
Just Unbelievable!' Morning Joe Mocks Biden Probe FBI Contempt Push, 'Conspiratorial Wanderings

Via:  John Russell  •  2 years ago  •  22 comments

By:   Tommy Christopher (Mediaite)

Just Unbelievable!' Morning Joe Mocks Biden Probe FBI Contempt Push, 'Conspiratorial Wanderings
When Bill Barr opened up this field office in Pittsburgh at the end of 2020 to field all of these really conspiratorial claims that were being funneled into the FBI, but they were being vetted and checked out and sort of and crossed off the list. But James Comer has tried to dredge this up, and his readout, we are told, is inconsistent with what actually happened. He claims that the investigation is still ongoing. We haven't gotten clarity on what that investigation is. He also claims that...

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By Tommy ChristopherJun 6th, 2023, 8:11 am Twitter share button <?php // Post Body ?>


Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough and his crew of regulars mocked the push by House Republicans to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt over the "conspiratorial wanderings" of Kentucky Republican Congressman and Chairman of the House Oversight Committee James Comer.

At issue is the unsubstantiated bribery claim against President Joe Biden that multiple outlets are now reporting was investigated and dismissed by the Trump-era Department of Justice. The FBI allowed members of Comer's committee to view the document detailing the claim, but won't turn it over, so Comer is moving to hold Wray in contempt of Congress.

On Tuesday morning's edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe, Scarborough and a panel that included Jackie Alemany of The Washington Post — who is among those who reported the claim was looked into and didn't pan out — took turns torpedoing Comer's investigation:

JACKIE ALEMANY: Yes. So this briefing that happened about this form that contained unsubstantiated allegations about Joe Biden and his family is what James Comer had subpoenaed for. They finally got a review of this form yesterday and they were briefed by FBI officials, James Comer, Jamie Raskin in the same room with the same people getting the exact same briefing. We have sources that independently confirmed that the FBI actually had looked into this 1023 document that records allegations made by a confidential informant. It was closed. This all happened under Bill Barr. Our sources say it was related to Rudy Giuliani's allegations surrounding Burisma. When Bill Barr opened up this field office in Pittsburgh at the end of 2020 to field all of these really conspiratorial claims that were being funneled into the FBI, but they were being vetted and checked out and sort of and crossed off the list. But James Comer has tried to dredge this up, and his readout, we are told, is inconsistent with what actually happened. He claims that the investigation is still ongoing. We haven't gotten clarity on what that investigation is. He also claims that this information that was included in the 1023 form is also being used in an ongoing investigation. We've also been told that that's not accurate.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: It really is unbelievable! I mean, the, George I mean…

GEORGE CONWAY: I'm sure Bill Barr was covering for Hunter Biden! Absolutely!

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Yeah. Yeah, of course. It's just unbelievable. Time and time again Comer overpromises under delivers. Got the same thing, of course with that poor special. What's his name again? Durham. Durham. Who again overpromised, under-delivered lost everything that he took into the court. And in this case you've got Comer, who again has been trying to do things, even the Wall Street Journal editorial page, saying no smoking gun.

GEORGE CONWAY: I mean, these people just get out over their skis. They're just so desperate to distract from the issues that face the former president, frankly, and others, that they just will just take anything, any scrap of information, a little twist it and combine it with other scraps of fake information or real information and then turn it into something and it's nothing there.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: And, Jackie, these conspiratorial wanderings by Comer, that's different from what the FBI is investigating on Hunter himself, right?

JACKIE ALEMANY: It is. But it is possible that any and all information that has ever been submitted to the FBI would need to be given to any ongoing investigation related to someone. That being said, we can definitively say that these claims did not check out and that the FBI did close their review and assessment into the claims that the confidential informant had provided to this FBI agent. Sorry, the confidential informant, as Jamie Raskin noted, sort of in his statement, had received these tips and allegations from his sources, his or her sources in Ukraine, and then reported that back to the FBI, and those allegations are moot.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: What what what an unbelievable change when Kevin McCarthy goes on television and says, well, the Benghazi hearings, look, just the proof is in the pudding. Hillary Clinton's numbers are going down. And he was actually chided by his caucus for that. Many people believing he wasn't named speaker because of that.

And now, of course, they wallow in it. They wallow in it. And you have, Gene, you have Grassley going on TV going, we don't care whether Biden did anything right or wrong or not.


JOE SCARBOROUGH: It doesn't matter to us. Again, it's a.

EUGENE ROBINSON: It's the process!

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Again, they they've given up the game on this.

EUGENE ROBINSON: I know they really have. And it's it's it's so transparent but it's this is today's Republican Party. It's just very different different from the Republican Party of 2016. I mean, come on.

Watch above via MSNBC's Morning Joe.

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Filed Under: Christopher WrayHunter BidenJackie AlemanyJames ComerJamie RaskinJoe BidenJoe ScarboroughKevin McCarthyThe Washington Post Previous PostNext Post Previous PostNext Post Load Comments


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Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    2 years ago
We have sources that independently confirmed that the FBI actually had looked into this 1023 document that records allegations made by a confidential informant. It was closed. This all happened under Bill Barr. Our sources say it was related to Rudy Giuliani's allegations surrounding Burisma. When Bill Barr opened up this field office in Pittsburgh at the end of 2020 to field all of these really conspiratorial claims that were being funneled into the FBI, but they were being vetted and checked out and sort of and crossed off the list. But James Comer has tried to dredge this up, and his readout, we are told, is inconsistent with what actually happened. He claims that the investigation is still ongoing. We haven't gotten clarity on what that investigation is. He also claims that this information that was included in the 1023 form is also being used in an ongoing investigation. We've also been told that that's not accurate.
Professor Principal
2  seeder  JohnRussell    2 years ago

The right wingers in Congress are creating their own Steele Dossier folly. 

Professor Principal
3  seeder  JohnRussell    2 years ago

I'd like to give our right wing trolls on this forum their own kind of challenge.

A reporter for the Washington Post says, specifically, that this allegation contained in the document was looked into by the Trump DOJ and was dismissed. 

Prove her wrong, and not just by flapping your lips. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @3    2 years ago

You want someone to prove an anonymous leak based on a document that no one,  including the reporter,  has seen didn't happen?  

Why don't you provide proof that her story is accurate? You are aware of how many anonymous leaks from the DOJ to left win media have proven to be totally false?

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
3.1.1  Right Down the Center  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1    2 years ago

Give someone something impossible to prove and then claim victory when they don't. Sounds about right

Professor Principal
3.1.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1    2 years ago
Why don't you provide proof that her story is accurate?

Nope. The right wing trolls here demand proof that the sun rose this morning. Let's hear the evidence that this document has validity.  It came from Giuliani, who has proved himself to be an extraordinary fool. 

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
3.1.3  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.2    2 years ago
demand proof that the sun rose this morning.

I live in the northeast.  I would need proof the sun rose this morning.  And while you are at it please explain the funky smell in the air and why my asthma is bothering me.

Professor Principal
4  Hallux    2 years ago

Jackie Alemany? Mmmmm, extraordinarily bright and yummy too ... the stuff of dreams!


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