Marjorie Taylor Greene Threatens Kevin McCarthy to Give Her Power if GOP Takes Majority
By: Sarah Rumpf (Mediaite)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was full of swagger in an interview with The New York Times, boldly predicting that if the Republican Party wins back the majority in the House in the midterm elections, she'd have "a lot of power" — even going so far as to say that if that didn't happen, the Republican base would wreak vengeance upon Republican House Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).
Greene spoke with the Times' Robert Draper multiple times over recent months and their conversations were collected in a long article published in the New York Times Magazine Monday morning, titled "The Problem of Marjorie Taylor Greene."
The first-term Georgia congresswoman was stripped of all her committee assignments after a series of abhorrent comments and threats and has been nearly completely ineffective as a legislator, sponsoring only a handful of bills, none of which have become law.
But the blunt reality is that Greene's re-election bid against Democrat Marcus Flowers has a massive, likely insurmountable advantage: it's one of the deepest-red districts in the country. Georgia's 14th congressional district voted for former President Donald Trump in overwhelming numbers both times: 75% to Hillary Clinton's 22.1% in 2016 and 73.4% to Joe Biden's 25.3% in 2020.
So she's almost certainly heading back to Congress for a second term to begin next January. What that might look like depends on how many people with an (R) after their name join her.
Greene told Draper she expects to see "a lot of investigations" if the GOP retakes the majority, including seeking to impeach Biden. She scoffed at those who doubted McCarthy would support such a move, saying while her "style would be a lot more aggressive, of course," than the GOP House leader, and he would need to have "evidence," she still thought it was people "underestimat[ing] him, in thinking he wouldn't do it."
She went on to explain why she thought McCarthy as Speaker would have to follow her far more aggressive style, because the GOP base wanted payback for the "witch hunt" against Trump.
"I think that to be the best speaker of the House and to please the base, he's going to give me a lot of power and a lot of leeway," Greene told Draper in what he described as "a flat, unemotional voice."
"And if he doesn't, they're going to be very unhappy about it," Greene continued. "I think that's the best way to read that. And that's not in any way a threat at all. I just think that's reality."
Greene has been a prolific fundraiser, raking in millions of dollars from supporters across the country, and has gone out on the campaign trail to stump for fellow MAGA candidates like Kari Lake in Arizona and J.D. Vance in Ohio.
A GOP majority could even result in a new leadership position being created for Greene, Draper reported. McCarthy's spokesman denied he had offered this to Greene, but she was coy when Draper asked her about it:
When I asked Greene if the report was inaccurate, she smiled and said, "Not necessarily." But then she added: "I don't have to have a leadership position. I think I already have one, without having one."

God is playing a sick joke on us.
Staring down on the chaos he created
Said son if you ain't having fun just wait a little while
Momma's gonna wash it all away
And she thinks Mercy's overrated
If the GOP takes back the House Marjorie Taylor Greene will be one of the two or three most important people in that majority. Take it to the bank.
So vote democrat and let the squad lead the speaker around by the nose.
AOC is not one of the two or three most important Democrats in Congress, but not only that she isnt 1/100th of the bigoted ignorant clown that MTG is.
Get ready for a farcical US Congress next year. She will demand a high position and McCarthy will give it to her.
Do you know how ridiculous it is claim MTG is one of the most important Republicans? Her main constituency is online Democrats who obsesses over her.
She will be a leader in the new Congress if the GOP succeeds in taking back the House. Probably with a title, but even without the title.
If you think these MAGA crackpots dont want one of their own at the top you are dreaming.
Probably with a title, but even without the title.
Simply making her an actual member of a committee would be a huge step up for her. She's literally the least powerful person in Congress right now, and in a Republican majority she will only be above the freshman on any committee she might be appointed to.
Very wishful thinking.
Horseshit ..... I’ll gladly eat my words if it happens but will you when it doesn’t?
That worthless redneck should never be in elected office. She is a stain on her state of Georgia and the House of Representatives!
Much like the other buffoon, no one holds MTG responsible for anything she says or does. She has an absolutely free rein based on her popularity with "the base", aka wackos. Only the Republicans can rein her in, and they are not going to do that, out of fear of her trashing them.
She's delightful. Like Syphilis.
You mean the gift that keeps on giving? Only problem is antibiotics cure the Syph but there's no cure for the stupidity of MTG!
Lol ... I’m pissin blades doc ..... I know you’ve heard that more than once as a Corpsman of Marines .....
Lol fuck off. About 10% of us use condoms.
Yep, did that bore punch on many occasions to young Marines and sailors alike!
Lol ...... no thanks but you are most welcome to ..... so carry on .....
Conservative blasts the 'freak show' Republicans who have turned the party into an 'intellectual wasteland'
Using the U.S. Senate run of Georgia's Herschel Walker as a jumping-off point, conservative columnist and former GOP White House adviser Peter Wehner bemoaned the state of the GOP for giving up any pretense of principles since Donald Trump infected the party with his brand of win-at-all-costs politics .
After noting that Walker , with his massive resume of scandals, has "no business running for political office at any level, let alone the United States Senate," the columinst added that, in many ways, he is representative of the wave of Republican candidates who are destroying the party that Wehner writes used to stand for something.
Calling Walker the "archetypal MAGA candidate in a MAGA party," he added, "Like so many who now represent the GOP, Walker displays not just a lack of interest in serious ideas but contempt for them. Benightedness is chic," he wrote for the Atlantic.
"Republicans once sold themselves as representing family values and tradition, concerned with moral standards and civic character. They insisted on the importance of good character and integrity in political leaders. This has been exposed as utterly cynical, most obviously in the support that Republicans—many of whom savaged Bill Clinton over his moral failings—gave to Trump, whose corruptions are peerless and borderless," he charged before adding that the current Trump-ear cast of characters -- including conservative non-politicians -- have taken over the conservative movement and that the Republican party will suffer because of it.
"The GOP has turned on virtually every noble principle it once claimed to stand for," he wrote. "It has become a freak show, embodied in people like Trump and Walker, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, Ron Johnson and Josh Hawley, Blake Masters and Doug Mastriano, Adam Laxalt and J. D. Vance, Steve Bannon and Roger Stone, Michael Flynn and Mike Lindell, Tucker Carlson and Sebastian Gorka, Eric Metaxas and Paula White. They shape its sensibilities, providing the script for everyone else to follow."
He added that many currently in power have been complicit in the damage being done.
"To make matters worse, those who surely know better—people like Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, and especially Kevin McCarthy—turned out to be hollow men , 'shape without form, shade without colour, paralysed force, gesture without motion,'" he wrote.
"Whatever you thought about the GOP pre-Trump—and it may be that the ugliness was much closer to the surface than I wanted to acknowledge at the time—the Republican Party is today much more conspiracy minded, anti-democratic, and anti-truth," he elaborated before lamenting, "This worries me, because I love my country. And it disheartens me, because I once admired my party. Today, however, because of its diseased state, the most urgent political task is to defeat it in the hopes of eventually rebuilding it."
Meanwhile the “squad” continues their excellent contract with America ......