Candace Owens defends the Confederate flag
People are just so stupid': Candace Owens defends the Confederate flag and equates slavery with owning yachts
Story by Brandon Gage • Wednesday
Right-wing commentator Candace Owens defended displaying the Confederate flag and falsely suggested that the American Civil War was waged about some unnamed cause that was not slavery.
Owens is wrong. The Civil War between the industrialized Union and the agrarian Confederacy – whose four-year existence ended on May 9th, 1865 – was entirely about the Southern states' desire to continue their economic dependency on human enslavement.
But Owens insisted otherwise and then equated slavery with owning yachts.
"Hi! Thoughts on the Confederate flag. I do not see a problem with people whose family members died fighting for that flag to be able to wave it high. It is historical and the idea that your son or daughter went and marched in a war – that people are just so stupid they think 'they were fighting for slavery' – those people who fought were piss poor and never had a slave a single day in their life," Owens groused.
"They fought for the South and their sons signed up, went to war, and now they're told that even having the flag or having any pride for their dead relatives is something that is wrong and dirty and backwards and racist and associated with slavery. People are so ignorant about slavery and the numbers on slavery. I mean, the idea that everyone had slaves in the south is so stupid. It was the incredibly uberwealthy. It'd be like people believing that everyone today had a yacht," she said.
"I mean, it's just so – I'm just going to stop ranting about it," added Owens. "The answer is people should be allowed to keep their Confederate flags and wave them because it represents an element of history."
This is shameless pandering at the highest level.
Intelligent people know that Owens is a grifter who exploits her novelty as a "black conservative" in the cause of making money from podcasts and a You Tube channel.
But what does this particular nonsense tell us about Owens target audience? She seems convinced that "her " people, MAGA, will appreciate her love for the confederate flag. Maybe so.
Her understanding of what caused the civil war and what the south's reasons for it were is less than childlike. What the intentions of the south's secession were is very well known. They wanted to protect slavery from the threat to its existence they believed the election of Abraham Lincoln represented. Candace Owens seems to be utterly clueless about this.
So is she advocating getting a license to prove that a family member actually fought in the CW?
The Swastika in just about every form is prohibited in Germany.
ST George's flag until recently was illegal throughout the UK, still illegal in Scotland.
The Confederate Battle Flag isn't illegal, and it is only indirectly related to slavery.
The Confederate Battle Flag is popular for the same reason these bumper stickers are still
prevalent south of the Mason Dixon Line.
Stick it to the Yankees.
I couldnt disagree more. For one thing the battle flag was incorporated into the Confederate national flag for the last two years of the war.
But even without that consideration, the battle flag is the confederate flag in the popular imagination, and is undoubtedly what Candace Owens was referring to.
Every flag used by confederate forces represented the Confederacy, a white supremacist state.
I could agree less. /s The current flag was never an official Confederacy flag.
St. Andrews cross was unique on the battlefields because the original flags of many states resulted in many incidents of friendly fire especially at the first battle of Manassas/Bull Run.
The flag you pictured incorporated the battle flag on a field of white symbolizing the Southern Romantic notion of the purity of their cause, the defense of a way of life which included slavery and idolized states rights as opposed to federal rule. It was rarely used because on windless days it looked like a flag of surrender.
Most likely, she wasn't smart enough to actually picture the flag she was ranting about.
Only by the inference that they despised the Federal government and were not going to be told how to manage their properties, including their slaves, Remember Jeff Davis was 100% into spreading slavery and making additional slaves states from the Carribean, Central America or future American territories. Davis's main interest was in expanding slavery for profit, if they won the war.
After the end of the CW, Robert E Lee wanted to outlaw the Confederate Battle Flag simply because it was a divisive symbol between the winners and losers, but that pesky First Amendment....
The Battle Flag achieved it's current notoriety as a racist symbol when adopted by the new Dixiecrat Party and the KKK who's specific goals were to deprive blacks of their new rights. By the 1960's it was plainly a symbol of resistance to the Civil Rights movement.
Bottom line is that people will believe what they want.
In spite of the South's fascination with blood lines,
certain people of color, like Niki Haley and Candice Owens,
for whatever reason, are in denial about slavery and the Confederate Flag
as it is currently listed as a hate symbol.
Meh, as with the War of Revolution, soldiers were fiercely loyal to their state and state governments, not the Federal Government. That's why Lee led Virginia.
As Candice points out, as most deniers do, the average rebel couldn't afford to own slaves, true, but he was loyal to the system where his produce or labor was dependent on "old money", usually plantation owners. They started out defending the economic reality of living in the south, capturing any blacks and indenturing them or selling them back into slavery, they ended up defending slavery by default, eventually taking no black Union men or their officers alive.
As a footnote; there were many despicable Plantations which kept their slaves as "indentured people" well into the 1950's and 1960's by telling them that they hadn't made enough profit and they did so with the support of the local sheriffs.
Black people were held in slavery in the Deep South as late as the 1960's - The Black Youth Project
Lets face it, Owens, like Jones, Limbaugh and a host of others are grifters.
The flag represented the Confederacy.
from the same link
It still means different things to different people.
The Confederacy had too many damned flags in 4 years.
Btw, the square flag in your link, more correctly was a battle banner used by the various land elements in the many armies of the CSA.
The popular flag which gets the most recognition is actually a version of the Confederate Navy Jack.
The problem with that excuse is that even if you have the best of intentions you can still be viewed as part of the problem if you're not being careful. You might very rightly understand that the word 'niggardly' means stingy, but perhaps that wouldn't be the best choice of words when you're trying to to tell your boss who happens to be African American that you need more office supplies.
