
Michael Flynn says 'gates of hell' will be unleashed under Trump in response to execution question

Via:  John Russell  •  5 hours ago  •  32 comments

By:   MSNBC (MSNBC. com)

Michael Flynn says 'gates of hell' will be unleashed under Trump in response to execution question
Michael Flynn, who served as national security adviser in the Trump administration, let his fascist flag fly at a Christian nationalist event Friday.

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S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Oct. 14, 2024, 10:37 PM UTC

By Ja'han Jones

Michael Flynn, who served as national security adviser in the Trump administration, let his fascist flag fly at a Christian nationalist event Friday.

In a video recorded at the Rod of Iron Freedom Festival in northeastern Pennsylvania, Flynn responded to an attendee's question about military tribunals and potential executions of Donald Trump's perceived adversaries if Trump returns to the White House. The former president has vowed that Flynn, whom Trump pardoned after the retired Army lieutenant general pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, would serve in his administration if he's elected this fall.

The attendee asked:

Is there any chance that, should the election go in a positive result, you would get your rank reinstated and sit at the head of a military tribunal to not only drain the swamp but imprison the swamp — and, on a few occasions, execute the swamp?

The man's remark was met with applause from this apparently bloodthirsty crowd. And you can hear in Flynn's response that he's hesitant about offering a full-throated public endorsement of this idea. But he walked right up to the line.

"What your sentiment is about is accountability," said Flynn, adding that the Founding Fathers had a similar priority.

"I definitely believe we need accountability," he said.

"Your question went into some other areas," Flynn added with a laugh, before concluding: "I think a lot of people actually think like you do, and I think that that's your right and our privilege. ... There's a way to get after this, but we have to win first."

Flynn's closing remarks offered a frightening window into the havoc he intends to wreak if Trump wins:

I'm about winning. We have to win. And these people are already up to no good. So, we gotta win first. We win, and then, "Katy, bar the door." OK? Believe me: The gates of hell — my hell — will be unleashed.

As my MSNBC colleague Steve Benen just explained, Trump is now openly floating the idea of deploying the military against his critics if he's elected. It's easy to imagine Flynn being part of that violent plan.


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Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    5 hours ago

therickwilson.substack.com   /p/were-trumps-enemy-within

We're Trump's Enemy Within

Rick Wilson 6-7 minutes   10/15/2024

I am an enemy of Donald Trump.

You, dear reader, are an enemy of Donald Trump.

Anyone, anywhere, who has ever uttered a critical word to him is an enemy.

The old order, the law, the Constitution, and the media—even the flattering, oh-so-careful media—are enemies.

His promises to destroy his enemies are literal, tangible, and coming faster than you think.

We are told over and over again to take Trump seriously, but not literally. We are told he’s a showman and a campaigner, not a frank and utter fascist. For Trump’s most fervent supporters, that wink-and-nod is fading from view as they embrace an increasingly violent and dangerous vision of America that will inevitably and inalterably lead us down a road from which there is no return.

Donald Trump’s enemies list is long, and the consequences of his re-election would be the end of the American constitutional order and the death of the Republic. See, media, was that so hard?

I’ve been on the list for a while, and the threats of death and violence against me and my loved ones never stop. The lies and slanders never stop. I get it. It’s part of the bargain when you stand up to evil.

This weekend, I asked a different question than usual, “Will we win or lose?” The question shook me: I was asked how long I’d stay alive after Trump is sworn in next year. My interlocutor meant well and asked the question with no ill intent.

But it struck me hard.

Legal and legislative torture and lawfare? Hell, I’m already there in the Endless Flynn Lawsuit. (Yes, kids, still.) In 2020, Trump demanded Bill Barr investigate the Lincoln Project, a bridge too far even for the notorious Barr

https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_848,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fedf27587-7abe-497a-8225-f471286e6923_1100x619.jpeg 848w, 1272w, 1456w" sizes="100vw" > https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fedf27587-7abe-497a-8225-f471286e6923_1100x619.jpeghttps://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_848,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fedf27587-7abe-497a-8225-f471286e6923_1100x619.jpeg 848w, 1272w, 1456w" sizes="100vw" >


That will change if he retakes the Office of the President.

What Trump is doing every single day on the campaign trail is priming his followers for violence not only as a tactic but as an outcome. Imagine for a moment that Trump — trusting his cozy blanket of universal immunity — decides to act out his authoritarian desires.

