
James Comer: House Investigation Helping Trump in 2024 Polls

Via:  John Russell  •  last year  •  12 comments

By:   Alex Griffing (Mediaite)

James Comer: House Investigation Helping Trump in 2024 Polls
Rep. James Comer (R-KY) told Fox News he believes his investigation into the Biden family has helped Trump's electoral fortunes

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By Alex GriffingMay 22nd, 2023, 4:29 pm Twitter share button <?php // Post Body ?>

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) told Fox News on Monday morning that he believes his investigation into the Biden family has helped former President Donald Trump's electoral fortunes.

The exchange began with Comer running through some of his regular talking points and allegations against the Biden family.

"We want to know what exactly the FBI did to investigate this allegation. We're very confident this document exists," Comer began referring to a document he has asked for the FBI to turn over regarding a past allegation, before adding:

We want to know again what the FBI concluded with respect to this investigation, because the reason we're so concerned about this is because this fits a pattern of what we've seen in Romania and other countries around the world where the president, then vice president, flew into a country, took an unusually active role in foreign policy in this particular country, was the lead person on foreign aid in this particular country.

And then all of a sudden his family members start getting wives from foreign nationals from this particular country through these various LLC and shell companies that the Biden family created. I mean, this is one of the most serious accusations I think has ever been leveled against any political leader in the history of our country. And for the FBI to act like, well, we don't know. We can't talk to you about this, just trust us. I mean, this allegation happened a long time ago and the FBI has done nothing.

We want to know exactly what they did. We not only want to file, but we want to know what action they took. So Speaker McCarthy called me after his conversation with FBI Director Wray. I appreciate the speaker. He's leading on this issue. He's working with Republicans on the House Oversight Committee. So I have a lot more confidence today that we're going to get that form 23 because of the work that Speaker McCarthy is doing.

"Well, that's a positive note on that, let's hope you get it, you know, because I think that would really move your investigation even further up than it already has been. But we've got to talk about this," replied co-host Ashley Strohmier.

"And we have talked to you about this on this show, about how the media can just not ignore this any longer. In an op ed in The Washington Post, it says, 'Millions flow to Biden family members. Don't pretend it doesn't matter.' So do you think that because of your investigation, that is what's moved this needle with the media?" Strohmier asked.

"Absolutely. Absolutely. There's no question. You look at the polling and right now Donald Trump is seven points ahead of Joe Biden and trending upward. Joe Biden is trending downward," replied Comer, adding:

And I believe that the media is looking around, scratching their head, and they're realizing that the American people are keeping up with our investigation and they realize something's wrong here.

"It's not normal for the president of the United States, children and grandchildren and in-laws and nieces, and nephews to receive wires from foreign nationals. That's what we proved. And we proved that this happened while Joe Biden was vice president of the United States which had never before been reported. And the media tried to not report on it. But the American people are keeping up with what we're doing. And the American people do not want to see public corruption," he concluded.

Comer in the past has been pressed by Fox News hosts for more concrete evidence of wrongdoing by President Joe Biden.

Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocypressed Comer in mid-May, " You don't actually have any facts to that point. You have got some circumstantial evidence. And the other thing is of all those names, the one person who didn't profit is… there's no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally."

Comer was also confronted in early April over his allegations on Fox and was asked if Biden had broken any laws. Comer replied the House Republicans were still investigating, but added, "We're going to fix the laws on influence peddling because this is getting out of control. And if we don't have tighter ethics laws, we're going to have countries like China that are going to come in and bar relatives of high-ranking government officials."

"And people are going to say, like the Democrats are saying now, 'Well, they didn't break any laws.' Well, we're going to change the laws," Comer concluded.

Watch the full clip above via Fox & Friends First.

