Trump Aide: Mike Rogers Won't Be FBI Director Amid MAGA Fury
By: Alex Griffing Load Comments (Mediaite)

Alex GriffingNov 22nd, 2024, 4:46 pm Twitter share button
AP Photo/Matt Freed
Former Republican Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), who narrowly lost a bid for the Senate this month, is not being considered by President-elect Donald Trump to lead the FBI, according to a top aide.
"Just spoke to President Trump regarding Mike Rogers going to the FBI. It's not happening — In his own words, 'I have never even given it a thought.' Not happening," incoming White House Deputy Chief of Staff Dan Scavino posted on X.
Rogers, a former FBI agent, was promoted on Fox News earlier in the day as a possible pick to lead the FBI. He told Fox & Friends that "the culture of the FBI on the seventh floor needs to be changed." CNN also reported that Rogers was Trump's likely choice, which led to a backlash online in MAGA circles.
CNN's Kaitlan Collins noted on X after Scavino's tweet, "Mike Rogers was indeed seen at Mar-a-Lago in recent days, but amid pushback from the MAGA-wing, Scavino says he won't become FBI director."
Mike Rogers was indeed seen at Mar-a-Lago in recent days, but amid pushback from the MAGA-wing, Scavino says he won't become FBI director.
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) November 22, 2024
Rogers received a lashing on X as MAGA world accused him of being part of the "deep state" and claimed former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe , a lifelong Republican turned MAGA enemy, had endorsed him.
Rogers took to social media to hit back, writing, "This is FAKE NEWS. Not only has he not endorsed me, I would completely and TOTALLY REJECT his endorsement. McCabe abused FISA to spy on Americans and perpetuated the fake Steele Dossier. McCabe represents all the political FBI lawyers who wrongly politicized and weaponized the FBI. IT'S DISGRACEFUL AND UN-AMERICAN."
This is FAKE NEWS. Not only has he not endorsed me, I would completely and TOTALLY REJECT his endorsement. McCabe abused FISA to spy on Americans and perpetuated the fake Steele Dossier. McCabe represents all the political FBI lawyers who wrongly politicized and weaponized the…
— Mike Rogers (@MikeRogersForMI) November 22, 2024
With Rogers out of the running for FBI director, many pundits and observers see Trump loyalist Kash Patel as a top choice for Trump, despite having threatened to use the government to seek revenge against Trump's critics.
Below is some of the criticism leveled at Rogers from MAGA:
Murdoch's Running Dog Kilmeade Pitches Deep State Never Trumper Rogers for FBI
— Grace Chong , MBI (@gc22gc) November 22, 2024
.@JackPosobiec on Andrew McCabe endorsing Mike Rogers for FBI Director: "That's a kiss of death."
— Human Events (@HumanEvents) November 22, 2024
For nearly a decade, the FBI and intel agencies have been weaponized against Trump.
Now malevolent forces are pushing to put Mike Rogers in charge of the FBI — a man who championed the same programs abused to target Trump.
Rogers is bad news and will be an enemy of transparency…
— ALX (@alx) November 22, 2024
Here is Mike Rogers declaring his full support for FISA wiretapping
He also says he wishes the Intel Community didn't need a warrant
People want him as FBI Director
Be a shame if this went
— Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) November 19, 2024
Rogers is also a member of the Aspen Cybersecurity Institute. The Aspen Institute is a left-wing think-tank that has hosted events with "antiracist" activist Ibram X. Kendi.
Read more from @evannatta1776 here:
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 22, 2024

This is pretty funny, MAGA is canceling out a potential nominee because an "enemy of the state" (McCabe) said something quasi-complimentary about him. Rogers has backed Trump at virtually every turn over the years but that is not good enough. Kash Patel has no chance of gaining confirmation.
You got the wrecking part right. Kash Patel would set American law enforcement and justice back 50 years. Or 100.
Why do you think that?
Because I read up on him.
Did you now? Well then please share your thoughts as to why you think he..
Patel is at the forefront of 2020 election deniers and has other lunatic ideas for revenge. There will be more than four Republican senators that dont want him leading the FBI.
His confirmation hearing would get ugly in a hurry.
It's a good thing we don't have to worry about someone as moderate as Bill Barr anymore....
Barr supported Trump in the 2024 election.
Yep, so did a majority of Americans....
Not because he liked trump, he only supported trump because he felt trump would do less damage to the country than the radical democrats.
So what? Over 90% of DC usually votes Democrat. Not even Democrat strongholds like Michigans Wayne County (Detroit) are close to that.
The swamp needs a good douching.
Better get used to it.
Kash Patel co-wrote the FISA memo published by Nunes that exposed the lies the FBI and Democrats were telling Americans. The MSM and Adam Schiff called the memo a lie and a conspiracy theory. THe memo was validated and Schiff exposed as a liar by the subsequent IG report.
Dems, of course, say Patel is too extreme and supported Schiff for Senate. That about sums up the approach of the Democrats towards facts and reality.
It’s unamerican and fascist to undermine democrat lies.
Funny indeed. Taking it out on the most loyal based on divided conspiracy theories amongst the most extreme.