Guess Who The First GOP Witness At The Impeachment Hearing Tomorrow Is Going To Be ?
The far right groupie , law professor Jonathan Turley , will kick off the GOP witch hunt of Joe Biden.
Some "conservatives" still try and make the laughable claim that Turley is some sort of objective arbiter of legal issues. Turley is MAGA and has been for some time. A quick look at his website verifies this.
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With Turley on board as the first witness, we can see what a dog and pony show this "inquiry" will be.
I'd like one of the Democrats on the committee to ask Turley why he has turned himself into a MAGA toad. I'm afraid they are all too polite though.
Allay your fears. Few are.
Contrary to what some so fervently want to believe, political witch hunts are not exclusive to solely the conservative right.
Right wing perhaps, but a MAGA toady, no way.
What’s wrong with being MAGA? I’m MAGA in that I want to make America great. Always have. The supposition that making America great, is somehow a bad thing, is an entirely progressive/liberal concept.
Entirely Machiavellian.
Nah, only for the triggered ….
MAGA will be in disrepute until they get rid of Donald Trump.
See 1.2.3, apply liberally, lather, rinse and repeat as necessary.
So the ends justify the means in maga world. No surprise there, their or they’re…
A little maga haiku for those truly ‘triggered’:
another gratuitous
ah, ah, alibi
Nah, you would say the same of DeSantis, Haley, or any of the other hopefuls.
Wont they still be despicable?
So you want haiku?
The goal would be this
To make America great
Yes, a good thing in most books
Those who do not like
To make America great
Should just hit the road
Perhaps …. But deplorable for sure …..
Hitting the road while
Driving with myopia…
I’d rather focus.
A major reason the liberal left hate MAGA so much is because the right came up with it first and the left had nothing better to offer. They still don't.
Don’t disagree, but they also got upset when former Obama voters in the Upper Midwest and PA left the Dems and voted for Trump. That made them deplorable.
You say you focus
Yet your vision is blurry
New glasses need you
An honest, rational law professor strikes fear into their hearts.
The topics Turley covers on his website, and the conclusions he reaches, are totally in tune with a hard core MAGA worldview.
That is why Comer and Jordan want him be the opening act in their farce.
Something to hide John?
It's not a farce, this hearing is totally predicated based on all the evidence that continues to be uncoveredl
There is no evidence. Just lies and propaganda.
That's all the far right operates on these days.
Then you have nothing to worry about from any investigation.