
Special Counsel Jack Smith's Investigation Giving Trump More To Cry About Every Day

Via:  John Russell  •  last year  •  12 comments

By:   Wonkette

Special Counsel Jack Smith's Investigation Giving Trump More To Cry About Every Day
Former White House Lawyer Ty Cobb Says Trump Proooooobably Going To Prison For BOXES HOAX

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TrumpEvan HurstMay 23, 2023 11:44 AMGiphy

Donald Trump is dementia-babbling on Truth Social this morning about how he has no idea who E. Jean Carroll is and E. Jean Carroll is a liar and whatnot. He must just really want to pay Carroll some extra damages.

But he should try to find some time in his scream-crying about his ruined, wasted life to do some scream-crying about everything that's going on with Special Counsel Jack Smith's various criminal investigations into him.

It's looking pretty bad for him!

Former White House Lawyer Ty Cobb Says Trump Proooooobably Going To Prison For BOXES HOAX

We mentioned yesterday that Cobb, the former White House lawyer with the mustache face hair appendage, said Trump is probably going to go to prison for BOXES HOAX, but we might as well mention it again because BOXES HOAX is one of the funniest, stupidest ways that minimally-IQ-ed halfwit has ever mangled the English language, and we just really like typing BOXES HOAX.

Cobb was on CNN with Erin Burnett talking about the news that the National Archives are handing over 16 documents to Jack Smith, 16 records of communications, which reportedly constitute evidence that Trump knew exactly what he had to do in order to declassify things when he was president, and cannot now pretend ignorance of what he was doing with all the state secrets he stole.

Cobb said "there's so much evidence of guilty knowledge" that "all they really have to do is show that Trump moved these documents at various times when DOJ was either demanding them or actually present," and that Trump "had his lawyers file falsely with the Justice Department an affidavit" that there were no more classified docs at Mar-a-Lago. He said it's a "tight case" and "yes, I think he'll go to jail on it."

From Ty Cobb's great big mustache to God's ears.

Special Counsel Jack Smith Still Doing Boxes Hoax To Trump, Even Though Durham Totally Exonerated Him :(

So that happened.

Former Trump Lawyer Timothy Parlatore Quit Trump Team Because ... Wait, This Can't Be Right.

In the same article where we wrote about the latest updates with BOXES HOAX last week, we also noted that Trump lawyer Timothy Parlatore, who was on the BOXES HOAX team, had quit. We figured it could have been for any of approximately eight million reasons, like "fool for client" or "didn't get paid," or something.

On CNN this weekend, he said it was because of infighting among the legal team, specifically one very huge fucking Trump idiot named Boris Epshteyn, who always seems to be barnacled onto Trump's ass somewhere. The quotes from other Trump lawyers about Epshteyn are always priceless.

Anyway, Parlatore said:

"The real reason is because there are certain individuals that made defending the president much harder than it needed to be," he said to CNN's Paula Reid on Saturday. "There is one individual who works for him, Boris Epshteyn, who had really done everything he could to try to block us, to prevent us from doing what we could to defend the president."
Parlatore said that Epshteyn "served as a kind of a filter" when it came to passing along information to the former president and also "attempted to interfere with" the team's effort to search some of Trump's properties for classified documents.
"In my opinion, he was not very honest with us or the client on certain things," Parlatore said of Epshteyn.

Trump's campaign said those are lies, but Trump campaign responses aren't worth the dried turds they're written on.

We don't know why, but Epshteyn reminds us of Kristen Wiig's "Dooneese" character on the "Saturday Night Live" Lawrence Welk sketches, just the weird one at the end with the tiny hands. Just, like, why is he there? Dunno!


Jack Smith Subpoenaed WHAT?

Finally, here's a New York Times beach read for ya. We don't know what it means, but Smith has subpoenaed the Trump Organization for business records with SEVEN foreign countries, going all the way back to the beginning of his presidency.

First of all, we cannot stop laughing because dumbfucking cow hick Republican Rep. James Comer, chair of the House Oversight Committee, has been cow hicking around about his Biden investigation PROVING that Joe Biden did THING in PLACE with SOMEBODY in exchange for MAYBE DOLLARS and he will let you know the specifics as soon as somebody finds the whistleblowers and drops them off at the animal shelter.

Oh No, What Is Joe Biden Doing To James Comer's Informants Who Are Definitely Real And Not Imaginary?

James Comer NAILS! Biden For Maybe Knowing About Possible Schemes His Family Coulda Done With Perhaps China?

