'Was He Alive That Day?': Chris Christie Tears Into Ron DeSantis' 'Ridiculous' J6 Remarks
By: Charlie Nash (Mediaite)

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie tore into his rival Ron DeSantis' remarks about the January 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol on Wednesday, calling them "one of the most ridiculous answers I've heard in this race so far."
DeSantis was asked in New Hampshire on Tuesday whether he believed Trump "violated the peaceful transfer of power, a key principle of American democracy that we must uphold" on January 6, 2021 with his insistence that the election had been rigged.
DeSantis replied, "I wasn't anywhere near Washington that day. I have nothing to do with what happened that day. Obviously, I didn't enjoy seeing, you know, what happened, but we've gotta go forward on this stuff. We cannot be looking backwards and be mired in the past."
Reacting to DeSantis' answer on CNN, Wednesday, Christie said, "He wasn't anywhere near Washington. Did he have a TV? Was he alive that day? Did he see what was going on? I mean, that's one of the most ridiculous answers I've heard in this race so far."
He continued:
You don't have an opinion about January 6th except to say, I didn't particularly enjoy what happened? People were killed. People were killed, Kaitlan, as you know that day, on Capitol Hill, defending the Capitol. We had members of Congress who were running for their lives. We had people trying to hunt down the Vice President of the United States, chanting 'Hang Mike Pence.' And Donald Trump the entire time sat outside the Oval Office, that little dining room of his, eating a well-done cheeseburger and watching TV and doing nothing to stop what was going on until it got to the point where even he could no longer stand it.
"And Ron DeSantis doesn't have any opinion on that?" Christie questioned.
Christie then told CNN's Kaitlan Collins that if he were asked the question, "I would say it was one of the most disgraceful days in American history and that the president was principally responsible for it. One, through the conduct and his words from election night forward, inciting people and insisting that the election was stolen when it wasn't."
DeSantis has previously indicated that he would consider pardoning both Trump and those involved in January 6.
Watch above via CNN.
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Filed Under: 2024 Election2024 GOP presidential primaryChris ChristieCNNDonald TrumpJanuary 6Kaitlan CollinsRon DeSantis Previous PostNext Post Previous PostNext Post Load Comments

Maybe Christie will destroy DeSantis chances the same way he did to Marco Rubio in 2016.
I think both will spontaneously pfff
Christie needs to throw his fat ass on the Democrat contrition spikes and just get it over with. Not that they will ever forgive him.
He will never be the Republican nominee, period.
The fact that leftist media is giving him air time is beyond pathetic.
First class grifter. Ever since he made his keynote speech for Romney at the 2012 convention about himself rather than attacking Obama or building up Romney, it’s been clear he’s all about Chris Christie. Hewas trump minion now he’s anti trump. Whatever pays the bills.
why is so important for you to have opponents bashing each other? He should have been building up Romney, I agree, but what's the point in bashing Obama? Isn't there enough ugliness in politics already?
Obama was the opposition candidate. Politicians generally attack and bash their opponents.
It's called politics 101.
and this is why people are so fucking nasty to each other.
So far, it looks as though Christie is simply running as a MAGA spoiler. I will cheer him on in that regard since it is net good for the GOP (which needs all the help it can get right now), but I see no path to him winning with such a strategy (and with his prior obsequious relationship with Trump).
I hope he does the thing nobody expects and wins the R nod. I will probably vote for him
Bridgegate ruined any chance of me ever giving this guy the time of day. It’s was colossally irresponsible and he handled the fallout shamefully, throwing his foot soldiers under the bus in plain daylight. That said, any enemy of Trump who can help cancel his future is a good thing.
Yeah that was pretty disgusting but people are redeemable. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt
Christie is trying to run as a non-MAGA republican. I think his strategy is to hope DOJ does their jobs and Trump is thrown in jail prior to the election. Most MAGA republicans won't vote for him, but with Trump off the ballot he may be the only one left. MAGA will not vote for anyone else, leaving non-MAGA republicans as the major republican voting block.
Quite a long shot strategy.
Ultimately, though, the only real shot at the presidency is to appeal to the general public and that means holding positions that are sensible, positive and inclusive.
We're talking republicans here, they never run on their policies, they only run on fear.
