By: kpr37 • islam • 5 comments • 8 years ago
Kaffir (n.) 1790, "infidel, " earlier and also caffre (1670s), from Arabic kafir "unbeliever, infidel, impious wretch," with a literal sense of "one who does not admit (the blessings of God)," from kafara "to cover up, conceal, deny, blot out."
The "K" word (Kafir) Signifies in a theocratic sense, one who...
Philistines, Jews, Herodotus and the "Palestine" Question ..."toafos of a re'em" ?
By: kpr37 • islam • 11 comments • 12 years ago
(From 1200 BC)
The bulk of the inscription deals with Merneptah's victory over the Libyans, but the last few lines shift to Canaan:[4] 1.The princes are prostrate, saying, "Peace!"
2.Not one is raising his head among the Nine Bows.
3.Now that Tehenu (Libya) has come to ruin, Hatti is pacified; The Canaan has been plundered into every sort of woe: Ashkalon has been overcome; Gezer has...
Western Cognitive Egocentrism discounts Islamic pride as motivating factor in Syrian beheading video
By: kpr37 • default • 1 comments • 12 years ago
Syrian Islamic Rebels Make Child Behead Prisoner The strong Cognitive Egocentrism "vibe", I've taken from the headline of a seeded article , at newsvine.Leads one to conclude that it was not an honor for the child, and it discounts the possible activities of a proud parent, suggesting his child's participation. The father or guardian, in this case may have had enough politic al , or...
The 64,000 dollar question -:- The 800 pound "guerrilla" in the room and the man made disaster
By: kpr37 • default • 3 comments • 12 years ago
The 64,000 dollar question-: Is from National review on line . Defence in the age of jihad. They have told us over and over that they are waging what they call a jihad . The policy of the current administration, and to a great extent the previous administration as well, has been to avoid such terminology One notable exception: Just before she stepped down as secretary of state, Hillary...
Rape, sharia law and the American left (Huff-Po) that supports it:- "If the doors of perception were cleansed"
By: kpr37 • default • 2 comments • 12 years ago
Some men were once willing toswim through a river of shit to find the truth. How about you? ................................................................................................................................ Can there be a more certain sign of the moral dyslexia that afflicts the far-left today? Abu Mansoor al-Amriki, American Jihadi In Somalia, Has Few Friends Left The...
Turkish elite seem to take perverse delight, as they descend in to an Islamist fit of intellectual madness
By: kpr37 • default • 9 comments • 12 years ago
Islamophobia must be recognized as a crime against humanity in the same fashion that Zionism , anti-Semitism and fascism should be, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan said yesterday. source hurriyet daily news After going all in with the anti-semitic card by suggesting "Zionism", or the right of the Jewish peoples to self determination on their historic homelands is a crime against...
The Nigerian jihad in historical perspective: Boko Haram and the Sokoto Caliphate
By: kpr37 • default • 3 comments • 12 years ago
The Islamization of Nigeria, a case study.(or more than you ever wanted to know about the Falani and Igbo people of Nigeria) The Fulani, were, and are, a nomadic people who have been influential throughout the history of North West Africa for over a thousand years. They were also responsible for introducing and spreading Islam over much of western Africa. The height of the Fulani empire...
Sky fairies, imaginary friends, flying spaghetti monsters, and why America needs them
By: kpr37 • default • 3 comments • 12 years ago
The Declaration of Independence: A Transcription IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of...