Jake Tapper Uses Horrifying Images from the Holocaust to Condemn Trump's GOP Enablers, Including Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kevin McCarthy
By: Joe DePaolo (Mediaite)

"It has been a good few weeks in the United States for anti-Semites and those who support Nazism," said Jake Tapper. "A sentence I never thought I would say."
That was how Tapper began a stunning closing monologue on CNN's State of the Union Sunday. In a blistering five-minute commentary, the CNN anchor condemned former President Donald Trump's Republican enablers for refusing to denounce Trump's dinner with anti-Semites Nick Fuentes and Ye. Tapper took particular aim at House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) — noting that the latter shared a stage with Fuentes at a White supremacist conference earlier this year
"She, of course, remains a member in good standing of the House Republican Conference, whose leader, Kevin McCarthy, is now refusing to make even the most tepid criticism of Donald Trump for dining with these Holocaust deniers," Tapper said.
He then added that McCarthy claimed Trump denounced Ye and Fuentes four times.
"Donald Trump has never condemned Nick Fuentes or Kanye West," Tapper said. "He hasn't done it once, much less the four times Kevin McCarthy claimed."
Tapper then got personal by invoking a family member, his great uncle Edwin — who died fighting against anti-Semitism as a warrant officer and tail gunner with the Royal Canadian Air Force.
"He was shot down and killed by the German Luftwaffe on June 22nd, 1943," Tapper said. "He was only 22. He was killed, along with around 800,000 service members from Canada and the United States and the UK and Australia and elsewhere.
"The greatest generation that we so proudly herald, except of course, at moments like these, when politicians and others besmirch their memories by refusing to clearly condemn the evil and the tolerance of that evil that they gave their lives to stop."
The CNN anchor then invoked the Holocaust and displayed some horrifying images.
What are we talking about tolerating here? Anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. Pure evil. The evil off camera in this photo: See the little kid there on the left side showing the other kids the flower, see that kid? These are Hungarian Jews in 1944. And unbeknownst to them, they were waiting to be killed. They were about a hundred or 200 meters away from gas chambers.
These are images from inside those concentration camps where Jews, after years of being demonized by Nazis whose lies were first tolerated and then subsumed by politicians and the public, Jews were ghettoized and then rounded up and slaughtered. Along with millions of Roma, gays, Catholics and others.
"This is what my Uncle Edwin and hundreds of thousands of Americans gave their lives to stop," Tapper said in closing. "This and the tolerance of the evil ideology behind it is what apparently too many politicians in the United States are unable to muster the courage to condemn in clear and unequivocal ways. Whom are you afraid of alienating?"
Watch above, via CNN.

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The last baby born in NAZI Germany would be 77 years old today. Joe Biden is older than that. Nancy Pelosi is even older. Isn't it about time to move on?
What's the fascination with NAZIs? The Soviets were actually worse than the NAZIs. The Communists were actually worse than the NAZIs. The Khmer Rouge were worse than the NAZIs. Is the left trying to gloss over its own history?
Because they are horrible people and they still exist. They may not be the NAZI's of old, but the ideology is the same.
Nazi's were fascists, which is literally the opposite of a left wing ideology.
Do you disagree with my comment that Nazi's are bad people? You seem to be defending them.
Time for a history lesson it seems...
