
Trump Tells His Audience That In Four Years They Won't Need To Vote Anymore

Via:  John Russell  •  one month ago  •  302 comments

Trump Tells His Audience That In Four Years They Won't Need To Vote Anymore

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Republican Voters Against Trump



Trump: “Get out and vote just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years it will be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore...In four years you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good your not gonna have to vote.”


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Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    one month ago

This guy can put his foot in his mouth like no other. 

Professor Principal
1.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @1    one month ago

this was today by the way

Professor Principal
2  seeder  JohnRussell    one month ago
 Four more years it will be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore.

The Harris/Dems ad writes itself. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  JohnRussell @2    one month ago

Is he contemplating a dictatorship?

Professor Principal
3  TᵢG    one month ago

He is desperate.   He is going to promise anything.   Unfortunately, too many people believe what this scoundrel says.

I keep thinking there would be a point where his cult snaps out of it;  a point where Trump simply went so far that they can no longer deal with the cognitive dissonance.   But it just does not seem this will happen.

Happily, with Harris leading the ticket accompanied by a most likely solid VP (someone we would want to vote for as PotUS), the Ds have an appealing solution to the Trump problem.   Let's go independents, pay attention now to what Trump is saying, what he has done, what he is and dismiss him as entirely unacceptable.

Professor Principal
3.1  CB  replied to  TᵢG @3    one month ago
 Let's go independents, pay attention now to what Trump is saying, what he has done, what he is and dismiss him as entirely unacceptable.


This is not partisanship on my part; this is a righteous call to protect the republic from a scoundrel.

Professor Principal
3.1.1  TᵢG  replied to  CB @3.1    one month ago

It is a good sign to see Trump pleading.   If his ego can recognize that he is in trouble then that is very encouraging.

Professor Expert
3.2  Krishna  replied to  TᵢG @3    one month ago
I keep thinking there would be a point where his cult snaps out of it;

There probably won't be.

That's the way cults are-- many of them have had friends and family explain what was going on. A few occasionly leave.

But the majority of people are the sorts of personalities that are extremely gullible-- and stay till the end.

Professor Principal
4  Gsquared    one month ago

As predicted by me this morning:

Everyone is getting used to him making incredibly stupid statements, so when he makes his next one (probably today)   {Emphasis added}

Professor Principal
5  JBB    one month ago

If Trump wins America loses...

Professor Principal
6  Kavika     one month ago

nutty is an understatement.

Professor Principal
7  seeder  JohnRussell    one month ago
Danielle “I dissent.” @judicialmermaid
Unfortunately, Christians want a dictator. My son’s friends’ parents is a pastor and when he tried to tell them how Trump wants to be a dictator through Project 2025, their response to him was, “Good.” I think we are seeing them pivot their strategy in real time.
Professor Principal
7.1  CB  replied to  JohnRussell @7    one month ago

Only White Right-wing Evangelicals will see it Donald's way. Other churches will not and will, must, speak up and out ahead of this election!

Professor Expert
7.1.1  Krishna  replied to  CB @7.1    one month ago
Only White Right-wing Evangelicals will see it Donald's way. Other churches will not and will, must, speak up and out ahead of this election!

I've noticed that many people tend to over-generalize on many social media sites. 

Their are some religious sects/denominations who are . . . basically pretty nutty, and worship their crazy leader. But there are others who are quite sensible.

(For example some Christians actually follow the teachings of Christ-- others do crazy stuff, often the exact opposite of His teachings).

Professor Principal
8  seeder  JohnRussell    one month ago
Trump definitely knows what 2025 is about and is all onboard. They plan on taking over America and making a Christian state.
Professor Guide
9  Tacos!    one month ago

But it’s somehow out of line to say that this election is about saving our democracy. 

Professor Guide
10  Tacos!    one month ago

I can’t wait for someone to come in here and insist that this was taken out of context, or we’re misinterpreting it somehow.

Freshman Quiet
10.1  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Tacos! @10    one month ago
come in here and insist that this was taken out of context, or we’re misinterpreting it somehow.

C'mon now, everybody knows Trump can't be taken literally when he says something so bazaar and outlandish..., he was obviously just 248 days early, for April for Fools that support this misguided misogynistic miscreant misfit, who is never not so full of shit, for the mental midget misguided middle digit that makes all others dwarf in comparison, says that the latest Dem, you know this Camielle Harris one, has stolen the nomination from one Biden his time via a coup de taint, cause Trump has a way of making things appear to his following, the cult, something that they certainly ain't, as his projection is surreal, as he tends to put unto others, all that he and his fruitcake following complete, and it is a too tart, to be sweet N low what a scrotum saccharin of pungent paramecium waste product he and his company prove every day that they be, while we keep waiting for his Stepford Cast to revolt, all we see are how blinded his followers truly are, and sad to say, a Kool Aid slurping Cult 

Professor Guide
10.1.1  Tacos!  replied to  Igknorantzruls @10.1    one month ago
coup de taint

Outstanding! jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif

Professor Principal
11  seeder  JohnRussell    one month ago

Trump Tells Crowd They 'Won't Have To Vote' Again After Election In Bizarre Remarks

Former President Donald Trump told Christians on Friday to vote “just this time” and claimed they “won’t have to do it anymore” after the election in November.

“Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore,” the GOP presidential nominee told the crowd at the conservative Turning Point Action event in Florida.

He later continued, “Get out. You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”

It’s unclear what the former president is referring to with his remarks.

Trump has previously claimed he’d be a dictator only on “day one” of a second term, once called for the “termination” of articles of the Constitution, attempted a coup to remain in office and seemingly floated serving a third White House term at the National Rifle Association Convention back in May.

The former president’s recent remarks arrive roughly four months after a Project 2025 partner organization shared an article calling for the repeal of the 22nd Amendment, which limits presidents to two terms, Media Matters for America reported at the time.

Trump, whose vice presidential choice Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) wrote a book foreword for an architect of Project 2025, claimed that he has “nothing to do with” and knows “nothing” about the right-wing policy blueprint on Wednesday.

Freshman Quiet
11.1  Igknorantzruls  replied to  JohnRussell @11    one month ago
Trump, whose vice presidential choice Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) wrote a book foreword for an architect of Project 2025, claimed that he has “nothing to do with” and knows “nothing” about the right-wing policy blueprint on Wednesday.

We really have the stupidest voters in the world that can't seem to connect dots and bel;ieve everything one with over 30,000 lies under his belt tells them/.

We do not deserve what these morons would have US All be ruled by, and I must say, does it surprise anyone  as to who is not here to comment ...?

Professor Principal
11.1.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Igknorantzruls @11.1    one month ago
does it surprise anyone  as to who is not here to comment ...?

of course no one is surprised . how do you defend someone who is too stupid to realize what he was saying, or realized what he was saying and is flat out evil ?

Professor Principal
11.1.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Igknorantzruls @11.1    one month ago
Keith Olbermann
What's especially tragic here is that this will NOT be the lead story on
or or
because... horse race
Do. Your. God. Damn. Jobs.
Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
11.1.3  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @11.1.2    one month ago


Professor Expert
11.1.4  Krishna  replied to  JohnRussell @11.1.2    one month ago
What's especially tragic here is that this will NOT be the lead story on

I wonder...there's a lot of Olympic coverage (as there should be)> 

So only any given day it will vary. But even if it isn't the lead story, my guess is that most will cover it.

Professor Principal
12  seeder  JohnRussell    one month ago
Donald Trump, the former president who has double downed on his ambitions of being a dictator, told a crowd gathered in West Palm Beach on Friday that if elected for a second term, they "won't have to vote anymore."

At the Florida summit, hosted by conservative group Turning Point Action, Trump promised that if he wins in November, he would "once again appoint rock-solid conservative judges who will protect religious liberty."

After repeating his usual unfounded claims about mail-in voting, Trump launched into an appeal directed at Christian voters. "Christians, get out and vote!" yelled Trump. "Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed! It'll be fine! You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians!" He added, "You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not gonna have to vote."
Trump Tells Christians They Won't Have to Vote in Future: ‘We'll Have It Fixed' (msn.com)
Professor Principal
12.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @12    one month ago

There was a time when such comments would have people seriously doubting the candidates sanity, but since everyone already doubts his sanity this is a "we've heard all this already so what" moment for a lot of people. 

Except for those who like this bizarre dog whistle. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
12.1.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @12.1    one month ago
There was a time when such comments would have people seriously doubting the candidates sanity

Now JR, don’t turn into one of those getting all nostalgic about yesterday.   

Out on the road today, I saw a DEADHEAD sticker on a Cadillac
A little voice inside my head said, "Don't look back. You can never look back"
I thought I knew what love was
What did I know?
Those days are gone forever
I should just let them go but-

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
13  Hal A. Lujah    one month ago

He’s also been pretty public about saying if democrats win this election world war three will happen.  At least he got the number right this time.  

Professor Participates
13.1  bugsy  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @13    one month ago

He did? Can you provide a quote from a reliable source?

Professor Principal
13.1.1  TᵢG  replied to  bugsy @13.1    one month ago

He has been talking about this for a long time now.   Most recently ....

RNC speech:

Did you not even watch the debate?:

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
13.1.2  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  TᵢG @13.1.1    one month ago

It is sad how these guys can type their bullshit comments in NT but can’t type a question into google.  It takes mere seconds, and when you call them out on it the inevitable response is “so you can’t provide a source then.”  

Professor Principal
13.1.3  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @13.1.2    one month ago

Its either laziness or fear of what they will find. 

Professor Principal
13.1.4  TᵢG  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @13.1.2    one month ago

It is a lame tactic.   The faux obtuseness tactic is also common.   I do not understand why anyone would think looking stupid or ignorant is effective.   My conclusion is that those who engage in such tactics only care about being obnoxious to those they perceive as the 'enemy' no matter how silly they look in the process.

Freshman Quiet
13.1.5  Igknorantzruls  replied to  TᵢG @13.1.4    one month ago

always nothing but positive messaging from the would be king, as the world will end, as we know it without him being elected king.

Unfortunately, the opposite is true as his sheep defenders decide for me, you, and the rest of ewes

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
13.1.6  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @13.1.2    one month ago

It’s amusing, not sad, that I see those on the left here, engaging in the same reluctance to back their hyperbole with sourced facts.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
13.1.7  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @13.1.6    one month ago

Are Trump’s WW3 comments hyperbole?  You are this site’s most prolific contrarian.  It seems like you have a reflexive need to attack democrats every time republicans get attacked, relevancy be damned.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
13.1.8  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @13.1.7    one month ago
Are Trump’s WW3 comments hyperbole?

I wasn’t referring to one specific Trump comment or topic.  Liberal NT reluctance ranges across many topics.

 It seems like you have a reflexive need to attack democrats every time republicans get attacked,

I neither have the time or interest to do what would occupy every waking hour.

relevancy be damned.

I’ll admit that I respond more to absurdity than relevancy.

Freshman Quiet
13.1.9  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @13.1.8    one month ago
 It seems like you have a reflexive need to attack democrats every time republicans get attacked,

I neither have the time or interest to do what would occupy every waking hour.

relevancy be damned.

I’ll admit that I respond more to absurdity than relevancy.

I find your snark to be the bark peeled from that which you find more or less appealing to your own 'right' political and rhetoric leaning, leaning on a tree, and the treason exampled by ample, should cause one to be aware as how one does come across to bear, when called out by an E Z pass not fare for a troll to toll and meander the waters shallow, for too deep one can creep when attempting to float, an identity apparently a boat where a gloat goes to an oh boy, and see, for oh buoyancy can be a toy you see, or it floats over ones heads, up to the individual to own, that which was said...

Professor Principal
13.1.10  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @13.1.8    one month ago

I think all of us do snark at times, but you make it your main event.  It is no surprise at all that so many here recognize that. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
13.1.11  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @13.1.10    one month ago
It is no surprise at all that so many here recognize that. 

Of course not, I find many NTs to be partisan and short sighted, but not blind idiots.

Freshman Quiet
13.1.12  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @13.1.11    one month ago
partisan and short sighted, but not blind idiots.

i prefer too bee all off the above, but i'll mix my message in with the special love, i mix in from below

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
13.1.13  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Igknorantzruls @13.1.12    one month ago

You employ a unique, creative snark here that I enjoy.  Your politics will shield you from Hal, JR, and others from being called out.

Professor Principal
13.1.14  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @13.1.11    one month ago

2024 is not the time or place for bothsidesism.  That truth seems to constantly escape you. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
13.1.15  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @13.1.14    one month ago
2024 is not the time or place for bothsidesism.

What year was the time or place (?) for bothsidesism for you JR?

That truth seems to constantly escape you. 

The truth is that I have never voted for Trump and won’t this year.  That fact doesn’t obscure the more amusing comments that I find here.  

I’m more like you than you care to admit.  You look upon Trump supporters with disdain and contempt, calling them trash.

Certain comments here evoke my contempt, I just don’t find it common to all as you do.

Freshman Quiet
13.1.16  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @13.1.13    one month ago

could never help myself from being a wise ass, so, i got better at it so i could do and be it in most any argument and or situation, but

if i go too far, i will apologize and back off. After retrospect

but, if i feel others have gone too far, 

i'll possibly get a tad more serious, and i do mean serious.

as it does frustrate me, when people purposely refuse to see what i believe they could, should, and if i must, thrust into their faces, points that are acutely sharper then ole Ben Harpers' harpoon, cause like Jaws, on occasstion i can chew up and spit out what many cannot always stomach, and yes, there are many much sharper than i, but just like 'you'll shoot your eye out kid', is done with a round BB, Ralphy could blind Netanyahoo with a pellet, and due to a unique thought process, i'll continue to proceed, for i believe there is much at stake, too much to deem fake, and i will likely be becoming a tad more serious, cause this is

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
13.1.17  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Igknorantzruls @13.1.16    one month ago

Ok, but would you rather be electrocuted by the battery of a sinking boat or be taken by the shark.  Both the media and writers here aren’t giving that question the written space that it deserves.

Freshman Quiet
13.1.18  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @13.1.17    one month ago

shockingly as it may seem, dirty Fonzi jumped a shark while hoisting the main beam cause as it may seem extreme, i do not want this loon steering our ship into the bridge abutment as that is positively his negative direction, thus Y dire be this election for stolen, were the hearts and minds who led astray buying the things they wished true, sold to they a bag of goods and though many knew, bought the no goods to help get them through, the reality of one fighting up the down hill with a lepruechkan in his Ghettysburg pocket, a flamboyant earing in his 'right' ear, and a flaming a whole peddling and taking up his rear not admirable admiral four shore, spaced out spacely sprocket and seven years, still trying to odd the score, so keep it we must, from the impure mind tore right from abbeys way not normal, cause tough to relax, when trumped is the former formal sum view as the knew unknown normal never be, at least thats watt i hear eye see....

