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The Vice President is not afraid

The Vice President is not afraid

Via: JohnRussell  •  1 Comments  •  yesterday
John Russell last wrote: "..."
Officials release video of officer fatally shooting Sonya Massey in her home after she called 911 - CBS Chicago

Officials release video of officer fatally shooting Sonya Massey in her home after she called 911 - CBS Chicago

Via: JohnRussell  •  26 Comments  •  yesterday
Trout Giggles last wrote: Great ideas!


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@John Russell @Perrie Halpern @Sean @Greg Jones @Ender @Hallux @al Jizzerror @Texan1211 @squiggy @Ronin2 @Dismayed Patriot @bugsy @Jack_TX @Just Jim NC TttH @Drinker of the Wry @Right Down the Center @Buzz of the Orient @Duck Hawk @JBB @Sparty On @afrayedknot @Vic Eldred @Trout Giggles @arkpdx @Drakkonis @Nerm_L @Tessylo @Ozzwald @cjcold @Eat The Press Do Not Read It @Gordy327 @Tacos! @Thomas @gooseisback @igknorantzrulz @CB @charger 383 @Split Personality @1stwarrior @bbl-1 @Veronica @mocowgirl @TᵢG @RU4Real @Sunshine @pat wilson @Colour Me Free @Transyferous Rex @Waykwabu @Freefaller @Kavika @Dig @SteevieGee @MrFrost @Wishful_thinkin @TOM PA @bccrane @sandy-2021492 @Thrawn 31 @Dragon @shona1 @zuksam @Hal A. Lujah @Freewill @George @Save Me Jebus @Ringworm @Blessed Be The Fruit @independent Liberal @Mourning Wood @dennissmith @AndrewK @Bob Nelson @Jeremy in NC @freepress @Igknorantzruls @JumpDrive @Sockula @Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @KatPen @Krishna @fineline @A. Macarthur @MalamuteMan @Robert in Ohio @Chad @Outis @

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