His people will enable and implement it with greater intent and skill than before.

The signs are all around us.

This weekend, at an event called the  “Rod of Iron”  — former Trump National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, who was convicted of lying to the FBI and later pardoned by Trump, was asked, “Is there any chance that, should the election go in a positive result, you would get your rank reinstated and sit at the head of a military tribunal to not only drain the swamp but imprison the swamp — and, on a few occasions, execute the swamp?”

“What your sentiment is about is accountability,” Flynn replied. “I definitely believe we need accountability…Your question went into some other areas. I think a lot of people actually think like you do, and I think that that’s your right and our privilege. ... There’s a way to get after this, but we have to win first. I’m about winning. We have to win. And these people are already up to no good. So, we gotta win first. We win, and then, ‘Katie, bar the door.’ OK? Believe me: The gates of hell — my hell — will be unleashed.”

“Execute the swamp.”

Stop pretending what they’re telling you isn’t what they intend.

He has promised to be a  dictator on day one . He has  vowed to terminate the Constitution . His promised “Operation Aurora” will use the 1798 Alien Enemies Act as the enabling power of his mass deportation plan…the same act that led to the internment of Japanese Americans in World War II.

In the event you have convinced yourself through some combination of heavy drinking, huffing industrial solvents, and striking yourself repeatedly on the forehead with a ball hammer that Trump is somehow still a regular candidate inside the bounds of America’s great traditional political discourse, I offer the following caution. I mean this with love: wake the fuck up.

Donald Trump‘s statements about the enemies within, using the military to pursue, arrest, and punish his opponents, are so far outside of the acceptable bounds I feel shocked I have to write this while it appears on page A14.

We are all Trump’s enemies…he just hasn’t gotten around to declaring it yet.

A final appeal to conservatives

Trump is a genuinely post-constitutional candidate and would, of course, be a post-has been a corrosive and vile aspect in a portfolio of corrosive and vile actions and beliefs he mainstreamed into American political culture.

There is no conceivable excuse at this point for anyone calling themselves a conservative, much less of the constitutional variety, to treat these egregious and repulsive statements as allowable. You are not required as a conservative to embrace the promises of autocracy. You are called to reject them wholly.

The imaginary fear of some hypothetical scourge is no longer a pretense you can hold up with any degree of credibility. There is no sweeping threat of Marxism outside of a handful of academic weirdos. There is no genuine threat to the fabric of American culture because a few people cross-dress. America’s role in the world, economic liberty, Constitutional order, and the rule of law are the enablers of freedom.

Trump is the sworn enemy of all those things.

Donald Trump isn’t the savior of conservatism. He is his executioner.

He is not simply flawed but dangerously so, and the handful of you who continue the pretense of supporting Trump for his “policies” recognize that lie at this point.

When you hear the stirrings around Trump of the people eagerly salivating to see his vision of martial law, extra-constitutional trials, arrests, and executions made manifest, how does that fit in your vision of conservatism?

Even if you believe that his rhetoric is just for show, tell me how moving the Overton window on using the power of the state to arrest political opponents and the rest of his post-Constittual madness can be wedged into Kirk and Burke and Buckley.

Professor Principal
2  seeder  JohnRussell    5 hours ago
This weekend, at an event called the    “Rod of Iron”    — former Trump National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, who was convicted of lying to the FBI and later pardoned by Trump, was asked, “Is there any chance that, should the election go in a positive result, you would get your rank reinstated and sit at the head of a military tribunal to not only drain the swamp but imprison the swamp — and, on a few occasions, execute the swamp?”
“What your sentiment is about is accountability,” Flynn replied. “I definitely believe we need accountability…Your question went into some other areas. I think a lot of people actually think like you do, and I think that that’s your right and our privilege. ... There’s a way to get after this, but we have to win first. I’m about winning. We have to win. And these people are already up to no good. So, we gotta win first. We win, and then, ‘Katie, bar the door.’ OK? Believe me: The gates of hell — my hell — will be unleashed.” “Execute the swamp.”

Why hasnt Trump been publicly asked about this yet?  