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
13.1.19  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Igknorantzruls @13.1.18    one month ago

“I will take electrocution all day long.”  He’s playing to the climate change demographic while risking the wrath of shark supporters.

Professor Participates
13.1.20  bugsy  replied to  TᵢG @13.1.1    one month ago


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
13.1.21  Trout Giggles  replied to  TᵢG @13.1.4    one month ago
My conclusion is that those who engage in such tactics only care about being obnoxious to those they perceive as the 'enemy' no matter how silly they look in the process.


Professor Expert
14  Nerm_L    one month ago

That video doesn't look real and the audio is sketchy.  Besides, the left's hero prosecutors were supposed to throw Trump in jail by now.  

Now Democrats have another prosecutor who's going  to let them down.

Freshman Quiet
14.1  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Nerm_L @14    one month ago
That video doesn't look real and the audio is sketchy. 

John obviously made it then.

Professor Expert
14.1.1  Nerm_L  replied to  Igknorantzruls @14.1    one month ago
John obviously made it then.

Ummm ...  You did check the feed for the source, didn't you?  It's right there; only a click-click away.

Professor Guide
14.1.2  Tacos!  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.1    one month ago
Ummm ...  You did check the feed for the source, didn't you?  It's right there; only a click-click away.

I mean, there are other sources.

The Hill: Trump urges Christians to vote: ‘You won’t have to do it’ in four years

The New York Times: Election Live Updates: Trump Tells Christians ‘You Won’t Have to Vote Anymore’

USA Today: Trump urges Christians to vote, says they won't have to again if he wins 2024 election

Reuters: Trump tells Christians they won't have to vote after this election

I give you points for making an attempt. Not the strongest effort, but it’s more than anyone else has done.

Professor Expert
14.1.3  Nerm_L  replied to  Tacos! @14.1.2    one month ago
I mean, there are other sources.

The Hill: Trump urges Christians to vote: ‘You won’t have to do it’ in four years

The New York Times: Election Live Updates: Trump Tells Christians ‘You Won’t Have to Vote Anymore’

USA Today: Trump urges Christians to vote, says they won't have to again if he wins 2024 election

Reuters: Trump tells Christians they won't have to vote after this election

And it's certainly not odd that these sources limit their reporting to only what is shown in the X post.  Wouldn't be the first the media circle jerked around a hoax.  And it wouldn't be the first time shady ultra-partisans shopped a hoax to media, FBI, and anyone else who would listen.

Christopher Steele is that you?

Professor Principal
14.1.4  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.3    one month ago

The video is identified as being from Real America's Voice, which is a conservative television channel.

I dont understand what you think is fake about it. Or is that all you got ?

Professor Principal
14.1.5  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.3    one month ago
Four more years it will be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore.

Those are your man's exact words. I have watched the video 4 or 5 times and those are his exact words.

How do you explain that ? 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
14.1.6  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1.5    one month ago


Professor Guide
14.1.7  Tacos!  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.3    one month ago

And how was this magic done exactly? Or does that matter?

You know Trump does this like every day. “blah blah blah is fake and I have all the evidence in my basement and I will bring it out at the right time.”

Professor Guide
14.1.8  Tacos!  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.3    one month ago

So, is it your position - like the rest of us - that if this video is legit, he said something horrible and probably shouldn’t be anywhere near our government?

Professor Expert
14.1.9  Nerm_L  replied to  Tacos! @14.1.8    one month ago
So, is it your position - like the rest of us - that if this video is legit, he said something horrible and probably shouldn’t be anywhere near our government?

If the video is legit then then explain why what Trump said concerns you?  It's not the first time we've heard political candidates promise they'll fix everything.  

Even a legit video doesn't excuse the phony outrage.

Professor Expert
14.1.10  Krishna  replied to  Tacos! @14.1.2    one month ago
Ummm ...  You did check the feed for the source, didn't you?  It's right there; only a click-click away.

I mean, there are other sources.

The Hill: Trump urges Christians to vote: ‘You won’t have to do it’ in four years

The New York Times: Election Live Updates: Trump Tells Christians ‘You Won’t Have to Vote Anymore’

USA Today: Trump urges Christians to vote, says they won't have to again if he wins 2024 election

Reuters: Trump tells Christians they won't have to vote after this election

That's an old tactic (when you are losing an argument challenge the argument ask for a link to prove it (Knowing most people here won't actually check).

But occasionally someone does, in this case you (Tacos!)-- and also checks a few additional sources to verify-- and the original poster starts to have their credibility questioned...

Professor Expert
14.1.11  sandy-2021492  replied to  Krishna @14.1.10    one month ago
starts to


Professor Expert
14.1.12  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.3    one month ago
Christopher Steele is that you?

What a bizarre comment  .  .

Masters Guide
14.1.13  Thomas  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.3    one month ago

The whole speech is on C-Span.

It was also carried on FOX, PBS. 

Professor Expert
14.1.14  Nerm_L  replied to  Thomas @14.1.13    one month ago
The whole speech is on C-Span.

It was also carried on FOX, PBS. 

Yes, the clip has appeared on broadcast news without the odd shifting of camera angles.  But then the unbiased press assured us all that Donald Trump was a Russian proxy on the word of a paid spy.  And the source of the X seed has definitely shown a deep hatred for all things Trump.  (Whether or not they're actually Republicans is yet to be vetted.)

So, what is it about the clip that raises concerns?

Professor Expert
14.1.15  sandy-2021492  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.14    one month ago
So, what is it about the clip that raises concerns?

I'm curious.  Do you think deliberate obtuseness helps one make one's point?  Or do you think it tanks one's credibility?

Or does it even matter?

Professor Expert
14.1.16  Nerm_L  replied to  sandy-2021492 @14.1.15    one month ago
I'm curious.  Do you think deliberate obtuseness helps one make one's point?  Or do you think it tanks one's credibility? Or does it even matter?

What deliberate obtuseness?  Haven't you heard politicians make promises to special interest groups? Or is there concern about the type of political promise?  Which the two types of political promises would you prefer:

1.  I'm gonna fix the problem, with your help, and we'll never have to deal with the problem again.


2. We'll make progress but there will always be more to do.

It's not a difficult choice.  Do we dedicate ourselves to fixing problems - or - do we dedicate ourselves to kicking the can?  Do you want a President that says we can get the job done?  Or do you want a President who says progress is just a jobs program?

Professor Guide
14.1.17  Tacos!  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.16    one month ago

I see you have transitioned from “video is fake” to “what he said is fine, but the rest of you are too stupid to understand it.”

Professor Expert
14.1.18  sandy-2021492  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.16    one month ago

So, the answer is "I think it helps them make their point."

Masters Guide
14.1.19  Thomas  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.14    one month ago
Yes, the clip has appeared on broadcast news without the odd shifting of camera angles. 

Not just the clip. The entirety of the speech.

What is concerning about what he said? Let's take a look at what he said that has so many people concerned.

don't care how but you have to get out and vote and again Christians get out and vote just this time you won't have to do it anymore four more years you know what it'll be fixed it'll be fine you won't have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians I love you Christians I'm a Christian I love you get out you got to get out and vote in four years you don't have to vote again we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote

The question which is begged is this: How, exactly, will he accomplish this stated end of "fixing" government so that Christians no longer "need to vote'???

There are various ways of achieving this, none of which can be construed as democratic or constitutional. The vast and varied makeup of the citizenry makes such a claim of fixing the country " so good you're not going to have to vote" preposterous.

Is he pandering to people for their vote? Absolutely. But if one looks at the record of Trump throughout his lifetime one thing becomes clear and that is his assumed position of power and his concurrent disregard for norms of any kind. He does not want to fix government, he wants to recreate it in his image, and his image is that of a megalomaniac who demands absolute fealty.

Given his record on wanting to follow the Constitution and his desire to do things "his way", why would one not be concerned with what he said?

Freshman Quiet
14.1.20  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Thomas @14.1.19    one month ago
why would one not be concerned with what he said?

because they either agree with him and any method used to secure it, is okay with they as it is a mutual desired outcome, or, they are not understanding of that which they believe they can so easily overlook without consequences, or they understand yet wish to only band his detractors as max factors of make up artists, who may be lean but why can't they be true, for divorced from reality are the ones not Married to be oh K as they just want to be make up artists and they just wish to defend the former liar in chief irregardless, of how much need made up, as filled in are the cracks without a foundation, the crevices that fault a nation in need of repair, not made up faux alternative fax conjuring double speakin beyond retreatin or retweetin by blondes blind ambition as divorced from reality as they are in process of divorce from ex and sanity, the Kellyanne Con Way, cause by George, she has an awful lot, to lie about and say, as inconvenient are the truths whence alternate fax can abound and be found as options, though when i'm given options, i find them optional, as do I find taking so many spouting off seriously, fore their skin in the game seems a snippet cut from that of the moral fabric torn for worn has not been warned, and naked and afraid has not been porned, just triple xxx'd in size, as they are the source of demise, and for that, granted is right to despies, and criticize seems to fit their xxx sighs, a disbelief we should recognize, as familiar as it has become, yet unrecognizable, allegedly, by some....

Professor Expert
14.1.21  Nerm_L  replied to  Thomas @14.1.19    one month ago
Not just the clip. The entirety of the speech.

I've only seen the clip and reporting on broadcast news.  The broadcast reporting didn't include the multiple camera angles.

What is concerning about what he said? Let's take a look at what he said that has so many people concerned.

[quote omitted, refer to @14.1.19]

The question which is begged is this: How, exactly, will he accomplish this stated end of "fixing" government so that Christians no longer "need to vote'???

So, Trump is promising Christians he will fix the problems they are concerned about.  How is this different than Biden or Harris promising a Black church they will fix problems Blacks are concerned about.  Trump wasn't standing at a pulpit addressing a congregation.  Clinton, Obama, Biden, and Harris have done that.  Democrats have made promises in God's House, standing before God, to fix government for the benefit of Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, LGBTQ+++.  Democrats have assumed the mantle of God to provide deliverance into the Promised Land.

Why is Trump's promise worse?   Democrats have assumed the mantle of God, promised to stack the courts, promised to set aside the Constitution, promised a reckoning, and have promised to lift up Black people as God's chosen.  And we're not supposed to be concerned about Democrats promises because they're really good people.

Get out and vote.  Elect a Republican President and a Republican Congress that will listen to the concerns of Christians and use the authority of government to address those concerns.

How is that message different than one from across the aisle?  Democrats are pleading for people to get and vote all the time.  No one claims Democrats 'get out the vote' effort is dangerous, even though their candidates have stood in the House of God and made promises before God that contradict the priniciples of democracy and undermines the foundations of our Constitutional government.

Freshman Quiet
14.1.22  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Tacos! @14.1.17    one month ago
“what he said is fine, but the rest of you are too stupid to understand it.”

guessin i be guilty of this then

Masters Guide
14.1.23  Thomas  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.21    one month ago
Why is Trump's promise worse?

No one should be so gullible as to believe someone who says "I can fix your problems so well they will never be a problem again." 

Only crooked people say that. And only crooked people say, "I am the only one who can fix this." The difference between "most people" and Donald Trump is that he has tried to "fix it" one too many times already.


Professor Expert
14.1.24  Nerm_L  replied to  Thomas @14.1.23    one month ago
No one should be so gullible as to believe someone who says "I can fix your problems so well they will never be a problem again."


Only crooked people say that. And only crooked people say, "I am the only one who can fix this." The difference between "most people" and Donald Trump is that he has tried to "fix it" one too many times already.[ ]

Professor Principal
14.1.25  CB  replied to  Thomas @14.1.19    one month ago

Another point of interest: Donald is telling Right-wing Evangelicals what he needs for them to hear as a convenience. That is, Donald has operated within the sphere of sales and more to the point, The WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). He knows how to get people up of the couches and "asses into seats" at an arena. This is an offshoot of that selling of the "greatest event of all time" - tell supporters, 'This is 'it' . . .The final ________ (fill in the blank) I will EVER need from you!'

That is, until the NEXT "greatest" time/event!

Masters Guide
14.1.26  Thomas  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.24    one month ago
It's okay to admit that the typical Christian is smarter than the average secular liberal.  Christians don't need a lot of hand waving and word salad to justify their miracles.  It's okay if God does it.  Christians don't need to take credit for everything.  And Christians understand that sometimes God says no.

It's problem.  We'll fix it.  What more is there to say? 

So you are ready to admit that you (the obvious connotation of the inclusive "we'll") will never have to vote again after voting for Donald Trump? 

I don't know how you do it, but I do recognize true faith when I see it, and it is evident in your comment.

And as for fixing problems, few are the politicians who don't actually make up their own problems to solve, much less the religious folk. If any one of them is interested in a true problem, look not at the border or the culture war issues. They are designed to negatively separate us into quarrelous factions and are not really problems in the grand scheme of things. Real problems exist such as the funding and disposition of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. 

Professor Guide
14.1.27  MrFrost  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.9    one month ago
If the video is legit then then explain why what Trump said concerns you?

You of course have shreds of evidence that it's fake? 

Professor Expert
14.1.28  Nerm_L  replied to  Thomas @14.1.26    one month ago
So you are ready to admit that you (the obvious connotation of the inclusive "we'll") will never have to vote again after voting for Donald Trump? 

I've seen too many Presidents to get my hopes up.  But Trump does, at least, have a shot at returning the structure of our 'democracy' to something that the nation's founders had envisioned.  SCOTUS has already issued several decisions that returned power on issues to he states.  More of the hot button issues in the country would be better handled at the state level instead of a one-size-fits-all Federal approach.

And as for fixing problems, few are the politicians who don't actually make up their own problems to solve, much less the religious folk. If any one of them is interested in a true problem, look not at the border or the culture war issues. They are designed to negatively separate us into quarrelous factions and are not really problems in the grand scheme of things. Real problems exist such as the funding and disposition of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. 

Dunno about that.  Trump didn't actually end the pandemic but he handed the means to Biden on a silver platter.  The only thing Biden had to do was avoid screwing it up.  And it looked a little dicey for a while.  More people died on Biden's watch after vaccines and treatments were deployed.  

