Hannity Flat-Out Asks Comer Will You Prove Biden Took Bribe
By: Tommy Christopher (Mediaite)

By Tommy ChristopherJul 31st, 2023, 10:49 pm Twitter share button <?php // Post Body ?>
Fox News host Sean Hannity got a less-than-emphatic answer when he flat-out asked House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer if he will be able to prove allegations that President Joe Biden is guilty of participating in a bribery scheme.
Former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer testified for Congress behind closed doors Monday, and Democratic New York Congressman and House Oversight Committee member Rep. Dan Goldman has been outspoken in making the case that the testimony backs up the president, as has the Biden White House.
Comer issued a statement accusing President Biden of having "lied to the American people when he said he had no knowledge about his son's business dealings and was not involved" but did not cite specifics from the testimony beyond the existence of the phone calls and the actions of Hunter Biden to promote "the brand" of his connection to his father.
Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordancalled it a "productive" meeting.
But on Monday night's edition of Fox News's Hannity, both Biden probe spearheaders had a lot to say to host Sean Hannity, summarizing a familiar set of accusations against the president and insisting again that Archer's testimony proves the president lied — contrary to Goldman's description of the specifics of the testimony.
Hannity wrapped up by looking for an emphatic "yes" or "no" on whether they'd be able to make good on proving their allegations — and got "hope" and "smoke" in reply:
SEAN HANNITY: I tell you, and this is why the Republicans have one half of one house. The government, one branch of government is so critical because these investors would all get covered up. And both of you put your neck on the line to get to the truth. And we went a long way today. And this. Will you both a, answer yes or no? Do you believe that this is now officially the Joe Biden bribery allegation? And do you believe that you will be able to prove that? Jim Comer.
REP. COMER: I sure hope so. And I do believe that there's a lot of smoke. And where there's smoke, there's fire. We just heard testimony today that Joe Biden had lied to the American people.
SEAN HANNITY: Jim Jordan, do you believe that? And do you believe that the DOJ has been helping to cover it up?
REP. JORDAN: Well, it sure looks that way. And I would tell you this, Joe Biden said he was not involved. There were two dinners at the Cafe Milano in D.C.. One of them, as you pointed out, where Joe Biden was there for the entire dinner. Both times. One of them had Mrs. Baturina, this Russian, the wealthiest woman in Russia, worth over $1,000,000,000. So that sure is a different story than what he's been telling us all along.
SEAN HANNITY: All right. Great work, both of you. Appreciate your time. Jim Jordan, James Comer, thank you.
Watch above via Fox News's Hannity.
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Filed Under: Chuck GrassleyHannityHunter BidenJames ComerJim JordanJoe BidenSean Hannity Previous Post Previous Post Load Comments

One thing is clear - the Republicans intend to continue this farce through the end of 2024.
They were given excellent examples and instruction by Democrats from 2015 through even today. Shoe on other foot is uncomfortable is it not?
The main difference being Trump is guilty as hell.
You guys are DESPERATE to put Biden in the same boat as Trump. That is why all this crap from Comer and Jordan and Grassley continues.
Meanwhile YOU believe that everyone should just leave Trump alone because no one was personally negatively effected by his presidency.
I didnt say I believed it, I said you believe it.
Were they? Anyone? You couldn't answer nor could many of your compadres. And hurt feelings don't count.
I dont give a fuck if you think no one was "hurt" by Trump's presidency. The whole country was hurt , his reign as leader of MAGA has divided this country in a way not seen since the Civil War. He lied to the American people thousands of times, as president. He tweeted nonsense and lies and personal attacks on various people every frigging day, WHILE HE WAS IN OFFICE. He called white supremacists "fine people too". He tried to bribe the president of a foreign nation. He asked Russia to find dirt on his political opponents. He had more corrupt people in his cabinet than any administration in memory. He told people who were born here to "go back to your country". He called black and brown countries "shitholes". He said the country needed more "Norweigians" , code for white. None of this is acceptable from a president of the United States. None of it.
When are you going to let it FINALLY sink in that there IS NO MAGA party???? Do you understand that? THERE IS NO MAGA political party.
Make America Great Again was from Ronald Reagan - [ -deleted ] Trump "borrowed" the phrase as an incentive to bring pride back into being an American.
[ deleted ]
Quit using MAGA as a cuss word - it is not.
Does it bother you started out parroting joe Biden’s lies about it all being Russian disinformation and how he never even talked to hunter about his business and how you’ve had to change talking points months after month as every thing you’ve argued has proven false?
Now you have to defend joe Biden calling in to meetings with some of the most corrupt oligarchs in Eastern Europe and China to demonstrate his son’s access to power as millions flowed to the Bidens from these criminals.
what service did hunter biden provide to earn those millions, John?
Dan Goldman called publicly for the release of a transcript of Archer's testimony. Since he is aware of Archer's testimony, and presumably, you are not, I will listen to Goldman. I would take his word over Comer and Jordan's seven days a week and twice on Sunday.
