, illegal.
Wow! All this illegality and not a single indictment. Crazy how the Feds and state of New York all missed this in their all encompassing drive to get Trump.
It really doesn't matter, Sean. The verdict will almost certainly be overturned at best, or the fine reduced dramatically at worst.
The DA and judge did what they were sent out to do. The judge's decision was made before the trial even started.
To get Trump at all costs
Most likely not as to either scenario. According to the knowledgeable and experienced appellate experts opining on this matter, the verdict is almost certainly appeal proof.
In order to appeal this, Trump would have to deposit 125% with the court within 30 days.
Probably not happening.
Who would that be?
The first court to hear this appeal was also elected by the same people that voted for these radical judges and DAs, however the process won't stop there. Eventually a court will overturn it. You can take that to the bank. The point is James and judge Engoron don't care. They want to do whatever damage they can before the election.
So noted.
The probability is the same as Trump selling Mar A Lago for a $Billion in spite
of two restrictions, one that prevents it from being a private residence instead of a social club
and the other that designates it a historical site to perpetuity.
Both easements were sought by Trump to lower his taxes.
Who knows though, if he wins again, it could be the new Trump library, he will direct the RNC to buy it from him
apparently already stocked with hundreds of boxes of "memorabilia".
nicely done !
Don't care. If they used his "valuations" it is on them.
Sure it is, to think any financial institution accepts what a client provides them is naive. They have shareholders they have to report to.
It's naive to think that the Saudi Royals, Rockerfellers, Gettys, Murdochs and Soros are treated the same as the average mortgage applicant. Believe me it's as tiered a process as any other that caters to enormous wealth.
That sounds reasonable but Deutsche Bank has about as much respect for its shareholders as does USB and Wells Fargo.
They do what they want until they are caught and forced to do otherwise.
BINGO!!!!!!! They knew exactly what they were doing and didn't give a shit. They were in it for the money and they made plenty. To say they were defrauded is ludicrous!
The law was still broken. Doesn't matter if it was Martha Stewart manipulating her own stocks or DJT lying about valuations.
I think part of the problem is Trump himself did not prepare the paperwork. Yes, he signed them, but as I remember, there was a disclosure on each document that said to not take the valuations at face value, but the banks will have to do their own diligence.
I think this may be where Trump has a good case for appeal.
Or.....he can just say he is an elderly gentleman with some confusion and that should get him off the hook right away.
except that these practices were done for decades
it could be the new Trump library
That’s probably the first time Trump and library were ever used in a sentence.
You know that is a crime....right? I don't believe New York's law was ever used against someone where there was victim.
Yes, that is why they were both prosecuted. NY also charged 9,800 others in the last 9 years.
Before Trump New York Issued 9,800 Charges of Falsifying Business Records | New York Law Journal
I don't believe that's what you mean, but ok.
My donation.
The State of New York Treasury Dept.
One of the talking heads said he has copies of the loan documents from the bank that Trump used to purchase Mar A Lago,
reportedly for "cash",
which include a page forbidding the bank to report the funds as a mortgage in violation of state laws and probably in violation of
FCRA and CFBP federal lending and reporting laws.
... totally legit. /s
was that the deutch bank loan in the news a few years ago? didn't trump also agree to some goofy local shit that will make it more difficult to sell, and wasn't there supposedly a recent sale or title transfer?
There is a permanent easement precluding it from being a primary residence, it is titled as a social club.
Then more recently he took another easement to make it a historical property with more restrictions to perpetuity.
Both easements came with large Tax reductions
I made a comment somewhere that it already has the TS docs and memorabilia to become the Trump library
which, after he fills the RNC with family members, the RNC will buy it at 4 times the market price.
I'm hoping he loots the RNC well before the convention. that would be funny...
I saw a video claiming that lara trump wasn't qualified to run the hot dog roller at 7-11
Now that's what I call a good Disgorgement...
The sons got hit with fines of $4 million each. Think they can get daddy to pay for them?
They have GoFundMe accounts to fleece their MAGAs...
They may have to cash out of Jared's special Arabian Investment House.
kushner will send them to the saudi embassy in turkey to sign the paperwork and collect the cash...
According to the NY AG the amount Trump has to pay for the disgorgement plus pre-judgment interest is over $450,000,000. The numbers keep getting better. And, he has to post 125% of that amount for an appeal.
just the interest alone on both judgements will be around $1 million per week...
let the whining begin
= "I carefully worked it out so that my idiot brother would get stuck taking the all the blame. wtf?"
@RonFilipkowski · Jan 26
“Someone said to me, ‘Alina, would you rather be smart or pretty.’ I said, ‘That’s easy - pretty. I can always fake being smart.’”
Nikki Haley
Putin murdered his political opponent and Trump hasn’t said a word after he said he would encourage Putin to invade our allies. He has, however, posted 20+ times on social media about his legal drama and fake polls.
And Biden prosecuted his political opponent.
Completely false. That's just right wing propaganda.
Biden had nothing to do with prosecuting the obviously guilty as sin Trump. Trump's legal problems are just beginning.
Interesting how the far right wanted to prosecute Biden over obvious baseless lies and inuendo.