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
14.1.29  Trout Giggles  replied to  Nerm_L @14.1.21    one month ago

When did voting become a problem? Is he saying that Christians don't like to vote so vote for me, I will fix everything so you won't have to go to the polls anymore?

What American loving patriot wants to hear they won't have to vote anymore?

Freshman Quiet
14.1.30  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Trout Giggles @14.1.29    one month ago
When did voting become a problem?

as soon as the maniacal miscreant decided to get involved in politix

Freshman Quiet
14.1.31  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Trout Giggles @14.1.29    one month ago
Is he saying that Christians don't like to vote so vote for me, I will fix everything so you won't have to go to the polls anymore?

I interpreted it as if you vote for Trump in November, I've already gotten Roe V Wade overturned and I'll address your other Christian wants and needs cause i'm the greatest Christian that, that Hell, De Jesus Christ ever did come aCross town traffic, so hard to get through the pew, and up that steep hill, dragon this steeple and such, chasing round all those sinning sinister Democrats and their make it progressive or make it yourself fish ways that need parted like a dead red see, I\ll show ewes the way, fore I am the salvation of this heathen nation, and i'll never be on vacation cause i'm always doin the lords work, (and Porn stars) and such, so a second thought Corinthians to y'all with your crucifix so small and tall, you need to be gettin one of these here Bibles, as they have not rivals, and are a novel idea that someone read to me about, illiterately ...

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
14.1.32  Trout Giggles  replied to  Igknorantzruls @14.1.31    one month ago

He'll ban LGBTQs, Muslims, immigrants, and dogs

Freshman Quiet
14.1.33  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Trout Giggles @14.1.32    one month ago

as stated in the 2025 agenda that was written by Trumps former administration lacckeys and such that he claims to know nothing about, and just because there are 140 of his associates at the Heritage Foundation, doesn't mean Trump would know anything of them, cause that would be silly.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
14.1.34  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Trout Giggles @14.1.32    one month ago

We've heard that tune before..................


Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
14.1.35  Right Down the Center  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @14.1.34    one month ago

Amazing all the things many on the left say Trump will do even though he did none of them when he actually was president.

Freshman Quiet
14.1.36  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Right Down the Center @14.1.35    one month ago

what is amazing is how you can be so blind, as to not see who this 'man\ is

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
14.1.37  Trout Giggles  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @14.1.34    one month ago

Did I say that? No, I didn't. I said BAN. So stop putting words in my mouth

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
14.1.38  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Trout Giggles @14.1.37    one month ago

No one said you said that. I was using what was being said in '16 to counter your "He'll ban LGBTQs, Muslims, immigrants, and dogs" bullshit. That's all. Thus the "We've heard that tune before."

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
14.1.39  Trout Giggles  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @14.1.38    one month ago

yeah ya kinda did

but have the last word

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
14.1.40  Right Down the Center  replied to  Igknorantzruls @14.1.36    one month ago
what is amazing is how you

I never cease to amaze people, it is a gift.

I know exactly who he is, I just don't get my panties in a bunch over it.  Others should try it, it is freeing if you catch my drift.

Professor Guide
14.2  Tacos!  replied to  Nerm_L @14    one month ago
That video doesn't look real and the audio is sketchy.

Of course!! It’s the fake news. The photoshop. The AI shenanigans. That must be it!

Evidence of this? What’s evidence? Evidence is for communists.

Professor Expert
14.2.1  Nerm_L  replied to  Tacos! @14.2    one month ago
Of course!! It’s the fake news. The photoshop. The AI shenanigans. That must be it! Evidence of this? What’s evidence? Evidence is for communists.

Other than the sketchy source and sketchy appearance of the video, Kamala Harris has already proven that voting is unnecessary.  

Donald Trump ain't Democrats biggest problem.

Professor Guide
14.2.2  Tacos!  replied to  Nerm_L @14.2.1    one month ago
Other than the sketchy source

Answered at 14.1.2.

Kamala Harris has already proven that voting is unnecessary.  

Oh? Do tell.

Donald Trump ain't Democrats biggest problem.

But he might be America’s most urgent problem. It’s bipartisan - or at least it should be.

Professor Expert
14.2.3  Nerm_L  replied to  Tacos! @14.2.2    one month ago
Answered at 14.1.2 .

Here it is again from another 'reliable' source.    It's the same one liner reported repeatedly.  And we're not supposed to believe it's fake?  There's something not quite honest with the reporting.  It's either fake video, fake editing, or fake outrage.

But he might be America’s most urgent problem. It’s bipartisan - or at least it should be.

Why is Trump a problem?  Because he promises to address - and fix - the concerns of Christians?  Why would the possibility of a Federal task force to address anti-Christian bias be troubling?  Is political attention given to Christians the cause for the left's umbrage?  

Trump's political attention and political promises to Christians appears to be threatening to those on the political left.  But the left can't seem to explain how or why they are threatened.  Perhaps it's because the political left cannot makes its case without hate, bigotry, and lies.

Professor Expert
14.2.4  sandy-2021492  replied to  Nerm_L @14.2.3    one month ago
It's the same one liner reported repeatedly.  And we're not supposed to believe it's fake?  There's something not quite honest with the reporting.  It's either fake video, fake editing, or fake outrage.

Reported by conservative sources?

Bullshit, Nerm.

When your only defense for what he's saying is to claim that he didn't actually say it, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, you have no defense.

Professor Expert
14.2.5  Nerm_L  replied to  sandy-2021492 @14.2.4    one month ago
Reported by conservative sources?

When did NPR become a conservative source?  (That's the link I posted.)

When your only defense for what he's saying is to claim that he didn't actually say it, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, you have no defense.

What am I supposed to be defending?  And what are all these 'conservative' sources supposed to be revealing?

Professor Principal
14.2.6  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Nerm_L @14.2.5    one month ago

You are barely making any sense. The idea that this is a fake video is absurd. 

Professor Expert
14.2.7  Nerm_L  replied to  JohnRussell @14.2.6    one month ago
You are barely making any sense. The idea that this is a fake video is absurd. 

The source of the video certainly doesn't lend credence to it being real video.  It's an X post from an ultra-partisan source.  In fact, the source alone should raise questions about the authenticity and veracity of the video.

Professor Expert
14.2.8  sandy-2021492  replied to  Nerm_L @14.2.5    one month ago

Yours is not the only link posted.  Would you like to try to tell us that The Hill is not a conservative source?  That's about as believable as the rest of your comments on this topic.

Professor Expert
14.2.9  Nerm_L  replied to  sandy-2021492 @14.2.4    one month ago
Bullshit, Nerm.

Can you explain the different camera angles in the seeded video?  Does the audio really sync with the movement?  There are all sorts of fakes in the feed of the source, Republican Voters Against Trump.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
14.2.10  Split Personality  replied to  Nerm_L @14.2.3    one month ago
  It's either fake video, fake editing, or fake outrage.

Now you are suddenly concerned about "fake editing"?

For several weeks photo journalists or their producers/directors were cropping President Biden's movements to portray him as someone with dementia wandering off or talking to himself, where was your outrage then?

How many hours ago did this Trump speech allegedly take place Nerm_L?

Not a word from the Trump campaign yet?

Surely if this was faked or propaganda the campaign would have commented by now wouldn't they? 

I just checked and Reuters, NYT, WBBM Christian Radio, USA Today, NPR, Rolling Stone, The Hill  and CBS are all running the same story.

I think we are safe to assume Trump said these things.

And maybe, just maybe this was compiled by several people who filmed it on their phones.

Wasn't the conference closed to the public?

Professor Expert
14.2.11  sandy-2021492  replied to  Nerm_L @14.2.9    one month ago

You've never seen videos that included footage from more than one camera?


Professor Expert
14.2.12  sandy-2021492  replied to  Split Personality @14.2.10    one month ago

I remember similarly edited videos of Hillary Clinton, played in slow motion to make it appear that an intentionally exaggerated reaction to being surprised by her, for comedic effect, was her having a seizure.  The RW conspiracy theorists stood stubbornly by that one, despite being wrong, then, despite the video played at normal speed being posted in plain sight.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
14.2.13  Split Personality  replied to  sandy-2021492 @14.2.11    one month ago

The USA Today piece interviews one of the Turning Point people. Very disturbing.

She has no problem with Trumps age, "Have you seen him play golf"?

and makes wild unsupported claims that high school boys are all coming out as conservatives.

Pass the Kool Aid...

Professor Expert
14.2.14  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @14.2.1    one month ago
Other than the sketchy source and sketchy appearance of the video, Kamala Harris has already proven that voting is unnecessary. 


Wrong again!

Professor Principal
14.2.15  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Nerm_L @14.2.7    one month ago
In fact, the source alone should raise questions about the authenticity and veracity of the video.

The source is Real Americas Voice, a right wing television network.  They showed Trumps speech live last night. 

Professor Expert
14.2.16  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @14.2.1    one month ago
Donald Trump ain't Democrats biggest problem.


Many people are saying that J.D. Vance is.

(Birds of a feather flock together).

At times he seems even nuttier than Trump!

I don't know which is nuttier.

Professor Expert
14.2.17  sandy-2021492  replied to  JohnRussell @14.2.15    one month ago
The source is Real Americas Voice, a right wing television network.  They showed Trumps speech live last night. 

Well, obviously, the entire staff was kidnapped by Antifa and replaced by their leftist, Marxist, socialist, communist, atheist doppelgangers, who produced this fake video and disseminated it in their name.  There is no other reasonable explanation.  Donald Trump has never in the history of Trumpdom intimated that he would oppose the will of the people by attempting to nullify the vote.

Professor Principal
14.2.18  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  sandy-2021492 @14.2.17    one month ago
Real America's Voice News

Home - Real America's Voice News

WEB    Real America's Voice  News  is a conservative media outlet that covers politics, culture, and entertainment.   Watch live shows, read opinion articles, and join the community on various platforms.



Professor Principal
14.2.19  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @14.2.18    one month ago

Real America's Voice is right there, prominent on the video.

What is going on here?  

Professor Expert
14.2.20  sandy-2021492  replied to  JohnRussell @14.2.18    one month ago

I should have included a sarc tag.  I was responding to you, but taking aim at Nerm's ridiculous claim that the video is fake.

Masters Guide
14.2.21  Thomas  replied to  sandy-2021492 @14.2.20    one month ago

This has to be my favorite so far...

The newscaster said,"He said it three times..."

Professor Principal
14.2.22  CB  replied to  Thomas @14.2.21    one month ago

Thank you Thomas for posting it. It is plain and clear what he stated and what he meant. There is a weird line at 33 seconds (y'all check it out) where Donald deliberately 'muddles': "I'm a/not Christian."  Donald is one clown. . .that is being foisted on this country. It is even weird that some conservatives could not find a better fool than he to hand the mantle of their "leadership.'

Professor Principal
14.2.23  TᵢG  replied to  Thomas @14.2.21    one month ago

What I find interesting is the pleading tone he is using.   He knows he is in trouble and I hope that he grows even more shrill as we approach November.

Professor Principal
14.2.24  CB  replied to  TᵢG @14.2.23    one month ago

The thing is this unapologetic fool (he is definitely a fool) has NEVER been above begging anybody for 'relief' as he sees it. He thinks of it as just one more tool (like whining, intimidation, mocking, taunting, etceteras) in his tool kit! Donald is unredeemable trash.  And know I don't state this likely. But he is demonstrably a user/abuser of people. Just look at what he has done UNMERCIFULLY to the GOPers whom he has made 'permanent homeless'!

Professor Guide
14.2.25  MrFrost  replied to  Nerm_L @14.2.9    one month ago
Can you explain the different camera angles in the seeded video? 

Um, more than one camera at the event? 

Professor Guide
14.3  MrFrost  replied to  Nerm_L @14    one month ago
Besides, the left's hero prosecutors were supposed to throw Trump in jail by now. 

That comes after sentencing. 

But I do love your, "he didn't say what he said" attitude. 

Professor Quiet
15  cjcold    one month ago

Seems obvious that Trump is saying that if he is elected president that he and project 2025 will put an end to democracy. 

And he wonders why even a registered republican took shots at him.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
15.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  cjcold @15    one month ago
And he wonders why even a registered republican took shots at him.

Exactly, that was clearly a political/policy motivated attack. Thomas Matthew Crooks gave his own life in a failed attempt to prevent the Repubs from running a centrist candidate.

Professor Principal
16  Gsquared    one month ago


"When I am elected I will be a dictator on Day One.  After that, you will never vote again."

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
16.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Gsquared @16    one month ago

Perhaps Thomas Crooks was mistaken.

Professor Expert
16.1.1  Krishna  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @16.1    one month ago
Perhaps Thomas Crooks was mistaken.

To say nothing of William Jennings Bryan!

Professor Participates
16.2  bugsy  replied to  Gsquared @16    one month ago

Can you show proof of that exact quote you have in parenthesis? All at the same time and not broken up to serve an agenda.

Professor Guide
16.2.1  Tacos!  replied to  bugsy @16.2    one month ago

Is it somehow ok that he said the two things months apart - as opposed to all at once? Is there a scenario where either sentence is ok?

Professor Quiet
16.2.2  Ronin2  replied to  Tacos! @16.2.1    one month ago

When it comes to taking shit out of context leftists have no damn equal.

HANNITY: We almost have to go to a break. I want to go back to this one issue though, because the media has been focused on this and [are] attacking you. Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?

TRUMP: Except for Day One.

HANNITY: Except for …

TRUMP: (smiling and pointing at Hannity) Look, he's going crazy. Except for Day One.

HANNITY: Meaning?

TRUMP: I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill.

HANNITY: That's not … that's … that's not … that's not "retribution."

TRUMP: No no. I'm gonna be … I'm gonna be, you know he keeps, we love this guy.

HANNITY: (laughing)

TRUMP: He says, "You're not gonna be a dictator, are you?" I said no, no, no … other than Day One. We're closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I'm not a dictator, OK?

HANNITY: Well, that … that … that sounds to me like you're going back to the policies … (Trump laughing) … when you were president.

TRUMP: That's exactly …

HANNITY: All right, we'll take a break. Just getting started. We're in beautiful Davenport, Iowa. Donald Trump with us for the hour, as "Hannity" continues. Thank you for being with us.

The shear amount of stupid from Democrats, their media sycophants, and their lemming followers burns.

Undoing Biden EO/EA's and reinstating his own is not being "a dictator".

