Loomer Threatens to 'Expose' MTG Over 'Racist' Call Out
By: Mediaite

Far-right MAGA activist Laura Loomer threatened to "expose" Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) after the pro-Trump lawmaker called out her "racist" social media post attacking Vice President Kamala Harris's Indian heritage.
The spat started on Wednesday, after Loomer posted to X that if Harris wins the White House would "smell like curry" and calls facilitated by "call center" - invoking cultural stereotypes. The posting came the same day she appeared alongside former President Donald Trump during 9/11 memorial events in New York.
If @KamalaHarris wins, the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center and the American people will only be able to convey their feedback through a customer satisfaction survey at the end of the call that nobody will understand. https://t.co/EebUiKKxVw
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) September 8, 2024
Greene, who had previously voiced criticism of Loomer's growing proximity to the Trump campaign's inner circle, slammed the activist's Wednesday post on X as "appalling and extremely racist."
This is appalling and extremely racist. It does not represent who we are as Republicans or MAGA.
This does not represent President Trump.
This type of behavior should not be tolerated ever. @LauraLoomer should take this down. https://t.co/z9s5fZlgQi
— Marjorie Taylor Greene (@mtgreenee) September 11, 2024
In response, Loomer unleashed a multi-post and lengthy rant on X, firstly defending her original attack on Harris and attacks on Greene's family life and professional record, calling her a "raging anti-semite" and "trailer trash harpy."
Once again, @mtgreenee who is extremely jealous and vindictive over the fact that she wasn't successful in turning Donald Trump against me is now behaving like a leftist and accusing me of being "racist".
Kamala Harris is on video calling herself Indian and saying she Cooks with… https://t.co/5uLJazc1Jh
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) September 11, 2024
As her tirade against Greene continued, Loomer accused the Republican congresswoman of commonly using racist language herself.
"Speaking of racism, one of your former staffers told me you have a favorite word that starts with N," she wrote.
Loomer also accused Greene of using campaign funds to organize meetings between rapper Kanye West and white supremacist Nick Fuentes as well as abandoning January 6th rioters to "rot" in prison and infidelity.
As Loomer's rage peaked late Wednesday she then called on political operatives - "Republican or Democrat" - to contact her for "free" opposition research on the lawmaker.
I hope anyone is successful in removing MTG from office.
Republican or Democrat.
DM me for free oppo on MTG.
I'll give it to any of her opponents for free. https://t.co/TYlq4Nrzhz
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) September 12, 2024
Greene resisted hitting back at Loomer directly, but did post to clear up their history of having been friends since 2018. The lawmaker said that she had supported and defended Loomer on many occasions during that time.
In response to Loomer's tirade and accusations, Greene wrote: "She breaks a few good stories here and there but there are many others she embellishes or flat out lies. However her attacks have no bearing on me, nor I am concerned with what she says. As a matter of fact, outside of a bubble on this platform, most regular people don't know who she is."
She added: "But when it comes to posts that are flat out racist, hateful, and make President Trump look bad, she needs to be responsible and delete them."
Little bit of a history lesson for a few of you.
Laura and I used to be friends going back to 2018. I used to defend her and support her like in this post here.
I endorsed her first run for congress, donated to her, and fundraised for her and then she lost.
Then when she ran… pic.twitter.com/VLuAqVSlP1
— Marjorie Taylor Greene (@mtgreenee) September 12, 2024
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Tags:Donald TrumpLaura LoomerMarjorie Taylor Greene Previous Post Previous Post Load Comments

Loomer must have coached Trump up for the debate on the plane ride over.
Loomer also had some sexual reference to Greene on twitter. I remember something about Greene spreading her legs for anyone.
Just call them The Real Housewives of Trumplandia.
That's a good one
Hiss 'n Meow! Alas neither of these 'catty ladies' is attractive enough to purr-duce anything other than sneers.
How ironic. Two racist loons searching for words to make the other more racist than she is
This should boil down to whose pussy Donnie grabbed more often during the Great Bitchy War.
Loomer was on Trump Force One...it's probably her
Oh...leave the Twat Twins alone. Maybe they'll eat each other alive
Lauren Boebert is seething with jealousy.
Let's hope she throws herself in there then we will have the Twat Triplets
Trump's entourage is always a freak show. But inviting Laura Loomer to the debate and then bringing her there with him on Trump Force One? Maybe she was Melania's stand in.
I can remember the past, a bit. There was a time in this country if a presidential candidate brought a known racist with him to one of his debates , including flying there with him on his private plane, it would have been front page news in every newspaper, and his campaign might be over. The good old days.