Comer's Latest Biden 'Bombshell' Proves To Be A Ludicrous Dud - National Memo
By: National Memo

Rep. James Comer (R-LA) put a considerable amount of product in his hair Monday before recording a video claiming to have new smoking-gun evidence of President Joe Biden’s corruption. Comer, who chairs the House Oversight Committee, dramatically announced that “Hunter Biden's legal team and the White House's media allies claim Hunter's corporate entities never made payments directly to Joe Biden. We can officially add this latest talking point to the list of lies. Today, the House Oversight Committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records that show Hunter Biden's business entity, Owasco PC, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden.”
Sounds devastating. Right-wing media outlets excitedly pushed out the details, specifically that Hunter Biden set up “ recurring payments ” of $1,380 in late 2018. Besides being an extraordinarily small amount of money in the grand scheme of corruption, the thinnest digging revealed that Joe Biden was not president in 2018. In fact, deeper investigation reveals that Biden wasn’t even in any political office at the time!
Receipts were then posted that revealed Hunter Biden was paying his father back for helping to cover car payments while he was in between jobs. The three monthly payments totaled $4,140.

Has anyone in such a position ever face planted more than James Comer? In the future when people fail spectacularly they will be said to have "comered".
Adam Schitt! Any other stupid questions I can help you with?
Bank records don't lie, Joe Biden does....a lot! Why does the Biden Crime Family need 20 shell corporations if their business dealings honest and above board? Stay tune, more incriminating evidence is sure to be produced.
Comer Releases Direct Monthly Payments to Joe Biden from Hunter Biden’s Business Entity - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
Treasury gives House GOP access to Hunter Biden bank records (
They never do explain why CCP officials and other corrupt international plutocrats keep giving the Bidens millions of dollars for no reason they can articulate
Can corporations repay personal loans? Did owesco deduct the payments as a business expense? Given hunter tried deducting strippers as business expenses, it’s likely this is more embezzlement/ tax fraud which joe Biden assisted in.
this is worse than what trump Was charged for in New York,
Where do most people get the income they pay their bills from when they are private citizens working for companies? Corporations...
I paid off four home and two dozen new cars with foreign corporate income. I did it the old fashioned way. I sold a lot and I got paid a lot. That is how it works. We get paid by corporations and pay our bills!
here do most people get the income they pay their bills from when they are private citizens working for companies? Corporations
no shit, keep getting those strawmen! Corporations do not, however, directly repay personal loans of their members. Using corporate money for personal expenses is embezzlement.
got paid a lot
yet you apparently don’t understand the difference between getting paid a salary and a corporate office using corporate funds for personal expenses like repaying personal car loans.
You seem to have missed the point. This corporation paid a supposed bill directly to the person to whom it was supposedly owed. Totally different story than being compensated for doing a good job and getting paid and in turn paying your bills. You may want to analyze a little deeper.
Were you selling Biden influence as well?
From January 2017 until January 2021 Joe Biden was a private citizen and as so allowed to conduct private business freely and certainly allowed to help family members with loans or to rent out an unused property to a relative. Unfortunately, as the Trump family demonstrates on an infinity greater scale, there are entirely legal ways in which those related to money and power personally profit from access to money and power. Joe and Jill Biden's taxes are all public going back for decades. There is zero evidence that they ever received any unreported or ill-gotten gains, unlike Trump who is currently in trial for financial crimes in the State of New York!
Get that strawman!
Aren't you the same person that shit his pants over and over again when Trump was supposedly buddying up to Putin trying to conduct business in the area of real estate development? Why yes, yes I think you are........................
His ongoing hysteria over trump’s corporation simply negotiating With some Russians to license the name “trump tower” makes this defense even funnier.
Yes, beginning by at 2014 and continuing right up until election day in 2016 Trump was in constant negotiations with Vlad Putin to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Trump even offered Putin a luxury penthouse as a bribe to get the deal!
What does it have to do with Hunter Biden?
Biden's taxes are public. Trump's are not!
When you have no argument, meme!
Your hypocrisy. Didn't you say this up above?
Why yes you did. I can see it from here.
It's really astounding. The definition of situational ethics, with the situation being "what is good for Democrats at this exact moment"
The National Memo

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.
Easy to fix, if we have a record of Hunter paying Joe for the "loan", there are obviously records of Joe making those payments for 4 months while Hunter was between jobs, right? just release those payments made by Joe.......if you can.
There are no records of Joe making the loan.
$5000 dollars is not reaping the rewards of some grand international crime scheme.
James Comer is a complete idiot.
Sigh, so a little corruption is okay, is that the bar you are setting for politicians?
What corruption?
You are the one that said,
If you are still confused let me know.
What about the $40,000?
But he was already preparing to run in 2020:
"Joe Biden spent a hot August day at his lakefront Delaware home watching hatred on display in Charlottesville, Virginia, where torch-wielding white supremacists had marched through town. A counter protester advocating racial equality was killed when a white supremacist drove his car into a crowd.
When President Donald Trump blamed the violence on “both sides,” the former vice president says he was stunned.
He turned to his closest advisers — his family — to discuss what to do next.
Spread out across the country, the Bidens quickly convened through a series of group text messages. For months, they’d weighed whether Biden, whose two prior White House campaigns were abject failures, should try again.
There was now consensus: Prepare to run against Trump."
What motivated Joe Biden to run for president | PBS NewsHour
James Comer's latest big reveal is a total dud, just like all his previous big reveals.
These guys on this seed know that too, but are too invested in all this nonsense to back out now.
You are scared about the pending impeachment next week?
There is no impending impeachment...
Of course they can't back out. That would be admitting they were wrong.
Im scared I will laugh so hard I'll bust a gut.