
Editorial: A deadly San Antonio crime scene refutes the open border lie | | tylerpaper.com

Via:  John Russell  •  3 years ago  •  7 comments

By:   Austin American-Statesman (TylerPaper. com)

Editorial: A deadly San Antonio crime scene refutes the open border lie |  | tylerpaper.com
The United States has every obligation to police its borders, but it should do so with compassion and humanity. Texas and the nation's border states don't need political opportunism and finger-pointing. They need sensible immigration policies that recognize the humanity of the migrants who come here seeking jobs and allow them opportunities to come here legally.

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San Antonio police had barely finished counting dead bodies after the grisly discovery of dozens of migrants in the back of a scorching tractor-trailer late last month when Gov. Greg Abbott blamed the White House.

"These deaths are on Biden," Abbott tweeted in response to the deadliest human smuggling case in U.S. history, in which 53 people lost their lives. "They are a result of his deadly open border policies. They show the deadly consequences of his refusal to enforce the law."

Abbott's crassly political finger-pointing about open borders was patently false, disproven by the very crime scene he tweeted about. After all, if the United States had open borders that migrants could easily waltz across, why would they pay smugglers exorbitant sums to hide and transport them in a potential death trap with no ventilation or air conditioning?

The truth is U.S. borders are heavily guarded, with billions spent every year on manpower and technology to keep unauthorized immigrants out. The federal government and the state of Texas have adopted increasingly punitive policies that put migrants at greater risk. The U.S. for example has made it harder for those fleeing violence in places like Guatemala and Honduras to ask for asylum, a right available to them under the law. When they arrive at the border to make an asylum request, they're either forced to wait in detention for an average of almost four months or forced to remain in Mexico, where they are preyed upon by dangerous cartels. Meanwhile, American businesses are desperate to fill open jobs that some migrants would gratefully accept.

On Thursday, Abbott announced that Texas law enforcement would would begin returning unauthorized migrants to the border, though immigration enforcement is a federal responsibility.

Increasingly restrictive border policies are driving desperate migrants to risk their lives to enter the U.S. illegally. In the years since Trump imposed new hardline immigration policies that Biden has been unable or unwilling to unwind, migrants have perished at the U.S.-Mexico border at alarmingly high rates, usually by drowning, dehydration, exposure, or falls from border walls. CNN reported that the U.S. Border Patrol discovered the remains of a record 557 migrants at or near the border in 2021, more than twice the number found in 2020. The number could climb higher this year.

"I would hope that leadership in our state and in our country would look at immigration from a human point of view; look at what our laws currently are and why they're not working," Edna Yang, co-executive director of American Gateways, an immigration policy reform group in Texas, told our editorial board last week. "We have a system that creates backlogs (in immigration applications and court hearings) and doesn't adjudicate justice or give due process."

A Trump-era policy that forces migrants to remain in Mexico, often in squalid border camps, while their asylum claims are processed in U.S. courts has led some who would normally be admitted into the country while their cases are sorted out to try to enter the U.S. illegally. The U.S. Supreme Court on June 30 upheld the Biden administration's decision to rescind this inhumane policy. However, the justices asked a lower court to rule on its merits under administrative law, so the dispute isn't settled.

Meanwhile, Title 42, a Trump White House pandemic-era policy that allows for rapid expulsion of migrants at the U.S. border based on concerns about COVID-19, is driving some without other options to risk trying to enter illegally again. Biden tried to end Title 42 but a federal judge blocked the move. Denise Gilman, director of the Texas Law Immigration Clinic, said policy makers could spend tax dollars more wisely and save migrant lives by taking a more humane approach at the border.

"Don't put (migrants) into expedited removal where they're put in detention or forced to undergo initial screening interviews that assume that they're not viable asylum seekers," Gilman said. "Go the exact opposite route and assume they're asylum seekers, let them go live with families…and put the resources into processing those claims and get people integrated."

The United States has every obligation to police its borders, but it should do so with compassion and humanity. Texas and the nation's border states don't need political opportunism and finger-pointing. They need sensible immigration policies that recognize the humanity of the migrants who come here seeking jobs and allow them opportunities to come here legally.

Providing these avenues would save lives and bolster a U.S. economy in dire need of workers while honoring the principles of acceptance and inclusion to which this country aspires.