Let me know when Trump and Republicans try to pass a bill to federalize all elections under rules that are beneficial to them in the House and Senate; when they actively seek pack the Supreme Court in the Senate; and when Trump as president actively promotes term limits in the Supreme Court, ethic rules (strongly effecting only one side), redefines how the court works, and wants a new justice put in place every two years.

Until then there is only one party acting like dictators and fascists seeking one party rule; and that is the Democrats.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
16.2.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  Tacos! @16.2.1    one month ago
s there a scenario where either sentence is ok?

Well, one of them is made up for starters.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
16.2.4  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ronin2 @16.2.2    one month ago
ndoing Biden EO/EA's and reinstating his own is not being "a dictator"

Unless people believe Biden was a "dictator" for immediately repealing Trump EOs and issuing his own, they are just massive hypocrites.


Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.5  Right Down the Center  replied to  Sean Treacy @16.2.4    one month ago

Some on the left keep peddling the "Trump wants to be a dictator" even coming up with elaborate schemes as to how he is planning to do it.

Professor Principal
16.2.6  TᵢG  replied to  Right Down the Center @16.2.5    one month ago

Trump as dictator is hyperbole.   He might want that (who knows?) but that is not possible.    What is plausible (actually likely), however, is this scenario where a demagogue narcissist (Trump) gains the power of the presidency with a cultish political party.

  1. Surround himself with loyalists (aka sycophants) who will do his bidding.   We have already seen how people will destroy their own lives (e.g. Giuliani) to be loyal to Trump.
  2. Engage in actions that yield him more power (incrementally).   Note that if the GOP controls Congress this is quite likely since the GOP has essentially become a Trump cult.
  3. Push the envelope in wrongdoings (he is substantially emboldened to do just that given what he has gotten away with by being reelected).   Trump would not be convicted if impeached unless the Ds control the Senate with a 2/3 majority and the SCotUS has already made him immune from prosecution after office for anything that can be argued as a core constitutional act with presumptive immunity for any official act and the inadmissibility of any evidence surrounding an official act.

Trump is unable to turn our constitutional Republic into an authoritarian state, but he would have substantial ability to engage in wrongdoing as a rogue PotUS.

Professor Guide
16.2.7  GregTx  replied to  TᵢG @16.2.6    one month ago

You should probably stock up on ammo. The prices only go up...

Professor Guide
16.2.8  Tacos!  replied to  Ronin2 @16.2.2    one month ago
When it comes to taking shit out of context leftists have no damn equal.

OMG the Right still cries about Obama’s pen and phone line 8 years later. But Trump “jokes” about being a dictator and it’s all in good fun. Nothing to see here. Hypocrisy.

Undoing Biden EO/EA's and reinstating his own is not being "a dictator".

I agree, although I wish it hadn’t become a regular thing that presidents try to circumvent the legislative process with EOs. Still, the fault for that lies with Congress.

In any event, if he respected our system, he would do it with more grace than saying he will be a dictator.

Especially Trump, who, after losing the last election, tried to obstruct the legal certification of votes and the peaceful transfer of power. So forgive the rest of us for taking him at his word. More than any president in our history, it’s actually within the realm of possibility that he would try it.

Professor Guide
16.2.9  Tacos!  replied to  Right Down the Center @16.2.5    one month ago
coming up with elaborate schemes as to how he is planning to do it.

So, for example, he might send troops to Congress to force legislation consolidating his power, or obstruct legislation limiting his power. And since it would be an official presidential act, it wouldn’t even be criminal.

But he would never do that, right? He would never direct a force to control Congress. That’s silly. What was I thinking?

Professor Principal
16.2.10  TᵢG  replied to  GregTx @16.2.7    one month ago

You just demonstrated that you did not understand what I wrote.   Indeed, the very first sentence in my comment states that Trump did not claim that he would be a dictator.   His actual words were "only on day one".   A stupid thing to say, but Trump is not known for his brilliance.

But what Trump will almost certainly do (if elected) is abuse the powers of the presidency for his own purposes.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
16.2.11  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Tacos! @16.2.9    one month ago
So for example, he might send troops to Congress to force legislation consolidating his power, or obstruct legislation limiting his power. 

I think that today’s military leadership would say no.

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.12  Right Down the Center  replied to  Tacos! @16.2.9    one month ago
But he would never do that, right? He would never direct a force to control Congress.


Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.13  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @16.2.6    one month ago
is unable to turn our constitutional Republic into an authoritarian state, but he would have substantial ability to engage in wrongdoing as a rogue PotUS.

I think I saw that movie. It was just pretend. I am not buying into the fear mongering it would happen in real life

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
16.2.14  Mark in Wyoming   replied to  GregTx @16.2.7    one month ago

Im not worried about ammo, but i am stocking up on my powder of preference , projectiles and primers .

Professor Principal
16.2.15  TᵢG  replied to  Right Down the Center @16.2.13    one month ago

That is part of the problem, too many Trump supporters (whether they admit it or not) downplay Trump's vindictive, narcissistic tendencies.

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.16  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @16.2.15    one month ago

I wouldn't know for sure but maybe they just have a better sense of reality since they don't have tds getting in the way.

Professor Principal
16.2.17  TᵢG  replied to  Right Down the Center @16.2.16    one month ago

The problem is that they do have TDS ... properly applied as having a cult-like support for Trump in spite of reality.

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.18  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @16.2.17    one month ago

Don't know how to break it to you but tds is all consuming and a bad thing no matter how they try to spin it

Sparty On
Professor Principal
16.2.19  Sparty On  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @16.2.11    one month ago

Not just leadership and not just today.    

That line of BS is just another boogieman tall tale spread to scare the useful idiots and it looks like it’s working.

Junior Expert
16.2.20  George  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @16.2.11    one month ago

It never ceases to amaze me how low liberals will go to insult the integrity of the military. SMH

Professor Principal
16.2.21  TᵢG  replied to  Right Down the Center @16.2.18    one month ago

TDS is probably one of the most feeble 'arguments' Trump supporters have come up with.   It is simply a taunt.    It has no argumentative value and just illustrates the lack of an actual argument.

Professor Guide
16.2.22  GregTx  replied to  TᵢG @16.2.21    one month ago

Then why are you responding? 

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.23  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @16.2.21    one month ago


Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.25  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @16.2.21    one month ago

Not true

Masters Guide
16.2.26  Thomas  replied to  Right Down the Center @16.2.18    one month ago

So one should not display the symptoms in ones commentary.

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.27  Right Down the Center  replied to  Thomas @16.2.26    one month ago

They can't help themselves

Professor Guide
16.2.28  GregTx  replied to  Right Down the Center @16.2.27    one month ago

No doubt. 

Freshman Quiet
16.2.29  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @16.2.11    one month ago
I think that today’s military leadership would say no.

hey Drinker, did you think Trump would ever have the ballz and the gumption to energize a riot and then send it down to the Capital to 'stop the steal' while he went home to n joy the popcorn while watching on tv and doing nothing to stop said riot ?

  Believe we all have witnessed quite a few firsts with Trump, and i'd like to think that our military leader4ship would stand up to Trump, unfortunately I have not the confidences you have in people. I've watched too many ignore too much in service of this fckn klutz, and as i've stated before, Ive seen so many firsts with this pos I really can't predict where they. would end, as when dealing with a cult, and we are, things tend to be bazaar, and they are. I wrote of this last month when Trump and the military were discussed and persons said no way Trump could be a dicktater without the military. It would only take a few like minded near the top to find out where the shoe dropped, and personally, I'd prefer to not find out how many in the military have drunk the Kool Aid. Ive seen enough already.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
16.2.30  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Igknorantzruls @16.2.29    one month ago
Believe we all have witnessed quite a few firsts with Trump, and i'd like to think that our military leader4ship would stand up to Trump, unfortunately  I have not the confidences you have in people.

Thats why the stayed away from the Capital on 6 Jan.

Professor Participates
16.2.31  bugsy  replied to  Tacos! @16.2.1    one month ago

It is when you put the entirety in one quotation. Makes it look like it was said all at once. 
As someone here likes to say repeatedly. “Don’t be dishonest”.

Professor Participates
16.2.32  bugsy  replied to  TᵢG @16.2.10    one month ago

You have clairvoyant powers now?

Freshman Quiet
16.2.33  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @16.2.30    one month ago

perhaps, as that is what appeared happened with the non show of troops, as it was a little muddied in the explanation. Sounded like the generals didn't want the troops because they didn't trust Trump, and that is/was a damn good thing, but, I believe we need not take chances with Trump and this is what i expressed a bit when dared to say there was a way Trump could be a dicktater:


This is in no way, an attack on the integrity of our military, what it is, is a fear that the enablers of Trump, have shown he can go further then any of them ever thought possible. Thus why the many who disavowed him previous, have only once again stated their support, when it should have always been ABORT!

  Trumps' 2025 plan, where in it, he expels any and all he can, replacing them with women and 'YES' men, is evidence that Trump plans on not repeating his "mistakes" from Trump 1administration, where he had 'Adults' in the room to keep the A DOLT, from venturing too far, so whomever said Dolt does surround himself with, they will be of like sick thinking. And you should believe him.

  If anyone told me, after January 6th we would still be threatened by this miscreant maniacal mucus with a deformed mem-brain in our upcoming 2024 Presidential election, i would have said their mind has an infection, for if taken are the statements of say so many Republicans, whose lives were put in harm's way that day, and that compilation of what they, the Republican Congress and Senate, along with the hunted Mike Pence had to say after that stand out day, it's hard not to notice, how short a memory, or just how Dense, feeble minds have become. Do you recall McConnel's words, as he wholly attributed the insurrection to be that of Donald Trump's origination, and i concur.  

  I find US A ll in straits so convoluted, that knot shore as to who might just salute it, cause just like so many times before, never thought Americans would allow such an impure, to infest our hallowed halls where so many fought so hard to keep one like Trump from ever ascending, and as i, and so many others watch in disbelief at the gullibility of so many others, i unfortunately cannot with certainty, state that our Military, is capable of containing one, who has brainwashed so many blinded constituents, the Republican Party, and possibly, our Suprem Court, to a way of thinking as if involved, was heavy drinking. If he somehow achieves another impossibility, as he has conquered so many of what i had once considered to be, in getting the Supreme Court to declare total immunity, how far off is he to be, from manipulating Military minds, whom already, may have tendencies to see like he's, been saw to have seen, without sight acutely keen, it has become the obscene, and the norm, for a cult liter, quart appointed law cheater, accomplisher of the most improbable deceits ever by a deceiver, to ever get past so many so lost, will be a price paid upon where there is not a value , one could cast, to determine its worth, and all emanated from Trump, a plentiful placenta full, of after birth matter that has done left quite the splatter, on all that does matter, to quite a few patriotic AMERICANS, who actually do care about the outcome of this election, as at stake, is more than you and so many others, can even truthfully admit, cause after reading what you have written, you would be full of shit, but don't let that stop you one bit, so go ahead, and prove to US, and anyone reading, how you can defend Trump, without misleading...US All

Professor Participates
16.2.34  bugsy  replied to  TᵢG @16.2.15    one month ago


Professor Guide
16.2.35  MrFrost  replied to  Right Down the Center @16.2.16    one month ago
I wouldn't know for sure but maybe they just have a better sense of reality since they don't have tds getting in the way.

Trump Devotion Syndrome? 

Professor Principal
16.2.36  TᵢG  replied to  bugsy @16.2.32    one month ago

It does not take special powers, bugsy.   Trump already abused the powers of the presidency worse than any other PotUS in our history.   If elected, he would have the additional freedoms afforded a second term PotUS, would be emboldened by escaping accountability for his many wrongdoings as PotUS (especially trying to steal the election), and would enjoy the immunities granted by the SCotUS.

Place a vindictive, loose-cannon, narcissist in such a position and it would be quite amazing if abuse did not occur.

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.37  Right Down the Center  replied to  MrFrost @16.2.35    one month ago


Professor Guide
16.2.38  Tacos!  replied to  bugsy @16.2.31    one month ago

I have no problem conceding that it’s not an exact quote. But it’s a pretty good paraphrase. I find it sad that people are more concerned with the accuracy of the quote than they are with the ideas he shares. 

In fact, he has talked about being a dictator. Whether it was just wistful musings, or “only for a day,” does not save it from being problematic.

He also did say that the people he was talking to wouldn’t have to vote anymore. We can propose that that could mean different things. Some obviously are concerned he meant he would do away with voting somehow. I doubt that’s what he meant.

I think he meant he would solve all the problems they want solved permanently. But what does that mean? Usually, “permanently” doesn’t exist, but the closest we can come is a constitutional amendment. I really doubt he has any designs on amending the constitution. That’s a little too much government and negotiation for him. So, I see him forcing something via Executive Order, and possibly arresting anyone who opposes him. That last bit is something he has talked about.

The bottom line is he does a lot to make people think he has tyrannical intentions, and virtually nothing to assuage those fears.

Professor Principal
16.2.39  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Tacos! @16.2.38    one month ago

Trump regularly says things that can be interpreted more than one way.  Its how he gets his jollies. 

Professor Principal
16.2.40  CB  replied to  Tacos! @16.2.38    one month ago

Donald is paling around with dictators and calling them friends. They are telling him how to corrupt a democracy and he is listening. It begins by lying. . . and being allowed to get away with doing so. Donald Trump is lying his way back into the presidency . . . if he can 'do it' right. before. our. wide. open. eyes.

Professor Participates
16.2.41  bugsy  replied to  TᵢG @16.2.36    one month ago

Opinions do vary. 

Professor Participates
16.2.42  bugsy  replied to  Tacos! @16.2.38    one month ago

He will essentially do on his first day exactly what Biden did on his first day. Reverse most, if not all of the EOs trump put into place.

Was Biden a dictator on his first day?

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.43  Right Down the Center  replied to  bugsy @16.2.41    one month ago
Opinions do vary. 

Is that allowed?

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.44  Right Down the Center  replied to  bugsy @16.2.42    one month ago

The definition of many words changes if it has to do with Trump.  Dictator is one of them.  He will be, Biden.....not so much, even if they did/will do the exact same thing

Freshman Quiet
16.2.45  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Right Down the Center @16.2.44    one month ago
he definition of many words changes if it has to do with Trump. 