Hannity to Comer - Can you prove the allegations against Joe Biden?
Comer - "I sure hope so".
In other words, the fishing expedition goes on and on.
Out of curioisty, have you ever been so worked up about any of Trumps schemes, frauds, and graft? How about Jared and Ivanka. Made 600 million dollars while official members of the Trump administration. What services did they provide that were worth 600 million dollars?
There was enough smoke around Trump that I've never voted for him.
Compare what we knew about Trump in 2015, when I thought he was too dishonest for office and what we know about Biden now, and Trump looks like George Washington compared to Biden. Yet you still shill for Biden.
What foreign governments/criminals gave them 600 million dollars?
Let's continue the dance that applies every time Democrats get exposed, whether it's CRT in schools or Hillary mishandling classified information or Biden family corruption.
Step 1- It never happened. Republicans are lying.
Step 2- Months of evidence slowly trickle out showing it happened as Democrats stonewall every attempt to shed light on an issue and move the goalposts.
Step 3- Of course it happened. Absolutely no reason it shouldn't/it's old news, let's move on.
Like I have said, you jumped the shark about all this a couple years ago. Anyone who thinks there is evidence that Biden is more corrupt that Donald Trump is dreaming. You constantly complain about the Democrats. What are you but an excuse maker for the worst person to hold public office in 247 years?
Did Trump's DOJ let his family skip out in hundreds of thousands in income tax? Did Trump's DOJ tip of Trump's family members about upcoming property searches? Did Trump's DOJ enter into plea bargain agreements with Trump family members that were so were heavily weighted in the family member's favor that the DOJ's attorneys were forced to admit in Court that the treatment was unprecedented?
No. Trump, like Biden, just bragged and lied a lot. Trump didn't plagiarize speeches or papers in schools, though. And serial bragging and lying was enough to disqualify Trump for me in 2015. You remain onboard the Biden train not just the lying and plagiarism but so much, much more..
Trump spread the lie that Obama was born in Africa, AFTER the state of Hawaii had specifically said Obama's birth certificate was in the state archives TWICE. The biggest dolt on earth , if they wanted to be fair, would acknowledge that birtherism was racist bullshit. Trump revived it in a cynical attempt to appeal to white racists for a planned 2012 presidential bid. IN ITSELF this episode should have disqualified him for office in the eyes of any reasonable person.
Should I go on (and on and on and on) about the corruption of Donald Trump. There are dozens of examples.
Damn - sounds just like Schitzy and Nadler with their "And I've got the evidence" that everyone waited for five years to show up - which, as in Dem fashion, it didn't/won't.
www.mediaite.com /news/this-investigation-has-to-end-now-goldman-calls-hunter-biden-probe-taxpayer-funded-defense-arm-of-donald-trump/
Goldman: Hunter Biden Probe Taxpayer-Funded Trump Defense
By Tommy ChristopherJul 31st, 2023, 9:12 pm 3-4 minutes 7/31/2023
Democratic New York Congressman and House Oversight Committee member Rep. Dan Goldman said the investigation into President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden needs to “end now,” and called it a “taxpayer-funded defense arm of Donald Trump .”
Former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer testified behind closed doors Monday, and while Republicans have not had much to say, Goldman has been outspoken in making the case that the testimony backs up the president.
And on Monday night’s edition of CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 , Goldman pushed back when Cooper tried to get him to at least admit the testimony isn’t a good look, then said the probe “needs to end and it needs to end now”:
This was supposed to be Comer and Jordan's explosive star witness.
In their defense, it was about as explosive as the rest of their witnesses and paid whistleblowers.
Lol. There’s already been proof provided they got the millions from burisma. Remember the bank records? Don’t let the new Schiff fool you as badly as the last one did.
Archer testified that he got cut out from those payments. Similar to how archer cut Biden out of payments from a similar deal before. You think there’s honor among criminals like the Bidens and archer?
The head of your committee , James Comer, admits he has no evidence of Biden's wrongdoing.
Are you smarter than Comer? Not that it would be that hard.
Do you have evidence the Republican committees dont have? Maybe you should offer them your help.
Because you havent demonstrated any knowledge of the topic. You just say the same thing over and over.
The head of the congressional committee investigating this reluctantly admits he has no evidence.
It doesnt matter what you say. What matters is what the people in Congress pushing this are saying.
Do you know of evidence that Comer and Jordan don't?
Anytime someone asks you to prove anything you say you back off. Lazy or uninformed ? Who knows.
I am not one of the ones here that will go on and on and on with you. If you keep repeating yourself from this point on I will delete you.
Typical Dem Speak - "after the federal judge balked at it". Balked????? No Anderson, she caught their damn, stupid, friggin' lying up to their eyeballs and put an instant stop to it.
But, as everyone knows, Anderson is also a Dem/Speak person - after all, he does show up at CNN quite frequently.