Republicans, US democracy needs you to read Trump indictment
By: The Kansas City Star Editorial Board (The Kansas City Star)

By The Kansas City Star Editorial Board
Updated August 02, 2023 4:39 PM You owe it to your country. Kyle Mazza SOPA Images/Sipa US
Please read it.
We refer, of course, to the 45-page indictment that explains exactly what Donald J. Trump did to overthrow our democracy.
It explains, in great detail, how Trump knew from his own people that he had lost the election. And how, based on claims that even he knew to be "crazy," he tried through various schemes to stay in power anyway.
It explains, in a simple and straightforward way, what Trump did that has never been attempted by any previous occupant of the Oval Office.
Especially if you are among the nearly 75% of Republicans who according to a recent New York Times/Siena poll do not believe that Trump committed a serious federal crime, don't you owe your country that effort?
Even if you are among those who say yes, he committed serious crimes and you'll happily vote for him anyway, you still owe it to your country to acquaint yourself with what crimes it is that you're willing to overlook.
Virtually all of the facts set out in the document were revealed by not just other Republicans, but by Republicans appointed and employed by Donald Trump.
If you don't trust us to characterize what it says, read it for yourself.
If the news sources you do trust have told you there's nothing worrying in there and they're as trustworthy as you think, then their good faith will only be confirmed.
If you're someone who does his own research and then makes up his own mind, of course you'll read it for yourself.
If this is, as Trump's lawyers have said, an attempt to criminalize free speech, then you won't see anything in there about the difference between legal lies and illegal actions based on those lies.
If this is all the result of a Democratic effort to weaponize the Department of Justice, then you won't see how Trump used DOJ and other federal officials to try and overturn an election.
If you are right that this is a political prosecution, or that if he did do something wrong it was nothing serious, or was in any case nothing others haven't done, then this 45 pages will do nothing to challenge that view.
If you're not right, then don't you want to know that?
Maybe not, because no one likes to have to admit, even to himself, that he was mistaken.
But if those flags on your trucks and in your yards mean anything, you will be brave enough to do it anyway.
This story was originally published August 2, 2023, 4:16 PM.

Lets hope so.
That’s asking a lot. Is there an audio book or a hooked on phonics version?
The most annoying thing about all of these indictment situations is that we rarely ever hear anything that hasn’t already been reported on ad nauseam immediately following when they occur, only to be replaced by the next one, all because Trump so brazenly commits these acts in broad daylight and in unyielding succession. Anyone who pays attention to current events should remember every event cited and the associated details in these indictments, yet somehow we need to act shocked when they are all categorized in a single legal document. Numerous books detailing these events have been published by various authors as well. As with all indictments, it is assumed that the prosecution is in possession on a magnitude of facts and details that are not included in the indictment. That’s what I want to hear about.
They played a clip on Morning Joe today of Bill Barr being interviewed by one of the networks. Barr said that he is sure that Jack Smith has much more incriminating evidence against Trump than what is in the indictment. He also said the indictment is very strong.
Trump supporters are heavy consumers of Fox News. Something like 80% of MAGA say Fox News is their major source of information. Many of them dont know what they dont know, and if you couple open ignorance with aggressive social media participation you get the pathetic mess we find ourselves in.
The problem is that Trump supporters cannot be convinced that the government isn’t lying to them. For every damning reality, they have alternative facts that they unwaveringly cling to.
Here's the indictment....sounds pretty serious as allegations go. But is there evidence of any real crime being committed other than being crazier than a loon and lying his ass off?
gov.uscourts.dcd_.258149.1.0_1.pdf (