Well Trump is still a Dick and Dick still means Trump. How you fellers can sit here and attempt to tell US All Trump and Biden are the same, is insane, for real, like what the heck is wrong with you ? No REALLY, how can you not see that Trump is the first potUS to ever not honor the peaceful transfer of power after a duly elected Biden his time became the new POTUS ?  To this day he continues his false claims of a stolen election and he wants many in chains, like Alice, and do you not think he will do as he states, attempt to imprison those who he views as enemies? cause I believe him. Do you think the 2020 ekectiuon was stoilen from Trump and Biden lost ? I'm pretty sure Fox got the message on who won, as in what $767,000,000.00 M<ILLION for allowing their bobbl;e head clowns to spew election LIES

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.46  Right Down the Center  replied to  Igknorantzruls @16.2.45    one month ago

Nice rant but it has nothing to do with my comment

Freshman Quiet
16.2.47  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Right Down the Center @16.2.46    one month ago
.  He will be, Biden.....not so much, even if they did/will do the exact same thing

.  He will be, Biden.....not so much, even if they did/will do the exact same thing

It has this to do with your comment 

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.48  Right Down the Center  replied to  Igknorantzruls @16.2.47    one month ago

Really? I never would have guessed

Freshman Quiet
16.2.49  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Right Down the Center @16.2.48    one month ago

Really? cause I would have

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
16.2.50  Right Down the Center  replied to  Igknorantzruls @16.2.49    one month ago

Since you are the one that said it I should hope so

Masters Guide
16.2.51  Thomas  replied to  JohnRussell @16.2.39    one month ago

Trump regularly says things that can be interpreted more than one way.  Its how he gets his jollies. 

More than that, he communicates through ambiguity. Something for everyone! 

Professor Quiet
16.3  Ronin2  replied to  Gsquared @16    one month ago

More BS.

Professor Participates
17  Snuffy    one month ago

So? Politicians say all sorts of stupid things when they are talking to various groups while in campaign mode. Promises are made, plans are talked about and action promised...  Isn't it possible he said this because of who the group he was talking to was all about? Do you really think so little of this country that the citizens would allow any single person to throw out the Constitution and set up a dictatorship in this country? 

Professor Principal
17.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Snuffy @17    one month ago
Isn't it possible he said this because of who the group he was talking to was all about?

in what way ?

Professor Participates
17.1.1  Snuffy  replied to  JohnRussell @17.1    one month ago

Do you refuse to understand when it's a Democrat talking? Politicians have for a very long time aimed their speeches at the people they are talking to at that moment. That's just politics. Take off the anti-Trump glasses for a second and look at this realistically. Or not but then don't come back with such a question.

Professor Principal
17.1.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Snuffy @17.1.1    one month ago

We know what Trump said. He said that his audience at that conference would not need to vote anymore once he is elected. What does that have to do with being a Christian? 

Professor Participates
17.1.3  Snuffy  replied to  JohnRussell @17.1.2    one month ago

Ask him. I'm not Trump. But that twists away from your initial comment where I said that perhaps he said that because of who the group he was talking to is, and you asked in what way. 

Simple question. Have you never seen a candidate make conflicting statements while running for office when speaking to two different groups? 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
17.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  Snuffy @17    one month ago
Do you really think so little of this country that the citizens would allow any single person to throw out the Constitution and set up a dictatorship in this country? 

A couple of days ago was Trump was going to set up some ultra libertarian government with tech money. This week it is a Christian theocracy. I guess when your audience has the attention span of a gnat, it makes it easy for the far left conspiracy theorists to ping pong between incompatible doomsday warnings every news cycle or so. 

Professor Principal
17.2.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @17.2    one month ago

Trump was either dog whistling a bunch of wannabe theocrats last night or he is a total moron that doesnt know what he is saying.  Either way he is not fit to be president. 

Its too late to expect the right to come to their senses though. That ship has sailed. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
17.2.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @17.2.1    one month ago
ump was either dog whistling a bunch of wannabe theocrats l

Yeah, let's walk through this conspiracy.  Trump obviously didn't say, "Vote for me and you'll never be able to vote again." But you and other progressives have found by ignoring what he actually said and its context,  that's what he really meant.  Using your powers, you've been able to decode a secret message to "theocrats" who apparently will only vote for him if he tells them in public  they can never vote again.  You believe there's some mass of "theocrats" out there who  Trump needed to reassure that he will end democracy and Trump knowing this, sent them a public message that at the rally that only theocrats (and progressives) will understand?

That's the conspiracy in a nutshell right? Trump risked everything  by seeding a coded message to those theocrats who obviously control America calling for  the end of democracy   because otherwise the all powerful theocrats won't support him in 24? Is that what Progressives sussed out last night? The hyperliteracy of Trump voters who speak in a code they all understand?  

Professor Principal
17.2.3  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @17.2.2    one month ago
you and other progressives have found by ignoring what he actually said and its context

I didnt ignore what he actually said, I QUOTED what he actually said.  The context? The context is he told some of his fans they wont need to vote in four years. 

He needs people like you to spin it for him, that I agree with. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
17.2.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @17.2.3    one month ago


Professor Expert
17.2.5  Krishna  replied to  Sean Treacy @17.2    one month ago
I guess when your audience has the attention span of a gnat,

I resemble that remark!

Professor Expert
17.3  Krishna  replied to  Snuffy @17    one month ago
Do you really think so little of this country that the citizens would allow any single person to throw out the Constitution and set up a dictatorship in this country? 

It's been done before. many examples.

For starters-- what do you think happened in democratic Germany in the early 30's?

Professor Participates
17.3.1  Snuffy  replied to  Krishna @17.3    one month ago

For starters-- what do you think happened in democratic Germany in the early 30's?

Let's look at all that was happening at that time. The world was in the grips of the Great Depression which hit post-war Germany very hard due to the very onerous demands for reparations set by the Treaty of Versailles. In addition, Germany was hit by deflation and a reduced GNP in the early 30's. Hell, they practically had the entire country sleeping over a steam grate due to the economic condition. Additionally they did not have our Constitution.
Be honest, can you truly see Trump winning the election and removing all constraints on his power and the country not rising up against him? In this day and age?
Professor Principal
17.3.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Snuffy @17.3.1    one month ago

It would be hard , very hard, for Trump to become dictator of the United States. 

But the question is , why would we want a president who even hints at such a thing.  Trump regularly praises Putin , Xi, Kim Jong Un, Orban and others as being strong, powerful, leaders. Obviously he would like to model them. 

Are we supposed to wait until he tries to do something authoritarian before stopping him?   He's not fit to hold office, for many many reasons. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
17.3.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  Snuffy @17.3.1    one month ago
see Trump winning the election and removing all constraints on his power and the country not rising up against him? In this day and age?

Trump will do what what he did when he was already President. Funny how that gets ignored.

He will sit in the office, take credit for things that go well, blame others when they don't, watch TV.   When his admin loses a Court case, he will follow the judge's orders and complain while doing it.  When Congress doesn't do what he wants, he will criticize Congress.  Shocking stuff. 

Professor Participates
17.3.4  Snuffy  replied to  JohnRussell @17.3.2    one month ago

Is this in reference to his 'I'll be a dictator for one day' comment? Or something else?

As to wanting a president who hints at such a thing, I would say look at the context around the entire comment and not just the one line. Obviously, there are people who would vote for a dictator just as there are people who would vote for a humanitarian. People make the choice based on what they see and what they want. We've had past leaders in both Washington as well as at the state and local levels that have acted in authoritarian ways before. And in those circumstances we have seen some people support the actions and other people condemn the actions. This is really nothing new. 

If you believe that he would try to be a dictator, then you have your option of not voting for him in November. That's all that any individual can do in our system.

Professor Principal
17.3.5  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @17.3.3    one month ago

Do you think any of the founding fathers would vote for Donald Trump?  The founding fathers believed that character was destiny. 

Trump is, at best,  a loose cannon who is much more interested in how events effect him personally than he is in the welfare of our citizens.  Even his followers are just a means to an end. 

You make the constant assumption that character doesnt matter, and its ok to put the morally worst major party candidate in history into the presidency under the theory of "how much damage can he actually do?".

Why on earth should we have to find that out?

Your party should have dumped him at numerous points over the past 3 1/2 years, and never found the inner strength to do so. Now its too late. 

Professor Principal
17.3.6  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Snuffy @17.3.4    one month ago

Do you think Trump would like to be a dictator, or not ? 

If you think he would , he is not fit for office. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
17.3.7  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @17.3.5    one month ago
you think any of the founding fathers would vote for Donald Trump? 

Nope. They'd probably look at characters like Trump, Biden and Harris and be very worried. 

rump is, at best,  a loose cannon who is much more interested in how events effect him personally than he is in the welfare of our citizen

Yes. For sure. 

e constant assumption that character doesnt matter, 

I think it does, which is why I have never voted for Trump.  

Professor Participates
17.3.8  Snuffy  replied to  JohnRussell @17.3.6    one month ago
Do you think Trump would like to be a dictator, or not ? 

No I do not. I don't want him to be the next president but I also do not want Harris to be the next president. But as one of them is the most likely to win in November I can only wait until November to find out which one is going to sit in the office.

Professor Principal
17.3.9  CB  replied to  JohnRussell @17.3.2    one month ago

NO! Donald would not tell the truth if he was given truth serum. The man is a liar's LIAR!

Professor Principal
17.3.10  TᵢG  replied to  Snuffy @17.3.8    one month ago

Oh come on Snuffy, are you going to join the crowd who falsely claim they cannot choose which of the two would be better (or, alternatively, worse) for our nation?

Professor Participates
17.3.11  Snuffy  replied to  TᵢG @17.3.10    one month ago

No, I was quite clear. Neither one is better, both are the worst that the two parties have presented. Harris is only slightly better than Biden but IMO that bar is very low. I've been clear for months, neither party deserves my support. You vote for who you want to vote for, stop trying to tell me who I should vote for.

Professor Principal
17.3.12  TᵢG  replied to  Snuffy @17.3.11    one month ago
You vote for who you want to vote for, stop trying to tell me who I should vote for.

Stop the whining, I am not telling you who to vote for.   I asked you a question.

Are you able to determine which of the two would be better (or, alternatively, worse) for our nation?

It is an obvious bullshit answer to suggest that you cannot determine which of the two would be better (or worse) for our nation.   Especially now that the Ds are no longer running Biden.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
17.3.13  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @17.3.12    one month ago


Freshman Quiet
17.3.14  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Sparty On @17.3.13    one month ago
Only one I see whining here is you

you spelled winning incorrectly

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
17.3.15  Right Down the Center  replied to  Igknorantzruls @17.3.14    one month ago

But he spelled whining perfectly. 

Professor Guide
17.3.16  GregTx  replied to  Right Down the Center @17.3.15    one month ago

And accurately. 

Freshman Quiet
17.3.17  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Right Down the Center @17.3.15    one month ago

as you exampled, as well as Greg, accurately

Professor Quiet
17.3.18  Ronin2  replied to  JohnRussell @17.3.5    one month ago
Do you think any of the founding fathers would vote for Donald Trump? 

Do you think they would have voted for Clinton, Obama, Biden, or Harris?

The founding fathers believed that character was destiny. 

Ben Franklin was a model citizen. A complete puritan./S

The Founding Fathers would never ever dream of dueling as a means to settle quarrels.

They also would never condone slavery, mistreatment of native Americans, or indentured servitude.

Also, Democrats have this startling habit of completely ignoring their candidates character flaws. As if somehow Trump wipes the slate clean for any Democrat candidate.

Trump is, at best,  a loose cannon who is much more interested in how events effect him personally than he is in the welfare of our citizens.  Even his followers are just a means to an end. 

Congrats, you just described every damn politician. Great work. Too bad you can't see that.

You make the constant assumption that character doesnt matter, and its ok to put the morally worst major party candidate in history into the presidency under the theory of "how much damage can he actually do?".

It would seem Trump can do far less damage than the Democrats can. Under Trump we didn't enter into any new wars. Biden is a proxy war away from achieving the trifecta. Trump and Republicans also didn't weaponize the IRS, DOJ, FBI, and CIA against their political opponents. Democrats sure as hell have. Republicans haven't done any lawfare against any Democrats- though I am sure that will change given the Democrat's shear abuse of power in the legal system. All it will take is one Republican DA with the stones to file charges. Haven't seen Republicans trying to pass bills to federalize all elections with rules that benefit them; nor pack the Supreme Court; nor try to change the way the Supreme Court operates; put in term limits; ethic laws; and have a new justice put in place every two years.

Why on earth should we have to find that out?

Because we have already seen what Democrats have in store for this country over the last 16 years and counting. Sorry, we don't want a weaker militarily, more woke, and dysfunctional version of China.

Your party should have dumped him at numerous points over the past 3 1/2 years, and never found the inner strength to do so.

Coming from the party that put a human vegetable in charge of the country; with a VP that couldn't even make it to Iowa in the Democrat primaries in 2020 . But she checked all of the leftist boxes and was awarded the job. Great insurance policy for not removing Biden; but now she is the Democrat nominee. A fail Senate, VP, and border Czar. Democrats should never have let these two get started; but "not being Trump" is all they can run on. Not the economy, not inflation, not unemployment, not illegal immigration or border security, not gas prices, not being tough on crime, and sure as hell not foreign policy.  

Now its too late.

You are right about that. It is either four more years of Trump; or four more years of Democrats trying to establish one party rule by destroying the country.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
17.3.19  Sparty On  replied to  Igknorantzruls @17.3.14    one month ago

You did not capitalize “you.”

Professor Principal
17.3.20  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @17.3.7    one month ago
I have never voted for Trump.

no, you just attack his opponents each and every day

attack the dem candidates every  day  + never attack trump = MAGA

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
17.3.21  Trout Giggles  replied to  JohnRussell @17.3.20    one month ago
you just attack his opponents each and every day

and the people who wouldn't vote for trmp if they had a gun to their head

Masters Guide
17.3.22  Thomas  replied to  Ronin2 @17.3.18    one month ago

You are right about that. It is either four more years of Trump; or four more years of Democrats trying to establish one party rule by destroying the country.

False dichotomy.

Professor Guide
17.3.23  GregTx  replied to  Thomas @17.3.22    one month ago



Professor Principal
17.4  TᵢG  replied to  Snuffy @17    one month ago
Do you really think so little of this country that the citizens would allow any single person to throw out the Constitution and set up a dictatorship in this country? 

A dictatorship would not happen.   However, here is a very plausible scenario when a demagogue narcissist gains the power of the presidency with a cultish political party.

