Indicted Trump Asks to Buy a Glock at Campaign Stop—Which Would Be Illegal
By: DNyuz
September 25, 2023inNews, Politics523 SHARES1.5k VIEWSShare on FacebookShare on Twitter
In a PR stunt gone terribly wrong, former President Donald Trump went gun shopping on Monday with Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and asked to buy a Glock pistol on camera—which would have brazenly violated the very same law that recently landed Hunter Biden criminal charges.
Federal law prohibits anyone under indictment from attempting to buy a firearm. Trump has been criminally indicted four times in as many jurisdictions—Atlanta, Miami, New York, and Washington—facing dozens of felony charges that could land him in prison for decades.
"I wanna buy one," Trump said while taking a tour of Palmetto State Armory, a federally licensed gun dealer in South Carolina that's widely revered by firearm enthusiasts.
"Sir, if you want one, this one's yours," a person on the tour said, seeming to divert the president away from making an actual purchase.
"No, I wanna buy one," Trump insisted.
It only added to the fiasco when those present pulled South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson into the photo op—as well as his brother, Julian Wilson, an executive at the private equity company that owns the gun dealer. They are both Republican Congressman Joe Wilson's sons.
The disaster started when Trump's campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, tweeted that his boss actually went through with the sale.
"President Trump purchases a @GLOCKInc in South Carolina!" he posted Monday afternoon.
But the campaign went into damage control mode as soon as firearms journalist Stephen Gutowski and others pointed out that the entire transaction would be blatantly illegal.
"Did he actually go through with the purchase?" Gutowski asked openly in tweet.
Cheung later claimed to CNN that Trump never actually went through with the purchase—and deleted his original statement. The Daily Beast could not immediately independently confirm whether Trump finalized the deal.
The irony is that the federal law Trump appeared to almost violate is the very same one that the feds used to indict President Joe Biden's son, Hunter.
The federal law that restricts how someone may buy or sell firearms is 18 U.S. Code § 922, the go-to statute for prosecutors seeking to imprison felons who manage to acquire guns after serving time in prison, straw purchasers who buy a gun with the specific intent to sell it to another person, and other people who aren't allowed to acquire them. That law is why anyone buying a gun from a licensed dealer must fill out what's called an ATF Form 4473, which asks: "Are you under indictment or information in any court for a felony, or any other crime for which the judge could imprison you for more than one year, or are you a current member of the military who has been charged with violation(s) of the Uniform Code of Military?"
Answer "yes," and no gun shop can legally sell you a gun. Trump, who is facing criminal charges across the eastern seaboard, would have to answer in the affirmative.
Republicans—and Trump in particular—have been calling on the Department of Justice to hold Hunter Biden accountable for violating the same statute, in his case, for lying about drug use on that form.
The post Indicted Trump Asks to Buy a Glock at Campaign Stop—Which Would Be Illegal appeared first on The Daily Beast.
Some conservative websites are saying that recent Supreme Court decisions make it doubtful Trump would be breaking the law if he buys a gun while indicted.
Well that clears everything up.
A new first for Trump. First presidential candidate in memory filmed attempting to buy a handgun.
No, Donald Trump did not buy a gun during his trip to South Carolina on Monday - he only said he wanted to.
Social media lit up after the Trump campaign posted a video of him admiring a gun with a likeness of him branded onto it. A now-deleted post said the former president "purchases" a Glock, which was dubbed "Trump 45."
No, Donald Trump did not buy a gun in South Carolina. Here's what happened when he saw a Glock. (
Yup social media is the place for disinformation alright
Besides that, being only indicted, Trump can purchase a gun (Snuffy pointed that out below), but the merchant that sold it would be the one breaking the law. The only way this changes is that if Trump is convicted then he couldn't even have been in the gun shop unless he is fleeing a crime and the gun shop is a safe refuge.
Why do laws have to be so dumb and complicated?
I just think it's funny that Trump admires a certain gun and the lefties go wild. They want to prosecute him for everything and put him in jail for life.
