Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls for Red States to Secede
By: Ken Meyer (Mediaite)

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) decided to mark President's Day by proposing that red states break off from the United States of America.
"We need a national divorce," Greene declared on Twitter. "We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat's traitorous America Last policies, we are done."
We need a national divorce.
We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government.
Everyone I talk to says this.
From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat's traitorous America Last policies, we are…
— Marjorie Taylor Greene (@mtgreenee) February 20, 2023
The last time states seceded from the union, the direct result was the Civil War. In terms of saying something about Presidents Day, Greene declared "Americans hate Joe Biden" as she seethed at the president over his visit to Ukraine and pledging more U.S. assistance for their effort against Russia's invading military
This is incredibly insulting.
Today on our President's Day, Joe Biden, the President of the United States chose Ukraine over America, while forcing the American people to pay for Ukraine's government and war.
I can not express how much Americans hate Joe Biden.
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) February 20, 2023
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This nutcase is actually evil.
And she is one of the most influential Republicans in Congress.
Maybe we are fortunate that she is incredibly stupid.
most influential Republicans
Maybe one of the most far right, one of the most vocal and one of the most covered by the media. But one of the most influential? Not even close.
Apparently she does not understand that the red states are more reliant on sucking money from the federal government's teat, than the blue states.
Welfare overwhelmingly goes to blue states with 1/3 of welfare spending going to California. You do understand the difference in federal spending when it comes to things like the military and the CDC and supporting takers who live of the tax payers dime?
It obvious some don’t know the difference between welfare and paying government workers.
Californians remit more in taxes than California gets back.
Unlike red states that pay little in, yet drain our Treasury...
Yeah, those blue states are the SALT of the earth. Blue states only pre-suck money from the Federal government.
Unsupported opinion. Cite some examples.
Do you really thinking "Nunt Uh" is a rebuttal? But, here you go...
1/3 of all welfare goes to worthless takers in California.
MTG ain't wrong. Biden really has chosen Ukraine over the United States. Biden has chosen illegal immigrants over citizens. Biden has chosen foreign investors over US capital. Biden really has chosen a policy of selling out and selling off the United States, all paid for by American taxpayers. Commoners are expendable, let them eat government provided cake.
States no longer need to secede, so there won't be another Civil War. States only need to enact sanctuary laws to separate themselves from the Federal government. We're fighting a war of litigation and the states are winning. Blue states have led the charge.
Let me know when you get back on planet earth.
Several people on this seed....
But not in the real world? Planet earth encompasses much more than the fantasyland of blue islands. All those blue islands depend upon exploiting the real world to keep the fantasies alive.
Democrats have tried to create a sanctuary from the real world in their blue islands. But those blue islands would starve in the dark without the real world. The derailment in East Palestine was the result of exploitation to keep those blue islands running. East Palestine only served as a means to an end. That's the same thing Biden has been pursuing with his fantasyland policies. MTG ain't wrong.
The fantasy world is the one you are making up without any proof.
Indeed, including Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky. /S
Las Angeles can't pump enough oil to keep the lights on for all the blue islands. That's not a fantasy, that's the real world.
Ukraine winning or losing won't affect the United States in any way. Chinese factories built in the United States still bleeds the country. And urban test scores for disadvantaged Blacks won't grow any corn.
Woke won't brew beer or bottle merlot. That's a fantasy that has no value in the real world.
You think republican states can just enact their own private sanctuary and just cut them selves off from the rest of the world.
Yes, fantasy.
That's how Democrats do things. Sanctuary has worked so well for Democrats that it's become an institutional norm. Kinda lays to rest the trope that Republicans can't learn.
Now you are not even making sense....
My sense is too common for make believe. Blue islands decide when or if they will cooperate with the Federal government. And those blue islands demand the Federal government follow their lead.
You do realize that governing by Executive Order is, in itself, an act of rebellion against democracy? And that act of rebellions is being fought in a war of litigation. MTG ain't wrong.
Only on Opposite World where everything is bassackwards!
Bassackwards like fighting a war without firing a shot? Biden is trying to defeat Russia using money controlled by an alliance of financiers. Biden thinks we can spend our way to peace. Biden is certainly not allowing the reality of the battlefield to intrude on his fantasy.
Commoners are expendable. It's the money that matters in the blue fantasyland.
So republicans never used any executive orders...
So you are of the mindset we should just turn a back on Ukraine and let Russia take over.