  1. Surround himself with loyalists (aka sycophants) who will do his bidding.   We have already seen how people will destroy their own lives (e.g. Giuliani) to be loyal to Trump.
  2. Engage in actions that yield him more power (incrementally).   Note that if the GOP controls Congress this is quite likely since the GOP has essentially become a Trump cult.
  3. Push the envelope in wrongdoings (he is substantially emboldened to do just that given what he has gotten away with by being reelected).   Trump would not be convicted if impeached unless the Ds control the Senate with a 2/3 majority and the SCotUS has already made him immune from prosecution after office for anything that can be argued as a core constitutional act with presumptive immunity for any official act and the inadmissibility of any evidence surrounding an official act.

So no he would not be able to turn our constitutional Republic into an authoritarian state, but he would have substantial ability to engage in wrongdoing as a rogue PotUS.

Professor Participates
17.4.1  Snuffy  replied to  TᵢG @17.4    one month ago
However, here is a very plausible scenario when a demagogue narcissist gains the power of the presidency with a cultish political party.
  1. Surround himself with loyalists (aka sycophants) who will do his bidding.   We have already seen how people will destroy their own lives (e.g. Giuliani) to be loyal to Trump.
  2. Engage in actions that yield him more power (incrementally).   Note that if the GOP controls Congress this is quite likely since the GOP has essentially become a Trump cult.
  3. Push the envelope in wrongdoings (he is substantially emboldened to do just that given what he has gotten away with by being reelected).   Trump would not be convicted if impeached unless the Ds control the Senate with a 2/3 majority and the SCotUS has already made him immune from prosecution after office for anything that can be argued as a core constitutional act with presumptive immunity for any official act and the inadmissibility of any evidence surrounding an official act.

Remove the name Trump and it sounds a lot like almost every presidency we've had since Reagan. And it's become progressively worse as our politicians now firstly claim allegiance to the Party rather than to the Country.

Professor Principal
17.4.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Snuffy @17.4.1    one month ago

Donald Trump tried to have the votes of tens of millions of Americans thrown out in 2020, based on nothing but the fact he lost the election.  He is a traitor.  Conservatives endlessly try and equate Trump to other politicians. There is no comparison that works in Trumps favor. 

Professor Participates
17.4.3  Snuffy  replied to  JohnRussell @17.4.2    one month ago

And how does that change anything in my comment in 17.4.1? Repeatedly bleating out the traitor line is not a discussion.

Professor Principal
17.4.4  CB  replied to  TᵢG @17.4    one month ago

Worse: A rogue like Donald is, and an ambitious set of cabinet officials and 'newly-minted' conservative administrative state would delete, tear-up, take down LONG-STANDING inter-office policies that make our government sound across the whole federal system. . . creating a conservative federal STATE which they intend to couple with red-states conservatism!

I would envision without any one other than themselves to supervise it, they would DESTROY government 'histories' and documents. Declassify other documents for the sole purposes of seeking to PROMOTE conservativism while DEMOTING (pushing out items to discredit/harm) liberalism.

We would not be able to know the truth about our country federally for it would be a conservative worldview and NARRATIVE solely being kept in place and told to us going forward.


Professor Principal
17.4.5  TᵢG  replied to  Snuffy @17.4.1    one month ago
Remove the name Trump and it sounds a lot like almost every presidency we've had since Reagan.

Why are you trying to normalize Trump?    

Even Trump did not surround himself with sycophants at first.   And even at the end of his term he still had people who would tell him he was wrong (e.g. Barr,  Cipollone, ...).

I described a situation where Trump is surrounded by a cabinet, et. al. with the loyalty and disintegrity of someone like Giuliani.   A situation where whatever Trump says goes unchallenged.   And with an unhinged narcissist like Trump who always thinks he is the smartest guy in the room, that is a dangerous situation for our nation.

And we have not, in my lifetime, had a party that behaved as a cult for the PotUS.   That is incredibly dangerous, especially if that party is in power.

Further, no PotUS has been emboldened by skirting accountability for engaging in fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement in an attempt to steal a presidential election.   And then had the SCotUS empower him with absolute immunity, presumptive immunity, and inadmissibility of evidence.

Finally, is there any other PotUS who was less fit for office than Trump in terms of demeanor, abuse of power for personal whim, negativity, unpresidential presence, etc.?

Professor Participates
17.4.6  Snuffy  replied to  TᵢG @17.4.5    one month ago

Nope, missed the mark. I'm not trying to normalize Trump in any fashion. 

All presidents pick their cabinet based on who is/will be loyal to the president and what they have brought in so far in order for the posting as payback. As far as a cabinet so loyal, how do you look at the way the current administration hid the issues that Biden was having? It's been suspected for many months and confirmed at that disaster of a debate that Biden is having mental issues due to his age. And his cabinet hid the issue very well, with many comments on how energetic and on top of issues the old man is, etc. 

As far as a party behaving as a cult for the president, as the president is the defacto leader of the party and for the longest time politicians have pledged their loyalty to the party first, I don't see how you can be shocked to say you've never seen in your lifetime a party act like that. You have no honesty in that statement.

The remainder of your comment is really just a continuation of how bad Trump is, he did this and he did that..  Oh my god...  IMO you focus solely on Trump and ignore the bigger picture. Vote your conscience and everyone else will do the same. 

Professor Principal
17.4.7  TᵢG  replied to  Snuffy @17.4.6    one month ago

You are trying to downplay my scenario into the normal one where a PotUS picks a cabinet that supports his agenda.   That is NOT what I described and I believe you know that.

Importantly I trust objective readers also know that.

Do you see a difference between Harris and Trump and can you determine which of the two is worse (or better) for the nation?

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
17.4.8  Right Down the Center  replied to  Snuffy @17.4.6    one month ago

Well said

Freshman Quiet
17.4.9  Igknorantzruls  replied to  TᵢG @17.4.7    one month ago
Do you see a difference between Harris and Trump and can you determine which of the two is worse (or better) for the nation?

of course they do. They wouldn't wish to admit how wrong, all along, they have been, and since he tells them the bs they wish to hear, on the Western Front, all clear. Trump has given them reasons besides themselves, for what is wrong in theirs, and our countries world and current environment. Seems immigrants carry most of that burden. They take your jobs, squander our resources, commit crimes ten fold, etc etc, even though there is not evidence to support this shit. And if not immigrants, coincidentally brought about by those progressive leftists who again have ruined the US, yet always seem to have to repair the damage that wasn't there last time they were in charge. Most not even brave enough to see what is going on in the world without their dark interpretations through that of Fox and other far right sources of distortion, talking points of and that are an abortion, as wiggled into pretzel like contortion, are the gymnasty's round here who out of proportion, would have us believe Trump is normal with nothing up his D sleave

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
17.4.10  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @17.4.7    one month ago
That is NOT what I described and I believe you know that.

What you described belongs in the fiction section.

Professor Quiet
17.4.11  Ronin2  replied to  JohnRussell @17.4.2    one month ago

Where was your bitching when Hillary and the Democrats tried it in 2016?

Remind us which party was actively talking about impeaching a president before he even took office?

“Impeachment” is already on the lips of pundits, newspaper editorials, constitutional scholars, and even a few members of Congress. From the right, Washington attorney Bruce Fein puts the odds at 50/50 that a President Trump commits impeachable offenses as president. Liberal Florida Rep. Alan Grayson says Trump’s insistence on building a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, if concrete was poured despite Congress’s opposition, could lead down a path toward impeachment. Even the mainstream Republican head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently   tossed out the I-word   when discussing the civilian backlash if Trump’s trade war with China led to higher prices on everyday items sold at WalMart and Target. On his radio show last month, Rush Limbaugh even put a   very brisk timeline on it:   “They’ll be talking impeachment on day two, after the first Trump executive order,” he said. It’s   not   unusual   for controversial presidents to be   shadowed   by   talk   of impeachment, once they’ve been in office long enough to make people mad. But before he’s elected? Before he’s a nominee?

Democrat's TDS is so damn bad that they lack even the slightest sense of subtlety. 

Professor Participates
17.4.12  bugsy  replied to  JohnRussell @17.4.2    one month ago

You mean like the millions of votes for Biden in the primaries democrats threw out to anoint a new queen?

Professor Principal
17.4.13  TᵢG  replied to  bugsy @17.4.12    one month ago

Apparently you did not get the memo, that talking point hits the wall and slides to the floor.

Masters Guide
17.4.14  Thomas  replied to  TᵢG @17.4    one month ago

So no he would not be able to turn our constitutional Republic into an authoritarian state, but he would have substantial ability to engage in wrongdoing as a rogue PotUS.

I might say that you are too trusting of the Constitution. Hopefully, the people who we have put in place to protect the CotUS will respect their oath more than their allegiance to any one individual.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
17.5  Trout Giggles  replied to  Snuffy @17    one month ago

The Christian Nationalists do

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
18  Right Down the Center    one month ago

Only God knows what Donald meant when he said that.  I guess I better get a new Trump decoder ring along with the Kamala one I am ordering.

Professor Principal
18.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Right Down the Center @18    one month ago
Only God knows what Donald meant when he said that.

Only God knows what a major presidential candidate means when he talks?  That doesnt sound good. 

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
18.1.1  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @18.1    one month ago

Just like any politician he may attempt to clarify and maybe he will be believed and maybe he won't.  How many times did the WH have to clarify what came out of Joes mouth?  Let me help, pretty much 80% of the time he went off script.  Of course I am sure you said that wasn't good when he did it.

Professor Principal
18.1.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Right Down the Center @18.1.1    one month ago
How many times did the WH have to clarify what came out of Joes mouth? 

Joe dropped out. Will Trump ?

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
18.1.3  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @18.1.2    one month ago
Joe dropped out. Will Trump ?

Joe was pushed out.  My best guess is Trump will stay in

Professor Principal
18.1.4  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Right Down the Center @18.1.3    one month ago
My best guess is Trump will stay in

Of course . Him saying idiotic things is a plus for him with most of his voters. 

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
18.1.5  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @18.1.4    one month ago

Sounds like conjecture to me. 

Professor Principal
18.1.6  TᵢG  replied to  Right Down the Center @18.1.5    one month ago

Conjecture that Trump would not drop out no matter what nonsense he spews?   It is obvious that he will not drop out.

Give a logical reason for why Trump would drop out of the race for saying idiotic things

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
18.1.7  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @18.1.6    one month ago
Conjecture that Trump would not drop out no matter what nonsense he spews? It is obvious that he will not drop out. Give a logical reason for why Trump would drop out of the race for saying idiotic things

Take a look at what I actually responded to (Him saying idiotic things is a plus for him with most of his voters.)[]

Professor Expert
18.1.8  Krishna  replied to  JohnRussell @18.1.2    one month ago
Joe dropped out. Will Trump ?


Professor Expert
18.1.9  Krishna  replied to  Right Down the Center @18.1.1    one month ago
Just like any politician he may attempt to clarify and maybe he will be believed and maybe he won't


Maybe not!

Professor Guide
18.1.10  Tacos!  replied to  Right Down the Center @18.1.3    one month ago
My best guess is Trump will stay in

Seems like either the party lacks the courage to push him out or they support all of his dictator rhetoric. Or both.

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
18.1.11  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @18.1.6    one month ago

None of that was mentioned in my post

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
19  Sean Treacy    one month ago

Lol. This is the last time he will be on a ballot. He's a narcissist. It's not that complex.

The idea that he's announcing some Machiavellian plan to end democracy as an ad-lib at a rally is laughably absurd. 

Professor Principal
19.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @19    one month ago

Like always, he wants to have it both ways.  People who cant see that , just about every damn day, are not looking. 

Professor Principal
19.1.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @19.1    one month ago

The Democrats should start printing billboards with what he said last night on them. 

Let him try to explain what he meant when he said "you won't need to vote anymore". 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
19.1.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @19.1.1    one month ago
t when he said "you won't need to vote anymore".

It's pretty obvious if you watch. "I'm going to make things so great the next four years that it can't be screwed up."  It's telling voters this year's vote the most important of their lives. You know, the same thing Democrats have claimed about every election this century. It's always the most important in history. Haven't you noticed that? 

Professor Principal
19.1.3  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @19.1.2    one month ago

Really? Is "the left" supposed to gone in four years? 

He said what he said. They should totally use it against the clown. 

Professor Principal
19.1.4  CB  replied to  JohnRussell @19.1.1    one month ago

We can take him at his words! Plain and simple. Let him worry about doublespeak!

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
19.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Sean Treacy @19    one month ago

Seven days of May, all over.

Professor Expert
19.3  Krishna  replied to  Sean Treacy @19    one month ago
The idea that he's announcing some Machiavellian plan to end democracy as an ad-lib at a rally is laughably absurd

That's what they said about a rising young political star in Germany in the 40s.

Professor Principal
19.3.1  Gsquared  replied to  Krishna @19.3    one month ago

In the 1920s and early 1930s Hitler promised he would rule as a dictator if he gained power.  He was appointed Chancellor in 1933 and wasted no time fulfilling his promise.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
19.3.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Gsquared @19.3.1    one month ago


The Program of the German Workers’ Party is designed to be of limited duration. The leaders have no intention, once the aims announced in it have been achieved, of establishing fresh ones, merely in order to increase, artificially, the discontent of the masses and so ensure the continued existence of the Party.

Professor Principal
19.3.3  Gsquared  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @19.3.2    one month ago

Absolutely, definitively, unequivocally and without question YES.

Hitler rose to power through the Nazi Party, an organization he forged after returning as a wounded veteran from the annihilating trench warfare of World War I...

By September 1923, four billion German marks had the equal value of one American dollar. Consumers needed a wheelbarrow to carry enough paper money to buy a loaf of bread.

Hitler, a mesmerizing public speaker, addressed political meetings in Munich calling for a new German order to replace what he saw as an incompetent and inefficient democratic regime. This New Order was distinguished by an authoritarian political system based on a leadership structure in which authority flowed downward from a supreme national leader.

In the new Germany, all citizens would unselfishly serve the state, or Volk; democracy would be abolished; and individual rights sacrificed for the good of the führer state. The ultimate aim of the Nazi Party was to seize power through Germany’s parliamentary system, install Hitler as dictator, and create a community of racially pure Germans loyal to their führer...
By 1932, the Nazis were the largest political party in the Reichstag. In January of the following year, with no other leader able to command sufficient support to govern, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor of Germany. Shortly thereafter, a fire broke out in the Reichstag building in Berlin, and authorities arrested a young Dutch communist who confessed to starting it.

Hitler used this episode to convince President Hindenburg to declare an emergency decree suspending many civil liberties throughout Germany, including freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and the right to hold public assemblies. The police were authorized to detain citizens without cause, and the authority usually exercised by regional governments became subject to control by Hitler’s national regime.