Last year Trump said he would bring Flynn back.   "Trump, on the line, says to Flynn, “You just have to stay healthy because we’re bringing you back. We’re going to bring you back.”   Trump tells former adviser Michael Flynn: 'We’re going to bring you back' | AP News

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  JohnRussell @2    5 hours ago
“I definitely believe we need accountability…Y

That's not accountability. It's revenge.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3  Trout Giggles    5 hours ago

The Constitution does not allow US citizens to be tried by military tribunals and then summarily executed. He thinks he can do it but there are patriotic people in this country....many with guns....who won't stand by and let that happen. Wanna open the gates of hell? I got the key

Junior Expert
3.1  George  replied to  Trout Giggles @3    5 hours ago

He can go full Obama and just execute them without any court case, military or civilian.

Professor Guide
3.1.1  evilone  replied to  George @3.1    4 hours ago
He can go full Obama and just execute them without any court case, military or civilian.

If they are on the field of battle working with known enemy combatants they may get away with it. Not sure that would happen if they were walking down Main St, USA.

I dare the MAGA Brownshirts to start rounding up cute white upper middle class collage women for protesting. 

Junior Expert
3.1.2  George  replied to  evilone @3.1.1    4 hours ago

None of the Americans that Obama killed were on a battlefield, they were executed by drone strike. No due process of any kind.

 Not sure that would happen if they were walking down Main St, USA.

Holder does not rule out drone strike scenario in U.S.

Holder does not rule out drone strike scenario in U.S. | CNN Politics
Professor Guide
3.1.3  evilone  replied to  George @3.1.2    3 hours ago
None of the Americans that Obama killed were on a battlefield, they were executed by drone strike.

They weren't on US soil. The government, long before Obama, has considered all military aged males in a strike zone as combatants.

No due process of any kind.

The ACLU filed a law suit, but the court dismissed it in April 2014.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1.4  Trout Giggles  replied to  evilone @3.1.3    3 hours ago

Weren't they terrorists who sided with the enemy? I bet if Bush or trmp had sent a drone after them George would have no problem with it. I won't be reading George's reply to my comment

Professor Guide
3.1.5  evilone  replied to  Trout Giggles @3.1.4    3 hours ago
Weren't they terrorists who sided with the enemy?

Does that mean they shouldn't have due process? There are ideals and realities at odds here and arguments to be made on both sides of this issue. One has to think, in the context of the posted article, what constitutes a terrorist?

I've always held the aftermath of 9/11 should have been a law enforcement response, not a military one, but Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld had a hard on for Iran and thought this was the way to squeeze them and put a real foothold in the ME. 

Junior Expert
3.1.6  George  replied to  evilone @3.1.3    3 hours ago
The ACLU filed a law suit, but the court dismissed it in April 2014.

Meaningless, they didn't have standing that is why it was dismissed not on merit., and we did NOT have military operations in YEMEN where the drone strikes took place. It's not like it was Afghanistan or Iraq, Defending the indefensible when it comes to Obama is never going to cease. 

Junior Expert
3.1.7  George  replied to  Trout Giggles @3.1.4    3 hours ago
Weren't they terrorists who sided with the enemy?

Who told you that? the same people who murdered them? 

Professor Guide
3.1.8  evilone  replied to  George @3.1.6    2 hours ago
they didn't have standing that is why it was dismissed not on merit.,

So no one else thought it was worth their time?

Defending the indefensible when it comes to Obama is never going to cease. 

Where do I defend Obama? I actually agreed with the ACLU as you can read @3.1.4.

You seem to be preoccupied with something that happened a decade ago to distract from a similar ideal being spoken now.

I'm curious, Is it worse when someone with a D after their name does it to a self avowed terrorist, than when someone with an R after their name threatens political rivals with a terrorist label and military response?

Junior Expert
3.1.9  George  replied to  evilone @3.1.8    2 hours ago

I guess we will find out how outraged I will be if someone with an R after their name murders American citizens without due process like the D did.

Not preoccupied just amused by the hypocrisy of the outrage over words when it was missing when a D actually did it.

Professor Guide
3.2  evilone  replied to  Trout Giggles @3    4 hours ago

He didn't say he would, or could, though he didn't correct the questioner on it either. There are not enough people in the US that would side with the real MAGA fascists if it came to it. They would be grossly outnumbered and many of those they count as 'faithful' would turn on them as soon as shit got real.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
4  Sparty On    4 hours ago

Baba Yaga ……. Scary!

Sparty On
Professor Principal
5  Sparty On    4 hours ago

This article = how to scare triggered soy boys and girls 101.