And Democrats never litigate? Democrats want to stack the courts so they can win the war of litigation.
So you made a false statement and now trying to backtrack...
Also comical about trying to stack the courts after that is what republicans were actually doing.
The war in Ukraine depends upon mines, factories, and workers. If Biden wanted to prevent Russia taking over Ukraine then he'd either engage in diplomacy or build factories. Printing money won't accomplish much unless Biden pays Russia to withdraw.
Ukrainians are not killing tens of thousands of Russians by throwing US dollars. The US is providing them gun, tanks and ammo etc!
Engage in diplomacy from Putin?
What would that entail, the US agreeing that Ukraine give up parts of its land?
How is my statement false? Governing by Executive Order really is, in itself, an act of rebellion against democracy. Are you saying it's not?
Democrats led the way in making sanctuary and acts of rebellion institutional norms. Republicans have learned they can do the same thing.
If EO's are bad for one administration, are they not bad for another? If you are accusing Biden of executive fiat, then you might as well include almost every other president in history instead of trying to paint a false picture.
Russia really is killing tens of thousands of Ukrainians because Russia has put its factories to work. Russia is manufacturing its own guns, tanks, and ammo. Russia is not fighting a fantasy war of sanctions, money, and politics.
Biden spends more money, Russia produces another missile. Biden imposes another sanction, Russia builds another tank. Biden talks at another European conference, Russia sends more troops to the front. Biden plays politics, Russia is fighting a war. Joe Biden (and Kamala Harris) will not defeat Russia with a speech.
Did you not just say that they should use diplomacy?
Now you are saying diplomacy will not work...
I never said otherwise. My statement that governing by Executive Order really is, in itself, a rebellion against democracy didn't include a partisan qualifier. I've only pointed out that Republicans have learned to follow Democrats' lead and do the same thing. MTG is following Democrats' lead, too. MTG is calling for Republicans to do what Democrats have already institutionalized. MTG ain't wrong.
Nope. You tried to paint a picture that Biden was the blame for things all past presidents have done.
Then turn around and blame everything republicans are doing on Democrats.
It is always the fault of someone else.
There are only two real world options: diplomacy or war. Biden has tried to create a third option built upon a fantasy. And Biden's fantasy war hasn't proven effective in the real world.
Then the rest of the world is in on the fantasy.
Acting like the US is the only country involved in this is painting another false picture.
That's incorrect. The reality is that Democrats are to blame for normalizing sanctuary and undemocratic methods of governing. Biden is only following what Democrats have turned into an institutional norm.
The seed portrays MTG has a backward throwback, too ignorant to learn. But the reality is that MTG is savvy in calling for what Democrats have already institutionalized. The reality is that MTG says that Republicans also can do what Democrats have already done. MTG ain't wrong. MTG is only putting a Republican twist on Democrats' business-as-usual.
Normalizing sanctuary?
Ok, what does that actually mean?
By the way, sanctuary is different than isolation.
So tell me, what exactly are these things the Dems have institutionalized?
Sanctuary originally referred to blue islands passing laws that prohibited local law enforcement from cooperating with Federal immigration authority. But things like the SALT deduction are also an institutionalized form of sanctuary intended to bring the Federal government into conformity with blue island laws. Blue islands attempting to coerce the Federal government to conform to stricter gun laws, environmental regulations, housing standards, wage standards, and a host of other regulations enacted by blue islands is also a form of institutional sanctuary, often accomplished by Executive Order. The end result is that blue islands achieve sanctuary from Federal authority. If blue islands don't like a Federal law or regulation, they enact their own laws and claim sanctuary.
MTG is calling for Republicans to pursue the same sort of institutionalized sanctuary. The blue islands have seceded without actually seceding. Republicans can do the same thing. MTG ain't wrong.
The right constantly talks about state rights. Your whole paragraph is basically stating as such. States have a right to decide how they tax their own citizens just as states should be allowed to pass their own gun legislation.
Not every city or town has the same needs.
By the way, isn't that what DeSantis is doing with the school systems in Florida?
State's rights isn't the same thing as sanctuary. Since you mention DeSantis, let's use that as an example. Did the standards for AP African Studies originate in Florida? Now blue island colleges and universities who created those standards are claiming sanctuary from state, local, and parent's scrutiny and expectations.
Democrats have institutionalized sanctuary from state's rights, too.
Now you are just getting into local policy versus state policy.
We are giving them just enough to let them slow bleed into submission, not actually win. What we are doing is more cruel than if we just let Putin run over them and let them adapt to their new reality.