Thanks, you gave me a good laugh. And who was it pushing so hard in the 2016 elections about crashing the economy, causing a recession and/or getting us into a world war? That wasn't the Republicans.
DeSantis comment on that the 1/6 insurrection was brain dead.
that's coz he is brain dead
Notice that the right wingers never dispute WHAT was said, they dispute how it was said or who said it.
Christie is right, DeSantis belittling the importance of Jan 6th IS ridiculous.
To the average, rational, logical, and normal American citizen, J6 is of little importance and relevance. I'm sure it ranks way down their list of concerns, right alongside climate change. It's not a winning issue for the Democrats and they need to move on.
I disagree in part. He said all the right words, but for some people he didn't come out forcefully enough. He spoke as a politician running for office who was making comment against an opponent. And in part he is also right in that we need to stop living in the past and look to the future. As a campaigning politician he made remarks against an opponent who continues to rehash the past. How many times do we need to hear Trump bitch about how the 2020 election was stolen from him.
The FBI and the DOJ are handling the offenders of Jan 6th which is their job. Those who are campaigning for the 2024 elections IMO need to focus on the future and what they can bring to the Oval Office to help the citizens of this country rather than continue to rehash the Jan 6th debacle.
You might want to send a message to DeSantis regarding that since he has not posted one policy point thus far in his presidential campaign it's all the same old ''culture war'' BS.
If you call eliminating the Dept of Edu. IRS and Dept of Energy a policy point which was his ''news'' for yesterday.
DeSantis is the most extreme major party candidate in a long long time. You'd have to go back to George Wallace, who was never taken seriously.
Have any candidates from either party posted any policy points yet? I don't find any on any of the campaign web sites that I visited except for Trump. Even Biden doesn't have any policy points on his official web site. I did not visit the lower tier candidates, as they have the least chance of making it thru the primaries.
It may just be too early for them to put out policy points as they are at this point only playing to their base in order to win the primary. It's well known that candidates tend to shift their focus after the primaries are completed to avoid losing parts of their base with a policy point aimed at the center. Trump's ego has him already winning so he probably feels he can put out his policy points (and they are deliberately vague to avoid pissing off everybody).
DeSantis policy points are ''destroy leftists''....That might sell in the Republican primary but, IMO if he tries to sell that shit in the General he is toast.
That aspect has struck me as bizarre his entire campaign. You cannot go extreme right and then move to the center for the election. That is just too much of a shift to actually work. Also, there are plenty of Rs (and independents who would vote R) who are NOT in favor of divisive politics and prefer politicians who are (at least in words) trying to bring the nation together and accomplish things that benefit the nation as a whole.
Lol …. DeSantis attack mode ….. engaged!
To some on here, DeSantis will be the new "not fit for office" boogeyman.
The "not fit for office" (in my estimation) has nothing to do with policies and everything to do with character and ethics.
Stated differently, if DeSantis is deemed "not fit for office" it would be based on character and ethics, not policy. I do not see a strong argument that he is not fit for office. The argument would likely be that his policies are wrong.
But like I originally said...there will be some on here that will label him "not fir for office".
That's all that was said...nothing more.
For the greater electorate Ron DeSantis has made himself unfit for office, and unelectable, by proposing and advocating for plainly unconstitutional laws.
And I replied by suggesting that he will more likely be deemed a poor choice due to his policies and not because he is unfit for office.
Trump is demonstrably unfit for office. The argument for the unfitness of Trump does not apply to DeSantis.
So, yeah, it is always possible that someone here would label DeSantis unfit, but I do not see it as likely or defensible. What is more likely is that they would deem him a poor choice for PotUS based on his policies (which reflect his ideology and his politicis).
Unfit and unelectable are very different. Unfit means that he is an individual who should not hold office (regardless of policies). Unelectable means he is unlikely to secure sufficient votes.
No, not possible...probable
Like what?
You omitted the balance of my sentence: ", but I do not see it as likely or defensible."
It was the typical "gotcha" question by the leftist media and DeSantis wisely dodged it. Why would he risk alienating the hard core Trump supporters aka election deniers. The only ones offended by the neutral answer are the desperate Dems, who are milking J6 for all its worth.
Deflection works on many ……. Right up until the time they look at their hollowed out pocketbooks and weep.
A good article to explain DeSantis' strategy.