Fascism is a far-right , authoritarian , ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement , [1] [2] [3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy , militarism , forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. [2] [3]
Fascism rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. [4] [5] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I , before spreading to other European countries , most notably Germany . [4] Fascism also had adherents outside of Europe. [6] Opposed to anarchism , democracy , pluralism , liberalism , socialism and Marxism , [7] [8] fascism is placed on the far-right wing within the traditional left–right spectrum . [4] [8] [9]
Fascists saw World War I as a revolution that brought massive changes to the nature of war, society, the state, and technology. The advent of total war and the mass mobilization of society erased the distinction between civilians and combatants. A military citizenship arose in which all citizens were involved with the military in some manner. [10] The war resulted in the rise of a powerful state capable of mobilizing millions of people to serve on the front lines and providing logistics to support them, as well as having unprecedented authority to intervene in the lives of citizens. [10]
Fascism rejects assertions that violence is inherently bad and views imperialism , political violence and war as means to national rejuvenation. [11] Fascists often advocate for the establishment of a totalitarian one-party state , [12] [13] and for a dirigiste [14] [15] economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky (national economic self-sufficiency) through protectionist and economic interventionist policies. [16] Fascism's extreme authoritarianism and nationalism often manifests as belief in racial purity or a master race , usually blended with some variant of racism or bigotry against a demonized " Other ", such as Jews . These ideas have motivated fascist regimes to commit genocides , massacres , forced sterilizations , mass killings , and forced deportations . [17]
Since the end of World War II in 1945, few parties have openly described themselves as fascist; the term is more often used pejoratively by political opponents. The descriptions of neo-fascist or post-fascist are sometimes employed to describe contemporary parties with ideologies similar to, or rooted in, 20th-century fascist movements. [4] [18] Some opposition groups have adopted the label anti-fascist or antifa to signify their stance. [19]
Expect a Wikipedia definition of fascism in 3…2…1
didn’t think he would have it in the que desperately waiting to hit the enter key.
So the party that fought to keep their slaves and gave us the KKK and Jim Crowe Laws are good people?
You got anything from THIS millennium?
Expect denial of facts in 3....2...1...
Some people can’t decern the deference between using the term fascism to describe the fascist behavior to silence the press and opposing speech with an ideology.
Right wingers defending Nazi's....did Nazi that one coming.
He is literally calling for the US Constitution to be removed along with all rules and regulations. I dunno, Buddy, seems pretty fascist to me.
Talk about a denial of facts, who here defended NAZI’s
Agree! I don’t see anyone on the right talking about trump incessantly. TDS is real.
How cute. You used a website that can be updated by the general public as a "source".
I'll stick with something more reliable that gives the ACTUAL definition.
It's their way of ignoring the Dumpster Fire they support in the WH. God forbid they admit they elected the worst POTUS in US history.
That didn’t take long.
US Constitution to be removed along with all rules and regulations. I dunno, Buddy, seems pretty fascist to me.
Because if there's one thing history has taught us it's that left wing movements are great respecters of Constitutions.
Think of how many times Stalin was constrained from doing what he wanted by the USSR's Constitution.
Hey, you started it.. LOL
Time for a history lesson it seem
Well here's one for you. The fundamental characteristic of a left wing movement is its embrace of a collectivist ideology as opposed to one focused on individualism. Fascism, like its cousin communism, is a collectivist ideology. Once you understand Mussolini's description of fascism, "everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state," you'll see how silly it is to equate it to systems based on John Locke or Adam Smith.
Trump's motto is "America First"
Trump thinks we need more immigrants from "Norway".
He would be happy to be a dictatorial leader.
They started a war that killed 60 million people. Is that good enough for you?
But did they leave their laptop at a repair store, or use their own email server? So much more serious than 60 million deaths. /sarc/
Phew. Good thing the left has only obsessed about things more serious than killing 60 million people.
Trump might have cheated on his taxes! Civilization is ending!
[Further meta will result in points toward suspension]
You seem confused over my usage of the English language. I clearly pointed out that the left was more concerned with things more serious than an email server (which was legal at that time), and someone's laptop.
an an email server (which was legal at that time),
you seem confused. It was not "legal at the time" to store highly classified information on a private email server.
You seem even more confused since the republican in charge of the investigation said there was no classified material.
He originally claimed 3 out of 10's of thousands of email, were marked as classified. He later had to backtrack on that claim. That's why there were no charges made.
No he didn't. Which is why you didn't provide a link to your imaginary claim.
That's why there were no charges made.
No. it wasn't. This is all very well documented. You should try reading it again.
I would suggest you reread it then tell me what charges were filed against her.