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jrGroupDiscuss - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    3 years ago
The U.S. for example has made it harder for those fleeing violence in places like Guatemala and Honduras to ask for asylum, a right available to them under the law. When they arrive at the border to make an asylum request, they're either forced to wait in detention for an average of almost four months or forced to remain in Mexico, where they are preyed upon by dangerous cartels. Meanwhile, American businesses are desperate to fill open jobs that some migrants would gratefully accept.
Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @1    3 years ago

Absolute nonsense John. We can plainly see on the nightly news the hundreds that daily cross the river. Some choose to pay the cartel to drive them across, quite often with deadly results...either dying from the heat in a trailer, or in an overstuffed van or pickup truck that gets in an accident. No one knows how many of these people are really seeking asylum or facing danger in their home country. Border facilities cannot accommodate all these border jumpers...having neither the staff nor material resources to do so.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3  Jeremy Retired in NC    3 years ago
Gov. Greg Abbott blamed the White House.

With an EO signed by Biden on January 20, 2021 stopping the actions to secure the border, the only person to blame is in the WH.

Professor Quiet
4  Ronin2    3 years ago

It is like the stupid just keeps rolling right on in with those defending Brandon.

Border authorities nabbed nearly 240,000 illegal immigrants at the southern border in May, according to numbers released late Wednesday that show the month marked a new record level of chaos for the Biden administration.

Just 42% of those were expelled under the Title 42 pandemic emergency policy, while the rest were processed under normal immigration rules — which under the Biden administration usually means being released into communities to await eventual court proceedings.

All of the key categories showed increases, from unaccompanied juveniles, which surged 21% in May, to migrants traveling as families, which rose 8%.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) tallied nearly 12,000 people detained in its facilities on any given day in May, topping March’s previous high.

And the number of unique encounters — migrants who haven’t tried to cross in the last 12 months — also surged 15% in May, to 177,793.

Drowned out by all the other Team Biden disasters , the southern border remains porous: Last month was the worst December on record. A Customs and Border Protection reports 178,840 illegal migrants apprehended, beating the worst previous December by over 100,000.

Biden breaks records every month, with apprehensions on track to reach 2 million in his first full year. You can see why they keep coming: The Border Patrol estimates that hundreds of thousands more pass through without interception, while the administration releases most of those it does catch, even quietly resettling migrants all across the country .

The only White House strategy here, in other words, is to try keeping the crisis out of the headlines while sending as few illegal crossers as possible home. And never mind the joke of Vice President Kamala Harris’ mission to tackle the supposed “root causes” in the Southern Triangle nations, which are actually providing a shrinking share of the surge as the news that you’ll likely get away with it spreads across Latin America and the Caribbean.

Biden claims his first year brought historic achievements, and it did: record illegal immigration; record inflation; a record bugout in Afghanistan — in all, record cluelessness.

Many agents voiced frustration that leadership in Washington at the agency and department levels continues to maintain that agents have "operational control" — meaning they are aware of and can respond to any illegal activity.

An agent who quit late last year wrote in his resignation letter that the job had become "unrecognizable," as the majority of agents on a shift were no longer patrolling the border but transporting, intaking, and releasing people who had illegally entered the country, a federal crime.

"We’re getting overwhelmed, then, we’re locked inside with these people in processing, leaving the line way open or with only one or two agents out there, which is an officer safety issue," a fifth agent said, referring to the "line" where agents are normally assigned on the border. "Since smugglers are used to getting away, when an agent decides to initiate a vehicle stop, they take off and lead to crazy pursuits."

A sixth agent said Border Patrol leaders across the southern border post on social media about agents' lifesaving rescues daily, but the posts fail to mention that the noncitizen whose life agents saved was likely trying to evade getting caught and that agents are meant to serve a law enforcement purpose.

He claimed the Biden administration was "sugar coating" their work and "bending the narrative to make yourself or the administration look better."

Brandon and the Democrats starting ringing the dinner bell for illegal immigrants during the Democrat primaries. They switched to a dinner gong once he assumed office. Now people from all over the world are crossing our Southern border illegally; and the author still claims the border is secure?

Also, needing a job is not a legal reason for requesting asylum. 

Reality to the author's fiction.

goose is back
Junior Participates
5  goose is back    3 years ago

Don't believe your lying eyes!


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