‘This is Sickening!’ MSNBC Host GOES OFF On Trump for Throwing Mar-a-Lago Bash Celebrating Ally Charged in Election Overthrow Plots
By: Joe DePaolo (Mediaite)

Joe DePaoloJan 5th, 2025, 3:01 pm Twitter share button
An MSNBC host excoriated President-elect Donald Trump over his Saturday night bash at Mar-a-Lago screening a film in support of a key ally who fought to overturn the 2020 election.
In a scathing commentary on MSNBC's The Weekend Sunday, Symone Sanders-Townsend completely denounced the event at which the film "The Eastman Dilemma: Lawfare or Justice" was shown. The movie was shown in honor of John Eastman — who is facing charges in both Georgia and Arizona in connection with alleged schemes to overturn the 2020 election.
"This is sickening!" Sanders-Townsend said. "This is sickening. I am sick. Peter Navarro, Jeffrey Clark, the people that went to the Capitol to take up arms against the United States government because the former President of the United States at the time lied to them, because that's what happened. Those people are not patriots.
She added, "What Donald Trump did last night is a disgrace to this country! It is a disgrace to the Constitution!"
Sanders went on to explain why she considered this event to be such a big deal.
"I do think it is not a small thing," She said. It wasn't just some party. They're letting you know where their values are, what they think, and frankly, that if the president elect was not successful in this last election, that they would have done it again."
Earlier in the segment, her colleague, Michael Steele, likewise ripped Trump.
"The audaciousness of it, just the in-your-face M-Fer, you know?!" Steele said. "Yeah, we're going to celebrate the overturning four years later of trying to overturn an election."
Watch above, via MSNBC.

I watched the trailer for this alleged "documentary" and it is pretty much fact free MAGA propaganda along the lines of "2000 Mules".
The media is standing around with their thumbs up their ass as Trump re-writes the history of the 2020 election aftermath.
It is, as far as I can tell, all doublespeak.
Eastman has admitted that his plan was at best extra-legal and probably would be found not-at-all legal if it had gotten as far as implementation. All this talk about lawfare is just about the government trying to hold accountable all of those involved in the months long conspiracy to defraud the government and the voters.
Near the end of the trailer Eastman is asked by a reporter "do you still think the election was stolen?" and he says "absolutely".
"This is sickening!" Sanders-Townsend said. "This is sickening. I am sick.
I hope she feels better soon. I have never seen someone so upset about a movie shown at a private party and then I read the word Trump and it was all clear.
Last night Trump told his cult following "Eastman was right".
Here is a passage from the Eastman memos
Yep, and Trump was wrong about him being right. It should be no surprise that different lawyers interpret things differently. Aren't there a couple dem lawyers interpreting that Trump did not have to be made president?
In his speech on Jan 6th Trump urged Pence to change his mind and follow the eastman memo, which a federal judge opined, in court, was illegal.
Trump and his cult are trying to rewrite history, and the media is letting them.
No worries, I'm sure history will get it right....
Why is Trump celebrating someone who is indicted for election interference in Arizona and is recommended to be disbarred ?
Gee, no one has tried doing that before.
Because it's his party and he can make others cry if he wants to.
That comment is idiotic.
So it's ok with you?
The party belongs to the American people, not trump.
In the long run, you are right... But both parties live in the here and now, sadly.
I assume you did not get the reference.
I don't care
The party at Mar Lago was the American people's?