Tucker Carlson Likens Trump to a 'Daddy' Ready for Spankings
By: Mediaite

start video at :40 second mark

Tucker Carlson compared former President Donald Trump to an angry father who will soon return home to offer his misbehaving children a "vigorous spanking" at a Turing Point USA event in Georgia.
During Carlson's call to young voters to cast ballots for the 2024 GOP nominee in two weeks, the former CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC host explained Trump would bring a sense of discipline to the country in a second term.
As Carlson portrayed Trump as the father of the American family, he said the former president would have to dole out some spankings - specifically to those who had been a "bad little girl" in his absence over the last four years.
"If you allow your two-year-old to smear the contents of his diapers on the wall of your living room, and you do nothing about it, if you allow your 14-year-old to light a joint at the breakfast table, if you allow your hormone-addled 15-year-old daughter to, like, slam the door of her bedroom and give you the finger, you're gonna get more of it," Carlson said. He continued:
And those kids are gonna wind up in rehab. It's not good for you and it's not good for them. No! There has to be a point at which Dad comes home. Yeah, that's right. Dad comes home, and he's pissed. Dad is pissed. He's not vengeful. He loves his children, disobedient as they may be, he loves them because they're his children. They live in his house. But he's very disappointed in their behavior and he's going to have to let them know.
"Get to your room right now and think about what you did!" And when Dad gets home, you know what he says? "You've been a bad girl. You've been a bad little girl and you're getting a vigorous spanking right now. And no, it's not going to hurt me more than it hurts you. No, it's not. I'm not going to lie. This is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me. And you earned this. You're getting a vigorous spanking because you've been a bad girl."

This is one of the more crazy ass psychotic things you will see during this election.
Better make sure his diaper is not full before that 1st whack.
An analogy?
Was Tucker sexually aroused talking about spanking 15 year old girls ?
Why does he think only dads dole out the discipline? My mother was the disciplinarian in my house.
Because Trump is a man (theoretically).
I thought the most striking thing about this clip was the level of Carlson's emotional intensity, particularly when he got to the part about spanking girls. It is incredibly weird. Also disconcerting was all the young men in the audience cheering out of their minds for this crap.
It has come to light in recent weeks that the Trump campaign is focusing on young males "disaffections". The whole scene was kind of disturbing.
says who?
Yeah, the part about spanking girls smacks of pedophilia. But I've always had my doubts about Tucker Carlson
The nicest thing you could say about Carlson is that he has a forceful personality.
It is also a depraved and malignant personality.
JR did.
I'm not sure if I should respond or hope it slips off the front page?
What are your thoughts about Carlson getting enthusiastic about spanking teenage girls, at a Trump rally where the audience went out of their minds cheering this psychopathic man.
I didn't get that.
What I got was a solid response to wokeness.
Those are John's words....verbatim
Show us where he said "only dads do the disciplining?'
OMG, Vic. Did you even read the article?
It wasn't much of an article, only a few sentences and a truncated paragraph, but yes, I read it.
Can you show us where Carlson said only dads do the disciplining?
Point out to me where he mentions Mom
As I was first reading this story, the metaphor was pretty clear (juvenile but clear), but I fully expected the spankee to be a boy for some reason. When he delved into the “bad girl” part it just got weird and a little sickening. If you’re going to make up such a moronic metaphor why would you use a “bad girl” to symbolize the American population? I think this guy has some kinks and someone ought to check his search history.