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Filed Under: 2024 ElectionDonald TrumpFox NewsJames ComerJoe Biden Previous PostNext Post Previous PostNext Post Alex Griffing - Senior Editor

Alex Griffing is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Send tips via email: alexanderg@mediaite.com. Follow him on Twitter: @alexgriffing

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Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    last year

www.rawstory.com   /james-comer-biden/

'They literally have nothing!' Morning Joe busts GOP's overheated claims about 'Biden crime family'

Travis Gettys 2-3 minutes   5/23/2023

MSNBC's   Joe Scarborough   called out Rep. James Comer (R-KY) for admitting the Republican investigation into President Joe Biden's family was intended to hurt his 2024 chances.

The GOP-led House has investigated the president's son Hunter Biden and other family members who've done business overseas, but the "Morning Joe" host said those probes had failed to turn up substantial evidence of wrongdoing, just as previous politically motived Republican inquiries have.

"It's very awkward --   [special counsel John] Durham   tries two cases, 'We're going to prove the FBI and Hillary Clinton spied,'" Scarborough said. "Two juries say not even close, 24 jurors just said no to Durham, his cases were so horrible. He never proved anything. Now you have Comer coming along. They put out a report and, my God, even people on the right who have been lying time and time again about the, quote, 'Biden crime family,' have to say, well, there's no smoking gun there, is there? There's not really anything there, is there? Nothing going back to Joe Biden. There's not, but it's just, again, it's awkward because they're so bad at this."

Scarborough compared Comer's   admission   to one made by now-House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) back in 2015, as Republicans held hearing after hearing on the Benghazi attack to hurt Hillary Clinton ahead of her presidential run.

"With Benghazi, you had an underlying tragedy," he said. "Of course, of course, that kind of makes it even more grotesque, that they decided that they were going to exploit the deaths of four Americans who gave their lives in service to America, to try to drive down Hillary Clinton's poll numbers. But the underlying investigation was a worthy one, to see what happened in Benghazi."

"Again, they just -- it was perverse," Scarborough concluded. "They said, 'Let's use these four dead Americans to drive down Hillary Clinton's poll numbers.' Here, they literally have nothing."

Watch the video below or at this link .

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @1    last year

Hillary was obviously asleep at the switch on Benghazi....or perhaps drunk. She failed at her job.

Professor Guide
1.1.1  MrFrost  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    last year
Hillary was obviously asleep at the switch on Benghazi

How so? 7 republican led investigations didn't find any wrongdoing. 


Professor Principal
2  seeder  JohnRussell    last year
 So do you think that because of your investigation, that is what's moved this needle with the media?" Strohmier asked. "Absolutely. Absolutely. There's no question. You look at the polling and right now Donald Trump is seven points ahead of Joe Biden and trending upward. Joe Biden is trending downward," replied Comer, adding:
Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @2    last year

So he should lie?

this might be the dumbest story of all time.  What’s next  “Congressmen admits that water is wet”

Reporting that Biden’s family made millions from bad actors is going to hurt Biden.  Imagine believing it wouldn’t,  or even worse, shouldn’t.

Professor Principal
2.1.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @2.1    last year

James Comer is as functionally dumb as a box of rocks. Why would anyone admit that a congressional investigation was serving his partisan political purpose?

Professor Quiet
2.1.2  Ronin2  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1.1    last year

Unlike what the Democrats pulled?

Or are you going to claim all of their investigations into all things Trump weren't in an effort to hurt him in the polls?

They even admitted it; and had their media sycophants admit it.

They were echoing your hatred- so you ignored it.

Professor Principal
3  JBB    last year

Help Away!

If the gop nominates Trump Biden wins 2nd term!

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  JBB @3    last year

A Biden nomination is the only chance for a Trump second term. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
4  Greg Jones    last year

The way to get to the truth is an in-depth investigation. There is definite smoke, so the search for the flames continues....as it should.  If Biden isn't dirty and corrupt, he has nothing to worry about.

The left has seemed to do everything it can to defame and discredit Trump and the Republicans, so they shouldn't be surprised to be treated in a similar way.

Professor Quiet
4.1  cjcold  replied to  Greg Jones @4    last year

Trump has done everything he can to defame and discredit himself.

The CNN debacle showed him and his followers to be seriously insane.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
5  Vic Eldred    last year

It is comical. Everything is looked at by how it might help/harm Trump.


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