So you think it is inevitable that they will take over the country.
If nothing changes than yes. And even if something changes and we actually give them enough to overcome Vlad we should have done it on day one, not wait until thousands have died, millions are relocated and a good portion of the country has been leveled.
Greene is the perfect spokesmodel for the gop...
As the Republican thought leader, Greene clearly demonstrates the anti-American nature of the Republican Party and how much many Republicans hate America.
Yep, look who's upset, Russia and the republicans.
I guess tens of millions of democrats really hate America too.
Yet, no Democrats are backing Putin and Russia in Ukraine.
Unlike Greene and many in the gop. What about all of that?
Where has she said she is backing Putin and Russia???
Greene is on the record in support of Russia in Ukraine...
You guessed wrong.
From what little I could read of your pay wall link, she doesn't support but rather wants the US to stop doing the Democrat thing of throwing money at Ukraine.
Right. Greene is traitor for believing we should get a national divorce. The tens of millions of Biden voters who agree with her are patriots.
Progressive logic strikes again.
Comment 5.2.6 - Further proof that fraudulent reactionary propaganda is no stranger to NT.
Feel free to make an actual argument other than parroting buzz words.
Feel free to stop posting fraudulent reactionary propaganda.
Just think, the red states could enact their own Handmaidens Tale. Have their religion run everything.
'Treasonous': Marjorie Taylor Greene blasted over Presidents Day call for a 'national divorce' (
I dont think most people realize this sort of thing is as big a problem as it is.
The US cannot go back to what she wants it to be, a white dominated Christian society. It will never ever happen the way she wants. People have to accept that and try to make what we have better, not cry "secession".
Her treason doesnt start here though. She was treasonous when she supported the overthrow of the government on Jan 6 2021.
That is because it is not true
"I will never leave that woman," McCarthy reportedly said after becoming Speaker. "I will always take care of her."
Reportedly...or really?
From the NY times. "“I will never leave that woman,” Mr. McCarthy, a California Republican, told the friend, who described the private conversation on the condition of anonymity. “
Told a friend who described a private conversation on the condition of anonymity. Yea, it must be true. Why do so many on the left promote what is quite possibly misinformation or just a made up lie?
In her abject stupidity, Greene doesn't know that her state, Georgia, voted for Biden in 2020 and has two Democratic Senators! So, Georgia is one of the blue states she wants the red states to separate from.
I still blame trump for making shit like this seem normal for republicans.
Trump shares some of the blame, but the weirdness and extremism from many Republicans goes back a long way before Trump.
True. They had the tea party extremes during Obama.
It goes back even farther than that. Think about Gingrich and his lying and extremism.
I blame Fox, Rush, Beck, Pyne, etc... for first giving fascism a voice in America.
Although they contributed to the problem, they were not the first. People before them also gave fascism a voice in America. For example, Charles Lindbergh and members of what was known as "The America First" Movement pre-World War II were Nazi sympathizers. There are, of course, some people who might criticize you but who are woefully ignorant about fascism and don't have the slightest understanding about it's underpinnings or how it develops in a society. That doesn't stop them from displaying their complete lack of knowledge.
On a daily basis.
And this clown is complained about how Zelinsky was dressed to meet the president as a show of lack of respect.
I guess she never heard of the old trope of never letting your general stick out in a crowd during war...
Cruella Deville has no place to be talking about dress code.
Greene is the gop's spokesmodel for Putin and Russia...
How does she support Putin or Russia?
What's he supposed to wear...a suit?
Ask Marj:
" President’s Day 2023. Zelenskyy can’t even wear a tie as he greets the President of the United States. He gladly takes our money in sweat shirts and t-shirts, but Biden is dressed up. So insulting. America Last!!!"
She is a disgrace to her country.
So the fuck what? Biden came to his country. I like the way Zelinksy he's ready to fight
Haven't owned a tie in decades but can still rock a silk safari jacket at the Oscars.
Me too.
i think just as disgusting as her secession remarks is her claim that Biden is more for Ukraine than he is for America
Well he is all about Ukraine's border and the insurgence of bad actors than he is our own........................
Marjorie Taylor Greene Commits Borderline Sedition
Apparently a lot of the political right is complaining about Biden being in Ukraine on "Presidents Day".
fuck these Russia loving traitors
Everyone I talk to says this.
Therein lies the rub. Nobody with at least half a brain would dialogue with this piece of trash.