
House Republican Drops Wild List of News Sources He ‘Trusts’ – Including Conspiracy Theory Site Gateway Pundit

Via:  John Russell  •  last year  •  3 comments

By:   Alex Griffing Load Comments (Mediaite)

House Republican Drops Wild List of News Sources He ‘Trusts’ – Including Conspiracy Theory Site Gateway Pundit
So I'll start with, Western Journal, JustTheNews.com. I will go to the Blaze.com. I'll go to Daily Wire. I'll go to Daily Caller. I'll go to Breitbart. I'll go to the Gateway Pundit.

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Alex GriffingMar 11th, 2024, 5:25 pm Twitter share button

House Republican Andy Biggs (R-AZ) detailed his regular morning news digest while on C-SPAN's Washington Journal on Monday.

Host John McArdle asked Biggs, "You mentioned a plethora of sources that you use. What is your go-to? Who are your sources that you trust as a member of Congress making these decisions on Capitol Hill?"

Biggs replied, "Well. So, every day, I go through a series of them and I do it for, like, early in the morning. So I'll start with, Western Journal, JustTheNews.com. I will go to the Blaze.com. I'll go to Daily Wire. I'll go to Daily Caller. I'll go to Breitbart. I'll go to the Gateway Pundit."

Notably, websites like Breitbart and the Gateway Pundit are known for their misleading and conspiratorial content. A start-up that ranks news sites for reliability and bias, Ad Fontes, deemed the Gateway Pundit to be "Hyper-Partisan Right category of bias and Unreliable, Misleading in terms of reliability."

Biggs continued his answer, noting, "I will frequently check in with CNN or MSNBC because I always like to see what the other side saying. I mean, that's important. I'll go to, Red State. You mentioned Red State. I might go to, the American Conservative. I, I frequently go to amgreatness.com.

"But most of those I go through every morning really early, either as soon as I get to the office or before I even come into the office. And I just go through to see if there's anything, that I feel I need to see. Sometimes I will go to, overseas, sources. I might, I might look at to, some Israeli-type, periodicals, online. Sometimes I'll even go to Mexican sources in Spanish and try to read through that. And maybe once a month or so, I'll go to, a Japanese source like NHK News.com in Japanese and, read it in Japanese."

McArdle asked, "You can read Japanese?"

Biggs replied, "In a very halting fashion. Yes, I used to be able to breathe much better than I read it now. I can tell you that."

"So today when you perused all the news sites today. What caught your eye?" McArdle followed up.

"Oh, gosh. Let's see here. A lot of stuff on illegal immigration and the border. That was in a variety of periodicals. Oddly enough, most of those, those places have something about the Oscars last night and panning those. I didn't even know those were last night, so that was interesting. Some stuff on Hunter Biden, and the Biden investigation, came out the stuff on, Israel and the building of a port in Gaza that was in a number of places as well," Biggs replied.

"On the Oscars, criticism, criticism over the years for being not woke enough to woke, you don't pay much attention to the Oscars anymore?" McArdle asked.

"I'm not sure I ever did. To be frank with you. But yeah, no, I don't. Yeah. I don't pay any attention. I just saw today. There was a picture, I believe, of John Cena with a placard. And he was naked everywhere else. And I think that was kind of odd," Biggs replied.

Watch the clip above via C-SPAN.


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Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    last year
Biggs replied, "Well. So, every day, I go through a series of them and I do it for, like, early in the morning. So I'll start with, Western Journal, JustTheNews.com. I will go to the Blaze.com. I'll go to Daily Wire. I'll go to Daily Caller. I'll go to Breitbart. I'll go to the Gateway Pundit." Notably, websites like Breitbart and the Gateway Pundit are known for their misleading and conspiratorial content. A start-up that ranks news sites for reliability and bias, Ad Fontes, deemed the Gateway Pundit to be "Hyper-Partisan Right category of bias and Unreliable, Misleading in terms of reliability."

and we are supposed to take these clowns seriously?

Gateway Pundit by the way is banned as a source on newstalkers

Professor Principal
1.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @1    last year
Mister Smith   an hour ago

Twitter banned Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft

Jim Hoft, the founder and editor-in-chief of far-right news site Gateway Pundit, was permanently suspended from Twitter Saturday after he violated the social media platform's "civic integrity policy."

Professor Principal
2  JBB    last year

No wonder the MAGA are so disinformed...


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