Pink Floyd's Roger Waters Denies Hamas' Atrocities
By: Mediaite

Roger Waters, former front man for Pink Floyd, denied the atrocities of the October 7 terrorist attack perpetrated by Hamas in southern Israel during a conversation with independent journalist Glenn Greenwald late last week, insisting to Greenwald that Israel was "making up stories."
Asked by Greenwald if he thought "what Hamas did on October 7 can be justified," Waters answered in the affirmative.
"Well, A) We don't know what they did do. But was it justified for them to resist the occupation? Yeah," he began. The conversation proceeded apace:
WATERS: But again, it's what you've said, it's the Geneva Convention. They are absolutely legally and morally bound to resist the occupation since 1967. It's an obligation.
GREENWALD: But are there limits on the way in which they can resist?
WATERS: As I said in the statement that I put out after it, I said if war crimes were committed I condemn them. I don't care who it is who commits war crimes
GREENWALD: And here we are now three weeks or so after, do you think there has been evidence that's emerged that suggests they committed those?
WATERS: There may have been individuals- What I was reading a news story this morning which, Grayzone, our friend Max Blumenthal. So there's a long story which I read this morning, but Haaretz have finally come out with figures of how many people were actually killed and who they were. And so probably the first 400 were Israeli military personnel. Who are, that is not a war crime!
GREENWALD: No, clearly everyone thinks military officials, or military targets, or soldiers in Israel are-
WATERS: It depends on if you believe in the Geneva Conventions or not, or the United Nations, or international-
GREENWALD: But what about targeting civilians, or abducting-
WATERS: No, of course you can't. No, of course not. No. Of course I don't condone that. But the thing [attack] was thrown out of all proportion by the Israelis making up stories about beheading babies. They even got the president of the United States [inaudible] to claim that he had seen photographs of the beheaded babies
GREENWALD: -of the beheaded babies, and then admitted that he actually didn't, yeah.
WATERS: I mean, it's, but what we do know is whether it was a false-flag operation or not, or whatever happened, and whatever story we're going to get to, and we don't know if we'll ever get much of the real story. It's always hard to tell what actually happened — they're calling it their 9/11. What the hell happened on the American 9/11, nobody knows. Clearly the official narrative has huge holes in it, and anyway, let's not go into the 9/11-
Waters went on to argue that while he believes in equality, the Israeli government champions Jewish supremacy in "the Holy Land" and to call the Israeli response to the October 7 massacre.
As of last Thursday, officials had confirmed that around 1,100 of the approximately 1,400 murdered by Hamas last month were civilians. Forensic experts have confirmed that Hamas' attack included the torture and rape of civilians. Over 240 innocents were taken hostage and are still being held in Gaza.
The Israeli military never confirmed press reports that 40 babies had been found beheaded, although many children, including babies, were murdered in the attacks. At least one individual officer says he found a beheaded baby.
Waters has been condemned by the Anti-Defamation League for repeatedly "playing into antisemitic tropes" — such as blaming the "Israel lobby" for Jeremy Corbyn's loss in the 2019 UK elections, projecting the message "resist Israeli anti-Semitism" at one of his concerts, and playing videos at others depicting the Star of David next to dollar signs.
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Filed Under: Anti-SemitismGlenn GreenwaldRoger Waters Previous PostNext Post Previous PostNext Post Load Comments

Two cranks. Neither of them are "liberal". They are in their own depraved category.
I might have to stop listening to Pink Floyd music.
Naaah, compartmentalize. You can love the music while thinking the musician is a total nutcase.
It probably takes a weirdo like Glenn Greenwald to give someone like Roger Waters a platform.
I still occasionally listen to Pink Floyd but Waters is a lifelong antisemite. I do my best to separate the art from the artist, but sometimes that’s very hard - think Michael Jackson.
Waters, (love his music), has always been out there. Unfortunately there are plenty of people who rely upon their established bias and ignore or recast news to confirm their bias.
Eric Clapton, one of the biggest guitar legends, also an antisemite. These activities along with the general view in Britain of the Labour Party being antisemite meant that breath some life into the Tories.
Waters is a disgusting POS. And I've never liked his music.