This is about them, not Trump.
It usually is.
Trump's stupidity is legend at this point. What a moron.
Darn good thing he didn't get one. I'd sure hate to see him accidentally shoot the tire of his golf cart.
I think it more likely he shoot himself in the foot
But will he do it in the middle of Time Square and have nobody notice or care?😏
I would love to get the accurate information on this from a .gov website. I looked but could not find the definitive answer. What I did find was
That is a year-old news article so it may not be current, but I cannot find anything to show that it is not. The .gov site that lays out restrictions on ownership/possession of a firearm doesn't state that if indicted you may not possess, only if convicted.
Undoubtedly this will be fully adjudicated in the court of public opinion.
He didn’t actually buy it. Just wet dream liberal fantasy
I love the Hunter comparisons, Hunter was an active scumbag drug abuser.
Even less is said about the sexual and drug addictions of Ashley Biden.
But, not if you can help it! Am I right?
No, you are wrong. In how many comments have I ever mentioned her name? I remember one. How often are Trump's kids mentioned here?
Or Joes inappropriate showers with her.
“I have always been boy crazy. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age…I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate).”
If she is old enough to remember and question it, they weren’t appropriate.
What I remember about giving my daughter her baths, was the extreme measures that I had to go through to rinse her hair. Any water touching her face was serious trauma.
And even if you used Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo, any soap in the eyes was a violation of the Geneva convention.
LoL, I did use J&J. Probably see a future law suite on it causing cancer.
Everything gives you cancer
Everything gives you cancer
There's no cure, there's no answer
Everything gives you cancer
Don't touch that dial
Don't try to smile
Just take this pill
It's in your file
Don't work hard
Don't play hard
Don't plan for the graveyard
“Probably see a future law suite on it causing cancer…”
Shame on you.
The incessant need to seem ‘provocative’ is evident in every comment. No need to reply, wry…
To be so flippant in citing cancer says you have either never had a loved one suffer through the life altering consequences and if you have, your churlish attempts at humor show your complete lack of compassion.
My birth mother died of stomach cancer when I was 3.
My grandmother had breast cancer.
My stepmom died of ovarian cancer in 2011.
In 2020, I was diagnosed with Abdominal Cancer stage 4. It originated in my appendix (rare) and my treatment was 16 sessions of chemo and the mother of all surgeries (cytoreductive surgery with HIPEC).
I’m sorry if my soldier dark humor offends you.
Feel free to judge me whenever you like.
Do you dislike Joe Jackson and find him churlish?
Do you want to leave this thread where it is?
Is it me and Joe Jackson that you find flippant or just me?
Obviously, cancer is no laughing matter and you find humor and joking as socially unacceptable.
During my 2 1/2 years of treatment and recovery (during COVID) I found relief in making light of my situation. It also seemed to put my friends and coworkers at ease and signaled them not to treat me differently.
I was at ease with humor making fun of cancer and its consequences (like embarrassing bodily functions and paraphernalia required as part of treatment). It allowed for more open communication and several coworkers ask d me to talk about my experiences with their loved ones with cancer.
One coworker who’s wife and I had multiple conversations died this year from brain cancer at 44 years. I hope that I helped her and her husband in some way.
I think that victims need to talk about frightening, sensitive, embarrassing and/or taboo cancer experiences and humor helps break that ice. To me it helped build an individual and collective empowerment and cope with a terrible illness.
Look forward to seeing more of your thoughts.
Maybe...maybe not. We know how those people cover stuff up and then lie thru their teeth about it
And 1.1 above
Nuff said
So, Hunter Biden violating this statute was a bigger deal than the media has been spinning. Unless, of course, Democrats are held to a completely different standard than Republicans.
Trump just convicted Hunter Biden. Stuff that in your double standard and smoke it.
Come on Nerm, Trump has committed a death penalty crime by simply asking about buying a gun, if he had bought it while lying on a federal firearms purchase form, and then dumped it in a trash can near a high school while smoking crack the entire time he would have been fine.