Do you really want to call your neighbors who happen to be black a bunch of 'naggers' because they've been complaining about your lack of lawn maintenance? Yes, you would be in the right, they are nagging you, but wouldn't it be far more prudent to use another word?
The fact is the confederate battle flag has been used by white supremacists as an expression of their hate and racism. The civil war was fought over slavery, that shouldn't even be in debate for anyone with more than half a brain. The confederates knew it at the time and said so, trying to twist oneself into contortions to make it about States rights is an act of futility.
"The new Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution—African slavery as it exists among us—the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution." - Vice President of the Confederacy
So the confederate flag was used along with many other confederate flags, but the stars and bars confederate battle flag became the most widely known eventually and it does, whether you like it or not, represent the confederacy and the fight to enslave humans as cattle. Someone can hem and haw all they want about how it means something different to them, but the fact is, if you're having to explain yourself, you're losing the argument.
There is also a biblical principle for why even those who have some fantasy alternate belief about what the confederate flag means to them should choose to discard it.
"27 If an unbeliever invites you to a meal and you want to go, eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience. 28 But if someone says to you, “This has been offered in sacrifice,” then do not eat it, both for the sake of the one who told you and for the sake of conscience. 29 I am referring to the other person’s conscience, not yours. For why is my freedom being judged by another’s conscience? 30 If I take part in the meal with thankfulness, why am I denounced because of something I thank God for? 31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God" - 1 Corinthians 10:27-32
So those supposed 'righteous' conservative Christians defending and flying the confederate flag, knowing others view it as a symbol of hate and racism, are choosing to be stumbling blocks for others simply because of their selfish desire to do what they want and feel their own conscience is clean because they made some shallow excuses about how to them it means 'rebel' but to their fellow black Americans it's a declaration of hate.
John is right, "The flag represented the Confederacy".
If your small town business is "Internet Solutions & Integrated Systems" and on all your business cards and the big sign on your building it said "ISIS", you'd probably be scrambling to change it after the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria started terrorizing and blowing people up. The reality is it doesn't really matter what you think it means, it's what the majority of people believe it means or represents.
It's not an excuse and it's simply an example of tribal blaming.
The worst government flag in history is still hated in many countries but hailed by football fans globally. The colonial empire of England easily is responsible for 150 million deaths worldwide.
Followed by the Mongols, China, Russia, Belgium, France, Portugal...
Not even mentioned because we always forget it was in fact a medieval government with standing armies, The Vatican.
Estimates of death due to the religious wars of Christendom
vary from 300,000 t0 700 million.
Now that's hatred and racism
and yet they still have influence and wealth.
Go figure.
Hopefully, in the new year, you will learn what MAGA really means, which is pretty much being against everything the left Is try to foist upon all US citizens.
And no, it's not about supporting White supremacy or White grievance, it's about destroying the myth of systemic racism perpetuated by some race hustler progressives.
I already know what MAGA is mainly about - white people who feel they are losing "their" country to non white immigrants and non white native-born Americans. This has been plain as day from day one and is the reason Trump was so readily accepted by them. He was the king birther.
Ypou know nothing of what MAGA is. If what you posted were true, then myself, my step son, who is full Filipino and several of my friends, would not have married Asian women.
Your claims are [bullshit.....deleted]
Is that like saying one can't be racist because they know a Black person...
So in your words, what does maga mean?
you didn't mean to direct that to ender did you?
Did you mean to say that to someone else?
I think so
[no value]
that was for bugsy
No problem. I figured that.
Its in the same ballpark as saying racism must be over because Barack Obama was elected president.
i knew the ignorance he was referring to
You posted something of 'no value'? Darn, often that's the more interesting stuff to read.
You'd have to desperate for entertainment to think there was value there.
JR, always with the 'flattest' of dead-pan humor. I get a kick out of it when it is 'delivered.'
Are these family members and brides active and passive conservatives (MAGA-themed) is the operative question!
Also, I would be remiss if I left Hallux out. The humor is there (always)! Props!
She is a fucking whack job grifter.
This moron says slavery is the same as not slavery.
Can only shake my head when she says things like I want to go backwards yet I hate progressive people because they are going backwards....
Yes she is a moron.
As with Diamond and Silk, Candice has figured out how to suck money out of white wallets ... I guess she deserves a 'kuddo' for that ... /s
Forgot all about those two hustlers -Zircon and Polyester
During the Holocaust Jews in the death camps pulled bodies from the gas chambers and transported them to the crematorium. They had an excuse. It gave them another day of life.
Candace Owens is without excuse.
People do not usually champion, bad actors in their families by announcing a parade with banners and marching bands and celebration booths. Here is President Lincoln speaking at his second inauguration in March 1865 on the topic. Note: The prominent statement about slavery being the cause of the war. (See INDENTED PARAGRAPH below.)
NOTE: The Civil War ended in May 1965 .
* Not indented in the original. Indentation by CB.
Lincoln at his first inaugural address explains why people then and now (like Candace) are wrong about celebrating those who considered it their 'right of birth' to dismantle our union of states based on their disagreement with the 'whole.'
Newly elected President Lincoln makes the case for why the union would fight the states together against fragmentation into confederate states! And yet these several southern states revolted and seceded anyway. Bringing civil war over and beyond their attempts to bring federal territories under the control of several states-sanctioned slavery.
* Italics, CB.
** Bolding, CB.
A shameless opportunist at the most basic level.
Hey, that bitch has bills to pay....
Every Receipt Proving Candace Owens Is A Con Artist (
Candace Owens Lives Rent-Free In $3,500 Apartment, Claims Toxic Mold Illness, Sues Landlord, Legal Documents Reveal - Bernard Media
This lady is a snake oil salesman and the Magamillions are licking it up off the public bathroom floor. They are simply happy to have a black friend so they can say well you know.