Almost immediately, Hitler began dismantling Germany’s democratic institutions and imprisoning or murdering his chief opponents. When Hindenburg died the following year, Hitler took the titles of führer, chancellor, and commander in chief of the army. 

In many ways, Hitler epitomized "the force of personality in political life" as described by  Friedrich Meinecke . [4]  Hitler was essential to  Nazism 's political appeal and its manifestation in Germany. So important were Hitler's views that they immediately affected the political policies of  Nazi Germany . He asserted the  Führerprinzip  ('leader principle'), which advocated the absolute obedience of all subordinates to their superiors... with himself—the infallible leader—at the apex...
Hitler proclaimed that he would "destroy democracy with the weapons of democracy".

1932 campaign rally, Hitler denounced Germany’s democratic government, which resulted in applause from the crowd

When Hitler had vowed in court, in September 1930, to destroy democracy 

National Socialism... advertised its intention to subvert and ultimately overthrow the system

See "The Coming of the Third Reich", Richard J. Evans, at page 173

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
19.3.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Gsquared @19.3.3    one month ago

Was my quote of Nazi 1920 promises inaccurate?

Professor Principal
19.3.5  Gsquared  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @19.3.4    one month ago

It's not inaccurate, but it is incomplete, and does not at all contradict my previous comment. ( 19.3.1 )

Point 25, the last entry for the 25 point program in the Nazi Party 1920 Platform, of which your quote would be considered the introduction, is a somewhat euphemistic prelude to Hitler's authoritarian concept upon which he expounded at length during the following years.

25. To put the whole of this program into effect, we demand the creation of a strong central state power for the Reich...

The closing comment of the Platform was:

The leaders of the Party promise to work ruthlessly—if need be to sacrifice their very lives—to translate this program into action.


Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
19.3.6  Sean Treacy  replied to  Krishna @19.3    one month ago

Konrad Adenauer?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
19.3.7  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Gsquared @19.3.5    one month ago

Fascinating history.

Freshman Quiet
19.3.8  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @19.3.7    one month ago
Fascinating history.

Sound's to me like a WAKE UP CALL PEOPLE !

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
19.3.9  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Igknorantzruls @19.3.8    one month ago
Sound's to me like a WAKE UP CALL PEOPLE !

About 100 years too late.

Freshman Quiet
19.3.10  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @19.3.9    one month ago
100 years too late

maybe the people require ANOTHER wake up call

Professor Participates
19.3.11  Snuffy  replied to  Gsquared @19.3.5    one month ago

But I think your comment in 19.3.3 is also incomplete. You also need to include what else is occurring during that same time. The world is in the grips of the Great Depression and adding to the financial issues for Germany is the very harsh reparations demands made in the Treaty of Versailles. That treaty was made to punish Germany, but it set the stage for the general population of Germany to be so downtrodden that they agreed to go along with the Nazi Party demands. The Nazi Party was a lifeline for many who had nothing else. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
19.3.12  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Igknorantzruls @19.3.10    one month ago

I think that US conditions today have little in common with Central Europe of 100 years ago.

Freshman Quiet
19.3.13  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @19.3.12    one month ago
I think that US conditions today have little in common with Central Europe of 100 years ago.

well wanna be dicktaters don't, and that is my point

Professor Principal
19.3.14  Gsquared  replied to  Snuffy @19.3.11    one month ago

You are bringing up an entirely different topic than what was being discussed, so, no, based on what you are discussing my Comment 19.3.3 was not incomplete.  The topic of the discussion, initiated by Comments 19.3 and 19.3.1, was that Hitler promised in the 1920s and 1930s that he would rule as a dictator if he gained power, and that he proceeded to do just that when he did gain power.  There is not a need to include the topic of your comment, which has to do with the reasons the Nazi Party gained power, in the context of my comment as it addresses something totally different. I am not here agreeing or disagreeing with the substance of your comment, only pointing out that it does not in any way render my Comment 19.3.3 incomplete.

As to the substance of your comment, the Nazis did gain popularity as people in Germany sought a solution to the dire economic situation, although that was not the sole reason.  However, in the November 1932 elections, the Nazis actually lost seats in the Reichstag as did the left wing parties, except for the Communists, who gained seats.  That ultimately (following certain other events, such as the brief Chancellorship of Von Schleicher) caused the conservative elites to appoint Hitler as Chancellor.  He was subsequently granted the right to rule by decree, and thus began his dictatorship.

Professor Expert
19.4  Krishna  replied to  Sean Treacy @19    one month ago
The idea that he's announcing some Machiavellian plan to end democracy as an ad-lib at a rally is laughably absurd. 

I disagree.

Because that's quite typical of Trump.

Masters Guide
19.5  Thomas  replied to  Sean Treacy @19    one month ago

Hungary is nominally a democracy.

They can vote in Russia, too.

While it might be extremely difficult for Trump to "end democracy," the powers of the Presidency combined with a compliant legislature and Supreme Court can lead a malevolent person such as Trump to remove rights from individuals whom he views as "less-than". 

If his promises mean nothing, then what good are the things that he says at any time? I don't trust him to do anything. I trust him with nothing. He has shown that he is willing and capable of using the bully-pulpit of the presidency to implement extrajudicial and unconstitutional activities with full knowledge strictly for his own benefit. Look at the leaders whom he holds up as examples of greatness and then ask oneself the all important question of why he idolizes authoritarians? 

I am confident that if Trump wins the election he will go as far as he can possibly go towards turning the office of PotUS into an authoritarian office and demand fealty from all who serve under him. I could be wrong, but why the hell would anyone want to risk it?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
19.5.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Thomas @19.5    one month ago
powers of the Presidency combined with a compliant legislature and Supreme Court

Lol. The typical fantasy. Trump, of course, was already President and had a Republican Congress with a court containing a majority of Republican appointed justices. 

Democracy didn't end, nor was it in any danger. 

But the real funny part of this (and why you know most  progressives  know it is all BS) is to watch how they act. No sane person could fear Trump as a dictator in making  and simultaneously advocate the policies they do.   They are desperate to end the filibuster which, of course, will make it much, much easier for a President with even the tiniest of majorities to steam roll all opposition in Congress. They bitch about Court rulings that take power from the executive and vest it in Congress.  And to top it off, the geniuses want to institute court packing and completely delegitimize the Court as a check on the executive.  Setting the precedent that the President can add justices whenever he controls congress by a single  vote would be a wanna be dictator's best weapon. 

I'll believe Trump is an actual threat to democracy when he starts proposing those things. That's how you destroy our system, by destroying checks and balances and vesting all power in the executive branch, which is exactly what Democrats want to do (when they control the executive, of course).  

Professor Principal
19.5.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @19.5.1    one month ago

Will you please stop saying Trump cant do any harm ?

He tried to steal the 2020 election.  

Why do you think he's so desperate to avoid trial ?

Members of his own administration will testify against him. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
19.5.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @19.5.2    one month ago
ill you please stop saying Trump cant do any harm ?

I'm much less worried about Trump doing long term structural damage to our Constitutional system than progressives.  Biden orders the country to assume hundreds of billions in debt on his command without congressional approval and progressives cheer. Just that sort of assault on Congressional power, on it's own, is much more dangerous than anything Trump tried to do.

If you think Trump is such a clear danger, why do you advocate giving the Presidency more powers?

It's impossible for me to believe that anyone who actually fears Trump to the extent claimed would turn around and want to destroy the filibuster and pack the court.  No one can be that shortsighted.  

Masters Guide
19.5.4  Thomas  replied to  Sean Treacy @19.5.1    one month ago

You quite obviously did not understand my comment.

Lol. The typical fantasy. Trump, of course, was already President and had a Republican Congress with a court containing a majority of Republican appointed justices.  Democracy didn't end, nor was it in any danger. 

I am not saying that Trump will become a dictator. I said that he will move as far as he possibly can towards consolidation of power. In his last time at the helm of the country he took us perilously close to a situation that was not accounted for in the CotUS. His behavior and that of those who helped him were not accounted for in the calculus of the framers, but it still occurred because those who were pushing the plan were dishonorable to the Constitution and the Oath of Office. Every Congressperson, every Senator, every person in an official capacity who knowingly helped further Trumps lies and machinations to remain in the Presidency is a traitor to to their oath, and that defines them as traitorous to the country and to the Constitution. You sit there typing away as if nothing at all happened and your commentary passes of the former Presidents actions as trifling.

I do not think that he should be anywhere near any public office because he has displayed a contempt for all that the CotUS stands for. To him, the Office of the President is merely a position from which to wield power, not an esteemed and venerable position. He treated it then as he will treat it in the future: A means to an end, and his end is himself.

You want to wait until it is too late. I would rather deny him the opportunity to even begin trying.  

Professor Principal
19.5.5  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Thomas @19.5.4    one month ago

well said

Freshman Quiet
19.5.6  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Thomas @19.5    one month ago
I am confident that if Trump wins the election he will go as far as he can possibly go towards turning the office of PotUS into an authoritarian office and demand fealty from all who serve under him. I could be wrong, but why the hell would anyone want to risk it?

You are far from wrong. Trump will as already displayed, go as far as he deems possible, and then some.

Professor Principal
19.5.7  Gsquared  replied to  Thomas @19.5.4    one month ago

There is a difference between not understanding a comment and intentionally misconstruing a comment, which is a frequent occurrence with some on here, especially those who might support Trump's reactionary agenda, but downplay or dismiss it, and its potential consequences, as a propagandistic effort to induce others to, in effect, "lower their guard".

Stay vigilant.

Professor Principal
19.5.8  CB  replied to  Thomas @19.5    one month ago

In Anne Applebaum's book, "Autocracy Inc." she details how once the so-called, "president" as autocrat takes power s/he will manipulate the DOJ to harass newspapers, journalists, and CEO's of companies that do not toe the line into SELLING OFF their interests . . . and yes. . . packing up and leaving the country.  At the time I listened to the interview on Morning Joe . . .I believe Ms. Applebaum mentioned Hungary's autocratic leader, who recently was at Donald's Mara Lago: 

Pushing Quick End to Ukraine War, Orban Plays Trump’s Messenger to E.U.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary has been on a self-appointed diplomatic mission that aligns with Donald J. Trump’s preferences in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

July 16, 2024


Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary on Thursday at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in a photograph released by Mr. Orban’s office. Credit... Zoltan Fischer/Agence France-Presse, via X Account of Hungary's Prime Minister

Viktor Orbán

Starting with the Second Orbán Government in 2010, during his uninterrupted stay in power, Orbán has curtailed press freedom, weakened judicial independence, and undermined multiparty democracy , amounting to democratic backsliding during Orbán's tenure.[3][4][5]

He frequently styles himself as a defender of Christian values in the face of the European Union, which he claims is anti-nationalist and anti-Christian . His portrayal of the EU as a political foe while accepting its money and funneling it to his allies and relatives has led to accusations that his government represents a kleptocracy.[6] It has also been characterized as a hybrid regime, dominant-party system, and mafia state .[7][8][9][10][11]


This is the kind of man, candidate for U.S. President, Donald and his Trumpist (all so-called GOPers) 'pal' around with just this month of July 2024!  And 'nobody' in the GOP raised an eyebrow.

Freshman Quiet
19.5.9  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Gsquared @19.5.7    one month ago
especially those who might support Trump's reactionary agenda, but downplay or dismiss it, and its potential consequences, as a propagandistic effort to induce others to, in effect, "lower their guard". Stay vigilant.

to accommodate Trump and his defenders, i'm gonna have to scrape the bottom in depth, but i'll go as low as any, and as high as many, 

though i do N joy when they attempt to play, for,I might muster up something or other to say, back atom

Freshman Quiet
19.5.10  Igknorantzruls  replied to  CB @19.5.8    one month ago
This is the kind of man, candidate for U.S. President, Donald and his Trumpist (all so-called GOPers) 'pal' around with just this month of July 2024!  And 'nobody' in the GOP raised an eyebrow.

believe he is also violating the law like Flynn was, as not registered as some kind of official diplomat .../? 

Professor Principal
19.5.11  CB  replied to  Igknorantzruls @19.5.10    one month ago

He is clouding the issue with being a former president and a current presidential candidate. . . with some 'allowances' . . . as best as I can negotiate an understanding. But, that does not change WHOM he chooses to recognize and have private sit-down meeting with privately. These people are secretly planning to devour 'us' and so we must be "vigilant." All 'regular' GOP hindrances have been ousted and continue to be ousted as they pop up. What remains is Trumpists who are willing to run interference for Donald . . . all the way up and down the line.

Because Donald is 'breaking and crossing so many lines at once. . . saying any damn thing that comes into his 'f-king' head. . . it is difficult for thinking people to keep up! That is part of the 'act.' We do have to be nimble all the same by focusing on the 'weightier' bull that sometimes is relatively light and also can be relatively heavy. That is, what needs to be focused on more will at times be 'uneven.'

Be prepared. The lying is fierce. It will get more so as the heat is turned up. We have corruption on a scale. . . some here may remember from bygone eras of their time as youths. . .others may have not fancied possible. Donald. Is. Lying. And. Even. When. He. Is. Telling. The. Truth. He. Likes. That. 'Nobody.' Can. Agree. On. It!

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
19.5.12  Sean Treacy  replied to  Thomas @19.5.4    one month ago
r. I said that he will move as far as he possibly can towards consolidation of power.

You didn't understand what I wrote.   Trump was President and did not "attempt to consolidate power." There's no reason to expect him to do so this time, other than Democratic fantasies.  Witness the asinity of people of thinking his statement about people not having to vote is some sort of coded message about him assuming the powers of a dictator.

Biden, and the Democrats actually want to make it much easier for the PResident to consolidate power by vesting power in the executive branch at the expense of the other branches  The Democrats, apparently not believing they'll ever lose the Presidency again and thinking they'll be the only ones able to use it, are hell bent on giving Trump or someone who actually wants to be a "dictator" as much power as possible.    How any person can fear the consolidation of power in the Presidency and support Biden doing just that is beyond logical comprehension.  If Democrats could ever think beyond the needs of  the immediate news cycle, they'd be horrified at what they are doing. 

