Destiny Debates Jan 6th
There is a popular You Tube personality named "Destiny" (real name is Steven something). For a few years now he has made his reputation , and a lot of money, "debating various people on his show and on other peoples shows. Although I have seen bits and pieces of him, I never watched it at any length until the last couple of weeks , starting when one of his shows came up in my You Tube feed. It seems that Destiny has taken his well known confrontational style to a new level, and pretty much over one topic, the insurrection of Jan 6th and what led up to it.
So now I have looked at two or three of these "debates" and it always comes down to one thing - the conservatives that he debates dont know what the fuck they are talking about. And when I say they dont know, I mean that literally.
start at 1:00 minute mark
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you can watch just the introduction of this one and get the flavor of it
Ok...this beef cake is a moron. Too many steroids rot the brain. He admits that he doesn't pay attention to what's going on.
I know people are not going to watch it, but this goes on for a long time. I think this dude is an ex MMA fighter. He must have taken too many kicks to the head.