
'Could Republicans dump Trump?' Conservative says it's time to ask about mental fitness

Via:  John Russell  •  7 months ago  •  14 comments

By:   Kathleen Culliton (Raw Story - Celebrating Years of Independent Journalism)

'Could Republicans dump Trump?' Conservative says it's time to ask about mental fitness
The Republican Party can no longer ignore that former President Donald Trump, Republican nominee and convicted felon, appears to be losing the thread, a conservative analyst argued Friday.Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin condemned political coverage of the controversial candidate and demande...

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The Republican Party can no longer ignore that former President Donald Trump, Republican nominee and convicted felon, appears to be losing the thread, a conservative analyst argued Friday.

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin condemned political coverage of the controversial candidate and demanded a new narrative similar to that faced earlier this summer by President Joe Biden.

"Trump seems unable to handle reality," Rubin wrote. "One wonders when we will hear and see reports about 'Republican panic!' or 'Could Republicans dump Trump?'"

This argument comes months after the New York Times responded to Biden's disastrous presidential debate by calling on him to withdraw from his own campaign.

Biden's eventual acquiescence shocked the nation and Vice President Kamala Harris' swift ascent energized the party and American voters appearing by the tens of thousands at her political rallies.

But Rubin does not believe calls on Trump to resign will arrive, despite the growing number of voices raising concerns about his mental health, she wrote.

Among those voices are George Conway, the conservative anti-Trump attorney who called Trump's claim that AI was responsible for images of Harris' crowds "beyond question, delusional."

Jeffrey Goldberg, editor in chief of the Atlantic, said last month Trump's rants call into question, "not only his fitness for office but his basic cognitive abilities."

Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Inquirer described the AI claim as "maybe the most bat-guano crazy thing I've seen in 40 years of covering presidential elections."

Rubin calls out news outlet Axios' coverage of the same claim that included the comment that "Trump's advisers and allies worry he's spending so much time in an alternative reality that it's undermining his real-world campaign."

She retorted, "How about asking hard questions about how a party can stand behind someone in an alternative reality?"

But Rubin also heaped praise on a political group that she argues has the power to deliver the message the Republican Party and mainstream media have not.

"Voters — at least Democrats, Democratic-leaning independents and "Never Trump" Republicans — have decided to engage in politics in a big way," Rubin wrote. "The sense of ennui and fatalism has lifted. The prospect of putting Trump in the rear view mirror has invigorated the electorate."

Rubin further argued voters have successfully shot down a prevalent misconception about the former president: that he has enormous power over them.

"In fact, he is weak, resorting to increasingly ludicrous lies," Rubin concluded. That is the power of democracy. Those looking for someone to save us from the authoritarian threat have found that power in themselves."

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Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    7 months ago

The Republicans keep hoping Trump will change. 

The only change he will make is to get worse. 

Professor Expert
2  CB    7 months ago

Donald (78 years old mothball) Trump is indeed living in another place where his lies are real (in his mind).

Professor Quiet
2.1  Ozzwald  replied to  CB @2    7 months ago
Donald (78 years old mothball) Trump is indeed living in another place where his lies are real (in his mind).

In a slight defense of this, age alone does not speak of his ability or not.  However simply listening to any of his speeches clearly shows that he exists on an entirely different reality from the rest of us.

Professor Principal
2.1.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1    7 months ago

I think it has been shown pretty conclusively that Trump is a malignant narcissist, which is a form of mental illness. That is indeed why he wont be "changing" in a way that will make Republicans happy. 

Professor Expert
2.1.2  CB  replied to  Ozzwald @2.1    7 months ago

You are absolutely correct and thank you for giving me the opportunity to clarify. That I am not remarking on Donald's age in and of itself when I pick at him: I am mocking "the mocker" that he is to other people all the time. He literally tried to take credit for 'drumming' Biden out of the presidential race over his age/seniority/acumen related to aging. Subsequently, after leaving the race-Donald is the old 'fart' in the race and should be remarked on as such!

Professor Quiet
2.1.3  Ozzwald  replied to  CB @2.1.2    7 months ago
Subsequently, after leaving the race-Donald is the old 'fart' in the race and should be remarked on as such!

Genius!  Using their own standards against them!!!  jrSmiley_81_smiley_image.gif

Professor Expert
3  Krishna    7 months ago

I would imagine most Democrats hope Trump remains the candidate (because he is one of the easiest to beat in the upcoming election).

Professor Expert
4  Nerm_L    7 months ago

So, now Democrats are expecting Republicans to remove Trump for them.

What happened to Jack Smith?  What happened to Fani Willis?  What happened to Alvin Bragg?  What happened to Letitia James?  What happened to Democrats' efforts to remove Trump from ballots around the country?

Don't be surprised if JD Vance could become a winning candidate that Kamala Harris would struggle to beat.  Vance is younger, more energetic, and has a better message.  Donald Trump ain't Democrats biggest problem.  Removing Trump as a candidate could backfire.

Professor Principal
4.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Nerm_L @4    7 months ago

Trump should be removed not so that Harris can win more easily but because he is entirely not fit to hold office. 

Its amazing that so many conservatives cannot understand that. 

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
4.1.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1    7 months ago
Trump should be removed not so that Harris can win more easily but because he is entirely not fit to hold office. 

What is the process for that?

Professor Expert
4.1.2  Nerm_L  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1    7 months ago
Trump should be removed not so that Harris can win more easily but because he is entirely not fit to hold office.  Its amazing that so many conservatives cannot understand that. 

Maybe Nancy Pelosi could have a 'come to Jesus' moment with Trump.  Seemed to work for Democrats' unfit candidate.

Don't be surprised if Trump becomes even more shock-jock outrageous.  And it'll work because people have become conditioned to pay attention to clickbait.

Professor Principal
4.1.3  TᵢG  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @4.1.1    7 months ago

The RNC would convene and select an alternate nominee.   This would be extremely difficult to pull off but it is doable.   The problem really is the states.   Ballots are in the process of being produced and it is likely too late to change the name from Trump to someone else.

I think the GOP is stuck with Trump.    And given the current dysfunction of the GOP (so many supporting a scoundrel) I doubt they would pick a good replacement since they would clearly look for someone who was a big supporter of Trump.

Ultimately, the best thing for the GOP is to lose in a grand fashion in 2024.   The faster they get to hitting rock bottom, the sooner they will have the means to reform the GOP into a rational party.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
5  Sparty On    7 months ago

Yes, we should follow in our friends on the lefts footsteps and take a complete shit on our representative democracy.    Trust in your friendly bureaucratic politburo  to pick the best choice for you comrades.    They wouldn’t steer you wrong ….


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