Meanwhile, in the real investigation into the real traitor criminal motherfucker:

It remains unclear precisely what the prosecutors were hoping to find by sending the subpoena to Mr. Trump's company, the Trump Organization, or when it was issued. But the subpoena suggests that investigators have cast a wider net than previously understood as they scrutinize whether he broke the law in taking sensitive government materials with him upon leaving the White House and then not fully complying with demands for their return.
The subpoena — drafted by the office of the special counsel, Jack Smith — sought details on the Trump Organization's real estate licensing and development dealings in seven countries: China, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Oman, according to the people familiar with the matter. The subpoena sought the records for deals reached since 2017, when Mr. Trump was sworn in as president.

Whoa. We would say "Not Russia?" except for we just read in that paragraph that it's about real estate business deals and we all remember how Trump failed at doing real estate deals with Russia before he was sworn in as president.

But oh golly, we want to know more. The Times says this is part of the same subpoena that asked for info on his Saudi golf deals.

We Read All 284 Pages Of BuzzFeed's Trump Tower Moscow Documents, And Now We Hate Everybody In This Story

If We Were Trump, We'd Be Sh*tting Our Big Ugly Golf Pants Over Jack Smith's Investigation Right About Now

The Times also speculates how this could tie into BOXES HOAX:

Collectively, the subpoena's demand for records related to the golf venture and other foreign ventures since 2017 suggests that Mr. Smith is exploring whether there is any connection between Mr. Trump's deal-making abroad and the classified documents he took with him when he left office.

Ayup. That would sure as shit be something we'd be trying to figure out if we were Jack Smith. Why did he steal the state secrets he stole, and what was he doing with them?

Smith is also investigating the terrorist attack Trump incited on January 6 as part of his desperate sad loser attempt to overthrow the government and overturn the election he lost. Also all the grifting he did pretending he was investigating stolen elections and fraud and whatnot.

Can't wait to read whatever indictments are coming his way.

[Politico / New York Times]

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jrGroupDiscuss - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    last year

NBC is reporting that Jack Smith has finished gathering evidence on the documents case and on the brink of an indictment against Trump. 

Professor Quiet
1.1  Ozzwald  replied to  JohnRussell @1    last year
NBC is reporting that Jack Smith has finished gathering evidence on the documents case and on the brink of an indictment against Trump. 

About fricking time.  Open and shut cases like this should not take this long.

Professor Principal
1.1.1  Gsquared  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1    last year

I don't fault Smith for proceeding cautiously and methodically.  If... when... he indicts he wants to make certain that his case is air tight and Trump has no wiggle room.  So do you.

Junior Expert
2  George    last year


Professor Quiet
3  bbl-1    last year

Am waiting for the classic moment when Trump finally and with absolute fear whines, "I wish I'd never ran for president."

All in all though, Donald J. Trump is a dishonest, sleazy, self centered individual whose only concern is himself.

Professor Quiet
4  Ed-NavDoc    last year

Another hit piece from a hyper partisan leftist liberal site that is very hard to take seriously. 

Professor Participates
4.1  Snuffy  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @4    last year

Just like the myriad of "we got him now" pieces that came out during the four years of his presidency, I'll wait to see the end result.  Until he is actually convicted and imprisoned, all this really does is provide millions of free publicity for his campaign.  Very similar to what we say in 2015 with all the negative press that the media gave him which just resulted in all that free publicity that he loved and used.

Professor Principal
4.1.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Snuffy @4.1    last year

You have to be kidding. You just have an endless supply of bs on Trumps behalf. 

Dont tell us about his free publicity, tell us why he should never again be president of the United States. 

Professor Participates
4.1.2  Snuffy  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.1    last year
You have to be kidding. You just have an endless supply of bs on Trumps behalf. 

nice trolling...   Please show us where the words in post 4.1 hurt you...

And I would really love for you to explain how anything I said in 4.1 was on his behalf.  

Dont tell us about his free publicity, tell us why he should never again be president of the United States. 

why should I just repeat what you post daily?  I don't want him back and won't vote for him but that's never good enough for  you.  

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
4.1.3  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Snuffy @4.1.2    last year
why should I just repeat what you post daily?

Exactly cuz that's all that would come back to you in a response. Why waste the bandwidth............

Professor Principal
4.1.4  Texan1211  replied to  Snuffy @4.1    last year
Very similar to what we say in 2015 with all the negative press that the media gave him which just resulted in all that free publicity that he loved and used.

Trump played the media like a real maestro during his 2016 campaign, and the press practically fell over itself every time Trump breathed.

Democrats promoted Trump because they thought he would be easy to beat for Hillary, but that tactic backfired bigly!

Professor Quiet
4.1.5  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Texan1211 @4.1.4    last year

"..but that tactic backfired bigly!"

And now they trying to deny that was ever the case. Hilarious!


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