GOP Candidate Lashes Out at Dysfunctional Media
By: Mediaite

Michele Morrow , a GOP state politician and "conservative activist," blamed the media for being "dysfunctional" and promoting "gotcha moments" after CNN's KFile tracked her down to ask on camera about her shockingly violent statements about Democrats and minority groups.
In social media posts uncovered by KFile's Andrew Kaczynski , Morrow has called for executing Barack Obama by firing squad, and killing Joe Biden for treason. She has been linked to QAnon conspiracies; promoted the baseless "adrenochrome" conspiracy that claims that celebrities harvest the blood of children; and made extreme anti-Muslim and anti-transgender comments.
Morrow recently won the GOP nomination for Superintendent of Public Instruction in North Carolina. She posted to X (formerly Twitter), "The dysfunctional media is trying to create 'gotcha moments' out of old comments taken out of context, made in jest, or never made in the first place. They're doing it to hide the radicalism of the Democrat platform. It won't work."
The dysfunctional media is trying to create "gotcha moments" out of old comments taken out of context, made in jest, or never made in the first place.
They're doing it to hide the radicalism of the Democrat platform. It won't work.
— MicheleMorrow (@MicheleMorrowNC) March 24, 2024
Morrow was referring to an ambush interview CNN's Shimon Prokupecz conducted with Morrow in a parking lot after she refused to answer questions about her incendiary comments.
The following is just a taste of the interview:
PROKUPECZ: Do you still stand by your comments about former President Barack Obama and that he should be executed, calling for the death of other presidents, do you stand by that?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're doing one more …
PROKUPECZ: Do you stand by those comments?
MORROW: Have a good night.
PROKUPECZ: Do you stand by what you've said about the public education system and that it needs to be destroyed?
MORROW: No comment.
PROKUPECZ: Do you stand by that?
MORROW: No comment.
PROKUPECZ: Do you understand the concern that people have …
MORROW: No comment.
PROKUPECZ: … with this nomination that you now have?
MORROW: Hey, I have a question. Do you vote in North Carolina? Then, keep your eyes on your own paper.
PROKUPECZ: Well, let me ask you …
MORROW: Keep your eyes on your own paper.
PROKUPECZ: … I've read papers here, too …
MORROW: Keep your eyes on your own paper.
PROKUPECZ: … and the concerns that people have with your nomination and the things that you have said.
MORROW: People in New York have concern over my nomination in North Carolina?
PROKUPECZ: People all across the country.
MORROW: All - really?
In the campaign video Morrow posted to X, she calls Democratic opponent Mo Green , "the most radical extremist the Democrats have ever run for Superintendent in the history of North Carolina." Green responded to Morrow's tweets and comments by saying, "We cannot allow this type of violence."
Watch the Shimon Prokupecz KFile interview with Morrow here.
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Filed Under: Barack ObamaJoe BidenKfileMichele MorrowShimon Prokupecz Previous PostNext Post Previous PostNext Post Load Comments

sounds like a sweetheart
Well isn't she just a little fucking ray of sunshine.