The dumbing of the American society is now complete, and the 2024 election is the result. I’m ashamed to be an American, and I’m more ashamed of the gullibility of the duped masses who voted for Trump and his ilk.
I don't think the "masses", as you condescendingly dismiss them, were duped at all. A diverse majority of all Americans simply realized the radical left extremists don't gave a shit about them or their concerns and voted accordingly. For most people, it's the dawning of better days for America, and ALL its people.
Incorrect. A minority of Americans voted, less than 50% of the total population of approximately 355 million. About 245 million Americans were eligible to vote in 2024, and out of that group approximately 64% voted, or about 156 million people. Trump received something under 50% of the votes cast (about 77 million), therefore, less than 25% of the American people voted for Trump. Hardly a "majority of Americans".
How was Thanksgiving?
And it was great!
JD Vance himself posted this abomination
It is funny because it is true
Vance is Trump's wife ?
That's what you got out of it?
I don't think the "masses", as you condescendingly dismiss them, were duped at all. A diverse majority of all Americans simply realized the radical left extremists don't gave a shit about them or their concerns and voted accordingly. For most people, it's the dawning of better days for America, and ALL its people.
should have left it at that and called it a day
cause defending what MtG has to say
on about 'anything', let alone changing the name of a celebrated American Holiday,
to something honoring the criminal cult adult conduct mischiever, blatant 'truth' sending deceiver,
so ;/'liberals' are on the end of and the recipients of the 'fck u' to decency as they are the receiver,
of too hard to believer, that which a Cult leader could achiever,
when the malleable minions are unable to or have not the onions to admit they have con seed it,
to a loser who won , and or not none, of our founders would have believed it,
for they never envisioned a country so damn arrogantly ignorant,
that they would honor a damn moral and ethical debacle of an indecent maniacal miscreant,
here we are....
Yep, here you are.....
Do you believe Trump gives a shit about his supporters?
Incorrect. A minority of Americans voted, less than 50% of the total population of approximately 355 million. About 245 million Americans were eligible to vote in 2024, and out of that group approximately 64% voted, or about 156 million people. Trump received something under 50% of the votes cast (about 77 million), therefore, less than 25% of the American people voted for Trump. Hardly a "majority of Americans".
Just like Trump and his irrational, political rants on holidays.
With them, it's always the season of hate.
and who doesn't luv & wish to hate,
for the holidays