Professor Principal
5.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @5    4 hours ago

Now that this has gotten into the news dont you think Trump should denounce his "friend" ? 

Sparty On
Professor Principal
5.1.1  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @5.1    4 hours ago

Is Harris going denounce comments made by “friends” who support her, that are perceived as negative?

Professor Principal
5.1.2  Hallux  replied to  Sparty On @5.1.1    4 hours ago

I'm impressed, just like Vance you answer a question by asking one, you both do squirrels proud.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
5.1.3  Sparty On  replied to  Hallux @5.1.2    4 hours ago

Hey man, I’m doing the best impression of a liberal here that I can.    Thx for the feedback though ….. very helpful

Professor Principal
5.1.4  Hallux  replied to  Sparty On @5.1.3    3 hours ago
I’m doing the best impression of a liberal here that I can.

Sure you want to do that, liberals wear suits made of invisible gold. To complete the picture bring your own tape measure and be sure it is also invisible or we won't believe you.

Professor Principal
6  seeder  JohnRussell    4 hours ago


Junior Expert
7  George    4 hours ago

After murdering 4 Americans with Drone strikes and holder saying Obama could use them on US soil the left is outraged by a non-statement like this< Holder was the fucking attorney general. Holder does not rule out drone strike scenario in U.S. | CNN Politics

Professor Principal
8  seeder  JohnRussell    3 hours ago

www.cnn.com   /2024/10/15/politics/harris-trump-unhinged-analysis/index.html

Analysis: Harris warns ‘unhinged’ Trump is out for total power | CNN Politics

Stephen Collinson 9-11 minutes   10/14/2024

CNN    — 

Kamala Harris is   responding to Democratic panic   about her White House prospects by turning up the heat on Donald Trump.

The vice president warned Monday that the ex-president was “unstable,” “unhinged” and out for “unchecked power” as she sent a jolt of urgency though her campaign with  21 days to go .

“Watch his rallies. Listen to his words. He tells us who he is, and he tells us what he would do if he is elected president,” Harris told a large crowd in Pennsylvania after a weekend when Trump’s authoritarian rhetoric reached chilling new levels and hinted at the extreme nature of his potential second term.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, meanwhile, went even further, suggesting the ex-president’s musings about using the military against domestic foes he branded   “the enemy from within”   could even amount to treason.

Harris and her team also aggressively questioned Trump’s mental fitness and his capacity to serve another term, turning the tables on the Republican nominee who for months leveled similar charges at President Joe Biden.

In another effort by Harris to ease concerns about her apparently stalled momentum, she announced   a major new initiative   to court Black male voters amid anxiety that Trump is making inroads into a critical Democratic support base or that they simply won’t turn out.

And in a new ad campaign in swing state Arizona, Harris made fresh attempts to win over Republicans alienated by the ex-president’s behavior but who have yet to make what is for many a wrenching decision to cross party lines. To that end, Harris also announced that she’d sit down for her first formal interview with Fox News, dropping her earlier reticence over unscripted events to create a contrast with Trump, who rarely leaves the conservative media bubble.

Harris’ new efforts to dictate the pace of the election’s endgame came as both candidates campaigned in opposite corners of Pennsylvania. The commonwealth’s 19 electoral votes could well decide who wins the White House and, like a handful of other battlegrounds, it’s a toss-up according to latest polls.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
9  Just Jim NC TttH    3 hours ago

Here we go again with the "he wants to take over the country and ruin democracy" bullshit. Just like the J6 happenings, IT CAN'T BE DONE FFS

Professor Principal
9.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @9    3 hours ago

Your argument on behalf of Trump is that he cant do what he says he is going to do, and anyway, he's joking.

To hell with this clown.  

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
9.1.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @9.1    3 hours ago
what he says he is going to do, and anyway, he's joking.

He's delusional FFS when it comes to stupid shit like that. You should know that by now.

Professor Principal
9.1.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @9.1.1    3 hours ago
He's delusional

obviously not presidential material

Professor Guide
9.2  evilone  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @9    3 hours ago

I agree, but that shouldn't mean he should be trusted with power OR that he can't be criticized for the bullshit that comes out of his pie hole.

Professor Principal
10  seeder  JohnRussell    3 hours ago

Trump told an interviewer at an economic conference in Chicago today that 2021 was a peaceful transfer of power. 

Professor Principal
11  seeder  JohnRussell    3 hours ago



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