Freshman Quiet
19.5.13  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Sean Treacy @19.5.12    one month ago
Trump was President and did not "attempt to consolidate power." There's no reason to expect him to do so this time, other than Dmeocrats fantasies

Trump pushed every conceivable envelope and due to some adults in his administration, was barely kept in check and was a blatant criminal crime spree with his cronies and he. There were quite a few charged with crimes, quite a few disbarred, and he pardoned quite a few. I forgot how many Biden had to pardon, or were indicted, or disbarred, but I'm sure its neck and neck, cause what the heck art you talking about ....? Trump, with some knowledge of how the game works after a stint, and no adults to tell him no this time, and then add in this BULLSHIT  IMMUNITY CRAP, and he will push every boundary possibl;e and you and all Trump excusers, defenders, enablers will OWN IT. The 'man' is not correct in the cranium....PERIOD

Masters Guide
19.5.14  Thomas  replied to  Sean Treacy @19.5.12    one month ago
Trump was President and did not "attempt to consolidate power."

Yes he did. He tried removing every block that got in his way for doing whatever he wanted to.

First it was Comey. "Ha, ha. I didn't fire him 'cause he was investigating me.... Well, Yes, I did. I did fire him because he was investigating me." It matters not if there was or was not anything to the investigation. The fact that Comey was fired was the first obstruction of justice that he should have been impeached and removed from office for. But no. Everyone was pussy-footing around, saying that he would "Get better." 

Guess what? He got worse. And still worse yet. He just kept getting worse. He was like a child given the run of the property, and when he did something wrong everyone would just say, "Oh, Donald. You really shouldn't do that. Now run along and play." No groundings, no timeouts to think on what he had done wrong, they just handed him a lollipop and scooted him out the metaphorical door. The man is a menace to society in general, but apologists keep giving him the keys to the liquor cabinet, the car, and the country. Then they can't seem to figure out why people are upset. The only reason that he did not do more to consolidate power the last time he was president is because there were people in his cabinet that held him back. People who believed in the constitution more than they believed in him. That won't happen if he gets elected again. He's got it figured out. 

There is a reason that he praises people like Victor Orban and Vladimir Putin: It is because they do things in the way that he wishes to do them. 

You think this is about packing the SCotUS or removing the filibuster. It isn't. At all. This is about keeping the man who once tried to run America off the democratic rails away from the chance of doing it again. He is not stupid. He learns just like everyone else. He wants to carry the knowledge that he gained from his first Presidency forward. He won't make the same mistakes again. He is counting on people claiming that he isn't really that bad and being pushovers. That is what he loves. People for the gristmill to get ground up and pushed aside. Just like he has been doing for the past 50+ years. 

Professor Principal
20  CB    one month ago

He should. Nobody should give Donald the benefit of the doubt as he is plain as the day is long when he speaks. . . even when he double-speaks! If a candidate is too stupid to be able to speak CLEARLY AND PLAINLY and STAND UP FOR THE WORDS HE DELIVERS, he is not worthy of heading a great nation.

DO NOT BUY-INTO ANY OF IT! Donald is desperate. . . and so he speaks desperately. . . and assume that others will 'pity' him. Don't pity Donald one iota. You may live to regret it. He is not a sympathetic figure!

Professor Expert
20.1  Krishna  replied to  CB @20    one month ago
DO NOT BUY-INTO ANY OF IT! Donald is desperate. . . and so he speaks desperately

Donald Trump speaks with forked tongue!!! jrSmiley_5_smiley_image.png

Professor Principal
21  Gsquared    one month ago

The right wingers are making every excuse they can think of for Trump, but let's face it, he's insane.  Certifiably, carpet chewing, foaming at the mouth, belongs in a padded cell, insane.

Professor Principal
21.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Gsquared @21    one month ago

There havent been many presidential candidates in history that aptly fit that description.  His mother and father must be so proud. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
21.1.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @21.1    one month ago
His mother and father must be so proud. 

Aren’t they both dead?

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
21.1.2  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @21.1.1    one month ago

Yes, but be assured they are looking up and witnessing it.

Professor Expert
21.1.3  Krishna  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @21.1.1    one month ago
Aren’t they both dead?

Well wherever their spirits are-- that in no way stops them being proud of a darling young man like The Donald! jrSmiley_28_smiley_image.gif  

Professor Principal
22  seeder  JohnRussell    one month ago

Trump faces backlash for ‘in four years, you don’t have to vote again’ remark

Some Democrats say his comments, directed at a Christian audience, signaled his plans to be a dictator. His campaign says he was talking about ‘uniting’ the country, and experts point to his ‘deliberately ambiguous’ speaking style.

Democratic lawmakers and Vice President Harris’s campaign joined a chorus of online critics in calling out remarks Donald Trump aimed at a Christian audience on Friday, arguing that the former president and current Republican presidential nominee had implied he would end elections in the United States if he won a second term.

At the conclusion of his speech at the Believers Summit in West Palm Beach, Fla., Trump said, “Christians, get out and vote, just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. … You got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

Democrats and others interpreted the comments as signaling how a second Trump presidency would be run, a reminder that he previously said he would not be a dictator upon returning to office “except for Day One.”
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who is running for Senate, shared the clip of Trump’s speech on X, writing, “This year democracy is on the ballot, and if we are to save it, we must vote against authoritarianism. Here Trump helpfully reminds us that the alternative is never having the chance to vote again.” Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) called Trump’s comments “terrifying.” And Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) said, “The only way ‘you won’t have to vote anymore’ is if Donald Trump becomes a dictator.”
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The Trump campaign, however, says the comments, made at the event hosted by the conservative group Turning Point Action, were about how Trump would unite the country. Asked to clarify what Trump meant, Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for the campaign, said in a statement on Saturday that the former president “was talking about uniting this country and bringing prosperity to every American, as opposed to the divisive political environment that has sowed so much division and even resulted in an assassination attempt.”
Trump, who has continued to assert without evidence that the 2020 election was rigged against him, preceded his comments about not having to vote again by telling the audience that Democrats “don’t want to approve voter ID — that’s because they want to cheat. But until then, Republicans must win. … We want a landslide that’s too big to rig.”
The Harris campaign is calling Trump’s remarks “a vow to end democracy.”

“When Vice President Harris says this election is about freedom she means it,” Harris campaign spokesperson James Singer said in a news release on Saturday. “Our democracy is under assault by criminal Donald Trump: After the last election Trump lost, he sent a mob to overturn the results. This campaign, he has promised violence if he loses, the end of our elections if he wins, and the termination of the Constitution to empower him to be a dictator to enact his dangerous Project 2025 agenda on America.” (Project 2025 is a think tank document outlining policy priorities for the next Republican president. Many Trump allies and former administration officials were involved in drafting the document, but his campaign has sought to distance the former president from it.)
Trump’s comments also drew some concern among those on the Christian right.

David Lane, an organizer of conservative Christian pastors, said in a text message that Trump “may have gotten a little over his skis” with what he said because it could discourage conservative Christians from shaping the outcomes of future elections.
“Evangelicals in 2028, 2032, and 2036 must raise their civics game to a new level if America is to return to the Judeo-Christian heritage and Biblical-based culture laid out by the founders,” said Lane, the founder of the American Renewal Project, whose mission is to help elect more Christians to office. He added that “somebody’s values will reign supreme in the public square,” and if Christians don’t vote, their values will not be reflected in their elected officials.

In front of a different Christian audience last month, Trump made a similar suggestion about Christians not needing to vote after this year’s election.

At a Faith and Freedom Coalition event in Washington, the former president said Christians “don’t vote as much as they should.”
“Do you know the power you have if you would vote? … You’ve got to get out and vote, just this time. I don’t care — in four years, you don’t have to vote, okay? In four years, don’t vote,” he said. “I don’t care by that time, but we’ll have it all straightened out, so it’ll be much different.”

But if Democrats were to come into power, he said at the time, “they’ll ruin it [and] we’ll have to do this all over again.”

Erica De Bruin, a professor of government at Hamilton College whose research focuses on civil-military relations, civil war and policing, said, “Trump frequently makes these kinds of deliberately ambiguous statements that can be interpreted in multiple ways.”
But she added that “to understand what another Trump presidency would involve, I think it is more useful to look at his past behavior than to attempt to parse what might be the ‘true meaning’ of any individual set of remarks he makes.” She pointed out that the last time he was in office, “he attempted to subvert the outcome of an election and remain in power longer than the American public voted to keep him there.”

Steven Levitsky, a professor of government at Harvard University, and co-author of “Tyranny of the Minority: Why American Democracy Reached the Breaking Point,” also said that while he didn’t think Trump’s recent comment was “indicative of an organized plot to end elections in the United States,” it did represent yet another sign that “the guy has got authoritarian reflexes.”

“Over the course of 10 or 15 years,” Levitsky added, a growing number of Republicans “convinced themselves that they weren’t going to be able to win elections in this new, multiracial America. I’m not so sure that’s true, but they were deeply fearful that was true. And so Trump, I think more than anything else, he senses … where they’re going and they’re feeling.”
Christian conservatives — White evangelicals, specifically — make up a substantial part of the voter base that Trump has been courting since his 2016 campaign.

In both 2016 and 2020, a third of Trump’s support came from White evangelical Protestants. So 1 one in every 3 votes Trump received came from White evangelical Protestants, a group that the Public Religion Research Institute estimates constitutes 14 percent of the population.

Levitsky’s co-author, Daniel Ziblatt, also a professor of government at Harvard, put a finer point on the significance of Trump’s comment. “I can’t think of a major candidate for office in any democracy on Earth since at least World War II who speaks in such overtly authoritarian ways,” said Ziblatt. “Not Victor Orban in Hungary, not Recep Erdogan in Turkey. Nowhere.”
Jennifer Mercieca, a communications professor at Texas A&M University and author of “Demagogue for President: The Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump,” said in an email that she interpreted Trump’s comment as an attempt to address the “double bind” that supposed “strongmen” leaders face.

“They narrate a world of chaos and promise that they are strong enough to fix it in order to win elections, but they frequently don’t actually solve the problems that they’ve said that they could easily solve if given power,” said Mercieca, whose research focuses on the relationship between democracy and American communication practices. “I think Trump is here promising Christians that he will actually solve the problems that he has promised them he’ll solve (a full abortion ban … and various ‘culture war’ issues) and so with all of the problems solved, they won’t feel like the world is so chaotic that they have to vote to save the nation.”
“It’s a big promise,” she added, “and he doesn’t give specific details here.”

Professor Principal
22.1  CB  replied to  JohnRussell @22    one month ago

No passes. If a liar's LIAR doublespeaks: Take him/her at his/her words!  It will teach both (or not) to say what they mean and mean what they say. We don't have to keep figuring out anything from a LIAR! 

Professor Principal
23  seeder  JohnRussell    one month ago
But if Democrats were to come into power, he said at the time, “they’ll ruin it [and] we’ll have to do this all over again.”

Do what ? Vote?  

Trump thinks the rest of America are as  big of idiots as he is. 

Professor Principal
23.1  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @23    one month ago

Trump is not thinking.   He is out there pleading for votes.   Please please just get out and vote for me this year.   If you vote for me I will fix all your problems and they will stay fixed forever.   I can do magic, just please please vote for me (so that I do not go to jail).

This has become pathetic.   

Professor Expert
23.1.1  Krishna  replied to  TᵢG @23.1    one month ago
Trump is not thinking

People are saying that he's too old to be president-- and that he's senile. And that the Republicans should replace him with a younger (and more rational!) candidate.

Professor Principal
23.1.2  TᵢG  replied to  Krishna @23.1.1    one month ago
People are saying that he's too old to be president-- and that he's senile

Seriously, Trump is too old to be PotUS (as was Biden).   IMO a PotUS should be 45-65 years old ... give or take based on the circumstances.    It just makes no sense to have old individuals in their late 70s and 80s running for the presidency.   Other jobs that are less formidable and stressful, sure.    But not the presidency.

Seriously again, I doubt that Trump is growing senile.   He is making the kind of mistakes one would expect from someone his age.   Plus, he is not very smart to begin with.  

And that the Republicans should replace him with a younger (and more rational!) candidate.

Seriously yet again, the GOP utterly failed the nation by bypassing younger, experienced candidates all of whom are by far better human beings than Trump and all of whom would provide a substantially better face and voice for our nation.

Obviously it is too late to do anything about it.   The GOP is stuck with Trump and Vance.   One can only hope they will learn from this ... but I doubt it.   Given the GOP did not learn from Trump's behavior after losing the election in 2020, the party is currently incorrigible.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
23.2  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  JohnRussell @23    one month ago

Do what ?

End democracy.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
24  Sean Treacy    one month ago

When Trump says this:

"We will be creating so much electricity that you'll be saying, please, please, president, we don't want any more electricity. We can't stand it. You'll be begging me. No more electricity, sir. We have enough. We have enough".

do  online progressives read it as a secret message to big power?  Do they think he means it literally?  Anyone who's heard Trump speak before should of course know he  exaggerates as a way to combine bragging with entertainment. 

I'm beginning to think some progressives do not understand context and exaggeration similar to  the character who struggles to recognize sarcasm on the Big Bang Theory.  "Blood bath, many fine people, dictator for one day, never have to vote again" freak outs all resemble that sort of disorder. Assuming, of course, the objections are in good faith..


Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
24.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Sean Treacy @24    one month ago

You’d think he’d stop exaggerating so much after he told us that Republicans will get tired of how much winning he’s going to do.  Meanwhile he’s just a losing loser who loses.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
24.1.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @24.1    one month ago
ou’d think he’d stop exaggerating so much.

Maybe some Democrats will learn pattern recognition. All things are possible. 

Professor Quiet
24.1.2  Ronin2  replied to  Sean Treacy @24.1.1    one month ago

You are giving them too much credit. 

They are used to getting away with the shit no matter who the Republican nominee is.

This is their tactic. Always has been, always will be.

Professor Expert
24.2  Krishna  replied to  Sean Treacy @24    one month ago
do  online progressives read it as a secret message to big power?  Do they think he means it literally?

Many people are saying that all these generalizations are becoming tiring...

Professor Principal
25  CB    one month ago

I will state this, Donald is a 'king' of EARNED MEDIA (free media) even though he takes his lumps for it. The media has to watch that they are not being played!

Professor Expert
25.1  Krishna  replied to  CB @25    one month ago
The media has to watch that they are not being played!

Why would you want them to stop reporting the news?

Professor Principal
25.1.1  CB  replied to  Krishna @25.1    one month ago

Earned media

Earned media is content relating to a person or organization, which is published by a third party without any form of payment to the publisher. It includes articles by media outlets, interviews with the person or representatives of the organization, or bylined editorials in trade press and other publications.  Wikipedia
The Chad
Freshman Silent
26  The Chad    one month ago

OMG this could be the end of democracy!


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